He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1578 Conquering Pokémon

the next day.

"Then we shall take our leave, Doctor~!"

Early in the morning, Xiaoguang pulled Xiaozhi to bid farewell to Dr. Yamanashi full of energy, and then set off in the direction of Changshou City in a hurry.

As for Mingyao... last night he set off on a trip alone.

When going out, the moment it hits the ground is a silky grass rolling.

The moment the body bounced up, the rare gray-white deer with horns was released again, straddling the latter.

Da da da ~! !

The vigorous and galloping figure of the latter quickly disappeared at the end of Zhensha Town.

Mingyao's operation obviously has been practiced for a long time, and he is very proficient.

"Ah... forgot to tell him."

It wasn't until Mingyao left that Dr. Yamanashi frowned.

This is not ancient times. The trainer's normal travel and adventure is actually not suitable for riding... Pokémon's riding is more likely to appear in a specific environment.

Such as races, marathons, etc.

But it's not an explicit prohibition, so you won't be arrested, so it's not a big problem.

As for Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang, they rested in the elf center for a night before going on the road.


Saying goodbye to Dr. Yamanashi, the two came to Route 202 east of Masa Town.

This is a lush jungle field, which is also a very suitable place for novice trainers, and the wild Pokémon living around are not too high in level.

Along the way, Xiaozhi also informed Xiaoguang of his identity as a supervisor.

"It's amazing... Is this an official?!"

Xiaoguang covered his mouth with a look of surprise.

This guy in front of me seems to be a very extraordinary person...

"So what about you, Xiaoguang, are you also going to challenge the gym and participate in the alliance meeting?"

Xiaozhi asked curiously.

However, Xiaoguang shook his head, clasped his palms tightly, and gazed into the distance with bright eyes, as if he was on a stage surrounded by countless audiences.

"My dream is to become a top-level coordination trainer like my mother! So the first stop is to win the first victory in the gorgeous competition in Changshou City~!"


Xiaoguang and Yuan Penguin pointed their fingers forward, and there seemed to be a shining phantom of the sun behind them, full of energy.

"So it's a beauty contest..."

Xiaozhi nodded, and unconsciously remembered the only gorgeous competition he had participated in in his mind.

At that time, he was still brushed off by Yushu...

Obviously, he was not inferior to the latter in the frontal battle, but the opponent skillfully used the blood bar mechanism of the gorgeous contest, and finally succeeded in defeating him.

Without that annoying blood bar mechanism, Xiaozhi would still be somewhat interested in participating in the gorgeous contest.

"So how many Pokémon do you have now? As far as I know, there seem to be two stages in the gorgeous contest, right?"

Xiaozhi asked.

The first round of the Gorgeous Contest is a personal performance stage, and the judges will score high or low to decide whether to pass.

The second round is a knockout match with other contestants, but the blood bar rules of the gorgeous contest are added.

Generally speaking, it is best for contestants to prepare two Pokémon to avoid being targeted in the second round.

"Uh, right now I only have one Pogaman, but it doesn't matter~!"


One person and one penguin patted their chests tacitly, and it seemed that the intimacy was already extremely high.

"Then, on the way to Changshou City, let's take in one more Pokémon."

So Xiaozhi suggested.

As a senior in the team, it is necessary to give good advice to newcomers.

I don't know how Shota is doing in the Carlos area now...

"Take Pokémon...!?"

Hearing this suggestion, Xiaoguang's eyes were fiery, and his expression became expectant looking at Xiaozhi.

Yuan Penguin received it directly. The last time she wanted to tame wild Pokémon, she was instantly killed by Pikachu who suddenly appeared with her backhand...

So, this is the first time she has tamed Pokémon.

"Ahem, then as a senior, let me tell you how to tame Pokémon. Well, if the teacher is here now, it should be more convenient to teach."

Xiaozhi coughed, straightened his back slightly, and made himself look more serious.

However, in terms of age, he is only one year older than Xiaoguang, which is not convincing.

"Teacher Gang?"

Xiaoguang blinked suspiciously, he sounded like a very serious person.

"That's right. He and I agreed to meet in Heijin City before. Mr. Gang is a very reliable person. I also got a lot of help from him when I traveled for the first time."

Xiaozhi nodded, and the past time flashed in his mind.

Well, if Xiaogang doesn't get sick, there is no one more reliable than him.

"Looks like a nice guy..."



The two were chatting, when the grass next to them suddenly moved.

Immediately afterwards, a small blue animal jumped out, which looked like a cute cat.

The big ears on both sides have yellow cross patterns, the lower body is covered with black fur, and a slender star tail extends from the end.

"This is the first time I've seen it, is it a Pokémon from the Sinnoh region..."

Xiaozhi subconsciously took out the illustration book.

"Didi. Little cat monster, electric property, very sensitive to radio waves, it will shake the tip of its bright and glowing tail to send signals to its partners. When moving its body, the stretching and contracting of its muscles will generate electricity, and make its body glow."

"Is it an electric-type Pokémon? Some attributes are not good for your Pogaman..."

Before Xiaozhi could say anything, Bogaman had already jumped in front of Xiaoguang, full of energy.

The last time was because the opponent was Pikachu.

The inability to defeat the former is not a problem with Pogaman, but a problem with Pikachu.

This time, the cat monster who looks very young, will it be very powerful?

Bogaman rolled up his sleeves, his proud self-esteem made him eager to show off in front of his trainer.

"Good Pogaman, let's subdue this little cat monster and become our first companion!"

After taking a look at the teacher Xiaozhi who was next to him, he had already retreated to the side and swept the formation for himself. For a while, Xiaoguang was confident and launched an attack on his own initiative.

"Bogaman, use the bubble light!!"


Bogaman opened his short beak, shooting out dense energy bubbles.


This scene also made the wild kitten strangely alert, tensed up, and shot out a burst of electricity!

electric shock!

"Can't you control the electric shock well..."

As an expert in electric attributes, Xiaozhi saw the details of the latter at a glance. The power of this electric shock is not high, and it is estimated that it cannot block the foam light.

Puff pop! !

The ending was exactly as Xiaozhi expected, the foam light broke through the electric shock forcefully, and then bombarded all of the cat monsters, causing good damage.

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