He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1588 Relationship Between Couples

"By the way, Miss, why don't you check to see if the Pokémon in the computer is still there?"

Xiaozhi suddenly remembered something, and reminded him excitedly.

Brother Chi traveled from another world, but the computer box was connected to the other world, so that the Pokémon he had previously stored in the computer could be passed over smoothly.

When he was at the Yamanashi Research Institute before, he also suggested that Mingyao go to the side to check the computer box.

But it seems that in their era, Pokémon were stored in wild ranches, and the computer boxes were completely empty.

"Pokémon on the computer?"

Plantina looked at Xiaozhi in a daze, how could such a thing happen.

"Go and try, maybe there is!"

Xiaoguang in the soul space couldn't help urging.

Under the fiery eyes of the two, Plantina couldn't help feeling a little bit of anticipation in her heart, and walked towards the public storage device next to her.

Are they really still there?

Click on the screen to identify Xiaoguang's illustrated book information, and the box belonging to Xiaoguang in the computer is naturally empty at present.

However, it is unbelievable that there is an extra line of text under "Xiaoguang's box".

"Plantina's Chest".

Her face was startled, her fingers hovered over her name quickly, and her heart began to beat crazily... Plantina didn't know how long it had been since she felt such emotions.

When the box was opened, Plantina's eyes turned red when she saw the Pokémon icons arranged in sequence on it.

It seems to have returned to the day when she first received the Pokémon.

"Come out!!"

Quickly take out one of the Pokémon and throw it out.


A red light flashed, but they saw a huge two-meter-tall penguin in front of them.

The thick black body, the edges of the wings, and the neck of the body are covered with blue raised lines, and the chest is white like the napkin that a gentleman would tie when dining.

The whole is like wearing a noble evening dress, and there is a golden trident stand on the head, like a golden crown!

Standing there, a majestic and profound aura spread to the surroundings, really high above like an emperor, not to be desecrated.

This posture even caused many passers-by around to cast admiring glances.

What a handsome penguin!

"This is..."

It was the first time for Xiaozhi to see this kind of Pokémon, so he quickly took out the illustration book.

"Didi. Emperor Nabo, water and steel attributes, is the final evolution of Bogaman. Emperor Nabo can gallop and swim in the water faster than a motorboat. His hard wings can easily cut through ice floes. Incomparable self-esteem like a king."

"Is there something like Blastoise... so powerful."

After Xiaozhi took back the illustrated book, he didn't dare to be careless.

If it is really defeated, although Pikachu, who has been slashed with a knife, has an advantage in attributes...but there is a high probability that he is not necessarily the opponent of this guy.


Standing by the side, Pogaman, who looked like a little one, was completely dumbfounded.

Especially this Emperor Nabo waved its wings casually, the sharp edges cut the air like a blade, making one feel chills just looking at it.

Is this really as high as it can go?

Xiaoguang's Pogaman doesn't intend to evolve, he just likes to maintain the current appearance.

But if it evolves, it will be able to obtain such a powerful power, and that noble posture like an emperor... This makes it start to shake again.

"Emperor Napoleon, are you here too...?"

Plantina stared blankly at this familiar figure with an expression of disbelief.

It wasn't until the stern and proud emperor Nabo stretched his brows slightly and gently hugged him into his arms, that Plantina woke up like a dream, and just hugged him.

It turned out to be true!

Since she returned to the family and officially accepted the responsibility of being the head of the family, she actually communicated less and less with her former adventure partners...

Traveling to this world at this moment, I don't know how to go back... This made Plantina feel a sense of relief.

The heavy burden on her body also disappeared in this instant.

"Maybe it's a good thing that I came to this world...?"



Platina returned the right to use Xiaoguang's body, after all, she is just a foreign soul now.

However, she took out a few Pokémon from the computer box and put them on Xiaoguang's waist...

"Don't worry, sister Plantina, I will definitely help you create a perfect body!"

Xiao Guang patted his chest and made a promise with confidence.

Due to their similar appearance, the two became sisters very smoothly.

I also heard that the current Xiaozhi is building a body for his other... Xiaoguang naturally followed suit at the same time.

"Hehe, there is no rush, and the state is pretty good now."

Plantina said with a smile, it seems that now that the matter is completely settled, her tone has become a lot lighter.

"Tell me about you, Xiaoguang, I want to get to know you better."

Hearing the cold female voice coming from his mind this time, he showed a friendly smile for the first time, which made Xiaoguang blush.

Plantina also woke up in Xiaoguang's soul world a few days ago, probably after the two of them left Zhensha Town. During this period, she has been hiding and observing the world secretly.

It wasn't until he encountered those three clowns who made things difficult for him that he had a momentary itch, and then he exposed his existence.

But it seems that Xiao Guang, who looks similar to her, is not the eldest lady of some wealthy family.

In that world, the first family in the Sinnoh region, the Berrich family, is even in the whole world, and it is a leading family...

As the only heir of this family, even if it is a gift from God, it is still a heavy burden.

"Well, what I have to do now is to travel around the Sinnoh area with Xiao Zhi, and participate in gorgeous competitions in various places, and become a top coordination trainer like my mother."

Xiaoguang hugged Pogaman and replied.

"Glamourous Contest...?"

Plantina nodded in her mind, she had participated in this competition before.

However, after winning the master class, she resolutely withdrew from this field... To participate in the gorgeous competition, she just wanted to understand this unknown field.

She's more interested in head-on Pokémon battles by comparison.

"By the way, I have a question that I've always wanted to ask..."

At this time, Plantina's tone slowed down.

Through Xiaoguang's eyes, she could see Xiaozhi's leaving figure in the distance. After eating the big melon, the latter seemed to be going to a special training session in the evening.

"So... are you and the boy with the electric mouse in a relationship?"

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