He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1579 Grass seedling turtle... turtle?

"Then use Peck!!"

After a successful blow, Xiaoguang took advantage of the victory and chased after him.

The round penguin's movements were not slow, and before the little cat monster was about to use the impact, it had already rushed up with its short legs.

The tip of the bird's beak was covered with sharp white light, which instantly lengthened by more than three times.

Whoosh! !

The sharp bird's beak directly stabbed the little cat monster, knocking the latter's whole body into the air.


The childhood Pokémon was weak, and could no longer support the two moves, and fell down decisively on the spot.

"I'll open the champagne later... Xiaoguang, throw the ball now!"

Seeing that Xiaoguang had already won the battle, hugged Bogaman excitedly, and celebrated in circles on the spot, Xiaozhi quickly reminded.

"Yeah... still throwing the ball!"

Only then did Xiaoguang come back to his senses in a daze, and quickly took out a poke ball and threw it out!

Whoosh! !

It's just that when the elf ball was about to hit the little cat monster, a green leaf throwing knife suddenly flew out from nowhere, and it split Xiaoguang's elf ball in half with great precision.

The two took a closer look, and found that at some point, a new Pokémon had appeared in front of the kitten monster.

It has a small grass-green body, and its back is covered with a brown-gray turtle shell.

On the top of the fairly simple and square head, there is also a forked young leaf growing.

"This is..."

Xiaozhi quickly took out the illustration book, which looked like a turtle Pokémon like Squirrel.

"Didi. Grass seedling tortoise, a grass-type Pokémon, is one of the initial three royal families in the Sinnoh area. This is a kind of docile Pokémon. Its defense is strong, and many tortoises are even keen to protect others."

The illustration book strictly reminded.

Unexpectedly, this is a grass-type Yusanjia.

Route 202 is not too far from Masa Town, so is it a Pokémon that sneaked out of the Yamanashi Research Institute?

But looking at this vigilant look, it looks more like a wild Pokémon trying to protect this kitty monster.

"Strange guy, are you trying to stop us from subduing the kitty monster?"

Before Xiaoguang commanded, Bogaman had already attacked again, and he opened his mouth to release dense foamy light.


However, the grass tortoise's movements were not slow at all. It shook its head several times in a row, and the young shoots and leaves above its head shot out several sharp green leaf blades in an instant.

Flying Leaf Quick Knife!

Whoosh! !

Feiye Kuaidao cut through countless bubbles of light very easily, and continued to shoot towards Bogaman's position.


This made Bogaman dodge in a hurry, and then he could barely avoid it.

"Flying attribute restrains grass attribute... Bogaman, use peck attack!!"

Xiaoguang quickly calmed down and commanded again.

Bogaman also cheered up, extended a sharp white light beak, and rushed up again brazenly.

However, this tortoise seemed very stable, it actually lowered its body on the spot and arched its back slightly.

Shrink the shell!

Whoosh! !

Bogaman's dangerous beak stabbed directly on the brown turtle shell of the sapling turtle, as if he had hit some thick mud and slate, but Bogaman was ejected instead.


The sapling tortoise stood up again, and its limbs began to run quickly.

Whoosh! !

Immediately, the powerful head hammer directly hit Pogaman's chest. The strong impact even made the latter roll his eyes on the spot and threw it heavily.


This was Bogaman's second defeat. His eyes rolled and he fell on the spot, unconscious.

"How could this be... Pogaman!"

Xiaoguang was in a hurry, and quickly stepped forward to hold Pogaman in his arms.


"This tortoise is surprisingly good..."

Seeing the latter's combat proficiency, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but move his mind.

Yes, come to a new area, how can there be no Yusanjia with local characteristics?

And this picture who likes to take care of weak Pokémon... is exactly the same as his 002!

When he met Froggrass for the first time, the latter also fought with Xiaoxia to protect the weak Walkerweed.

"Grass seedling turtle, your next opponent is me!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi decisively stood in front of Xiao Guang, facing the target head-on.

"It's up to you, Riolu!"

With a flip of his palm, he sent out Riolu, who was also full of fighting spirit. The latter looked calm and dignified, and bounced briskly on the spot, so that he could launch an attack at any time.


Realizing that the opponent was not easy this time, the tortoise did not choose to run away, but took a few steps forward with its head straight, obviously also a warlike master.

Whoosh! !

Shaking its head, it shot out several sharp flying leaves again, and the tortoise took the lead in attacking!

"Riolu, use metal claws!!"

However, Lioulu's small hand stretched out sharp metal iron claws, tearing and slashing frantically in front of him, very violently smashing all the flying leaves and sharp knives into broken leaves and falling down.


Then with a kick, maintaining the metal claws, he rushed to the position of the grass seedling turtle.


Seeing this, the tortoise repeated its old tricks, retracting its body and limbs into the shell, intending to use the hard earthy shell to resist the attack.

Shrink the shell!

But the sapling tortoise is not the same as the Jenny tortoise. The latter is completely covered by a tortoise shell, which can be easily retracted completely...

But the tortoise only has a hard shell on its back, but its abdomen is a completely soft body.

So in fact, it should be called... grass seedling turtle?

"Riolu, pick it up and fly!!"

Xiaozhi is good at fighting turtles, he suddenly commanded.

Riolu understood, the extended iron claws did not attack head-on, but inserted into the gap between the bottom of the tortoise and the ground, and suddenly lifted it up, turning the latter directly on the ground.

"It's now, use Fa Jin!!"

While the latter was fluttering his limbs in the air in panic, planning to turn over again.

Leolu jumped up, and put his outstretched palm on the latter's soft abdomen, pressing faintly, and a dangerous golden light faintly danced in his palm...

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, a powerful energy shock burst out from the palm, carrying a flickering electric current, directly blasting the grass seedling tortoise into the air!

This is the most vulnerable position on the tortoise, hit...

It didn't hit home, however.


Although there were flashes of electric current all over his body, the tortoise still struggled to stand up again, with unyielding eyes.

"Strange, it didn't hit the vital point...?"

Xiaozhi was secretly surprised.

"Didi. Grass tortoise characteristic, hard shell armor: will not be hit to the vitals, even if it is a move that is guaranteed to hit the vitals, it will not be hit to the vitals!"

The illustrated book is automatically reminded.

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