He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1589 Celebrating the Gorgeous Contest!

the next day.

Celebrate the official launch of the Gorgeous Contest!

Similar to the Pokémon League, the Splendid Contest also has an annual rotation system. The Celebration Splendid Contest is the first stop of this grand grand celebration, attracting many trainers to watch or participate.

Especially in the Sinnoh region, the popularity of the Gorgeous Contest is not inferior to that of the Pokémon League.

"Come on Xiaoguang, Pikachu and I will cheer for you below~!"


At the entrance, Xiaozhi smiled and said to Xiaoguang.

It's just that the appearance of the former reminded Xiaoguang of Platina's question to her last night, and her face blushed.

But now that the competition was approaching, her little face was always flushed with excitement, so she didn't see anything unusual.

"Of course not!"

Although he denied this question at the time, since being asked by Miss Plantina, Xiaoguang always felt that something was weird when he saw Xiaozhi again.

But after a while, Xiaozhi had already run to the dark auditorium with Pikachu in his arms, looking for a good place.

He didn't have much interest in the gorgeous contest, so he simply became a melon-eating crowd this time.

"Anyway, I'm going to work hard!"

Xiaoguang is holding a paper bag in her arms... This is the gorgeous contest dress specially prepared for her by her mother Ayako.

Although the focus of this competition is to show the gorgeousness of Pokémon, the gorgeous beauty of the trainer itself will naturally become a point for the judges.

"Come on Pogaman, strive to win the first game!"


The two looked at each other, then rushed into the dressing room to get dressed...



"Wow, there are so many people..."

Sitting on the viewing seats, Xiaozhi looked around in amazement, and directly in front of him was a bright and spacious stage.

Soon, the three referees who were still very familiar appeared on the stage one by one.

Mr. Sukisa from the Pokémon Fan Club, with a small body, squints his eyes all the time, enjoying the game.

Conkenstein, the official director of the Gorgeous Contest, looks a little serious and serious, and often criticizes the contestants' performances unceremoniously.

And Miss Joy from the local elf center, mostly in a soothing role.

The host is a beautiful woman with brown curly hair——Lilian, who looks similar to the host Xiaozhi saw in the Fangyuan Gorgeous Contest... It is said that they are twins?

The process of the competition is also similar to the gorgeous competition in the Fangyuan area. After a while, the contestants will appear on the stage one by one, showing their gorgeous skills one after another.

Xiaozhi watched with his chest folded, as if he was relaxing for a day and enjoying the performance.

However, compared to the gorgeousness, Xiaozhi's focus is more on the strength of Pokémon's own skills and the degree of control.

Most of the people's performances were a little flashy, but there were two people who attracted Xiaozhi's attention.

One is a man named Shang Zhi, about 20 years old, tall and slender, with long black hair.

Dressed in a dress and dark green robe, wearing a wide hat, holding a harp, it looks like a troubadour.

And his Pokémon is a poison rose, the beautiful light produced by the collision between the magic leaf and the seed laser gun.

And the strong sunshine and flames displayed under the sunny sky also made the audience applaud again and again, showing a strong power.

The second thing worth noting is that a boy named Xiaowang...

But after being reminded by the host, Xiaozhi realized that the other party was actually a female coordination trainer.

She was about the same age as Xiao Guang, with orange-red hair and a man's dress, looking very heroic.

The Pokémon used is a ghost-type dream monster.

Create countless phantoms through the shadow clone technique, and then cast the shadow ball at the same time... staged a wonderful performance with the ball.

In the end, it ended with a powerful blow of 100,000 volts, and the spreading fierce current cannot be underestimated.

"These two guys are not easy..."

Xiao Zhi thought to himself, Xiao Guang is only participating in the competition for the first time, and for her, they may be two big enemies.

During the period, there was also a contestant named Musashi Lina, who used a rare Weng.

This Ruan Weng used a move that I don't know whether it was a mirror reflection or a counter-punching move, making this Musashi Lina directly act as a jumping bed, and bumped into Ruan Weng's body with her body.

Duang~! Duang~!

Immediately, it bounced up, reaching a height of more than 20 meters, then fell down again, collided with Guo Ranweng, and then bounced into the air... just like this infinite loop.

This exaggerated and horrifying performance immediately attracted applause from countless audiences.

You must know that as long as Weng is a little careless, or if the two of them cooperate with the food, the performers above will be directly smashed into meatloaf.

"It's amazing, it's completely performed with life..."

Even Xiaozhi couldn't help being moved.

But it's more like a circus talent show than a glam contest...well, isn't it?

It's the name "Musashi Lina", and there's Ruan Weng...why does it always feel so familiar?


"Oh, is it finally Xiaoguang's turn?"

Xiaoguang was at the bottom of the order, and he waited for a long time before making his official debut. He was almost the last few contestants.

It's just that the highlight hit Xiaoguang's face, and the latter's expression looked somewhat stiff.

Don't look careless at ordinary times, but this is the first time for her to appear on stage in such a large-scale competition.

At this moment, Xiaoguang's clothes also changed into a pink off-the-shoulder dress. He took off his hat, and his black and blue hair was tied into a high ponytail, looking very pretty.

"Don't panic Xiaoguang, trust your Pokémon...!"

On the stage, listening to Plantina's voice in his head, Xiaoguang quickly calmed down.

This is equivalent to two people participating in the competition, and the tension will naturally drop significantly.

"Please, Curly Rabbit!!"

With a flick of her palm, she sent out the newly subdued rabbit with a flickering mark on the stage.

This is a Poké Ball sticker unique to the Sinnoh area. As long as the specific sticker is covered, the Poké Ball will have a corresponding special effect when it is opened, which looks very gorgeous.

"Curly-eared rabbit, use the freezing light!!"

"Use the stun punch!!"


What follows is a burst of pleasing performances...

Xiaoguang had already shown this set of performances in front of Xiaozhi once before, and he was not too surprised by the crowd watching below.

If it can be successfully completed, it should not be a big problem to pass the first round of review.

The result was also as Xiaozhi expected. After the first round of performances by all the contestants, the big electronic screen on the stage displayed the heads of eight people in turn, meaning the contestants who had advanced to the second round of selection.

Among them, Hisashi, Nozomi, Lina Musashi... and Hikari that I noticed before are also on the top!

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