He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1600 Instant Kill

"Bogaman, use the bubble light!!"

The battle started, facing this little dinosaur Pokémon, Pogaman spewed out dense blue bubbles with all his might.

In terms of attributes, it still has the upper hand.

"Skull Dragon, use the Mind Hammer!!"

However, the skull dragon on the other side didn't care at all, and rushed out with a kick of its hind legs. The blue hard shell on the top of its head rushed to the front, and there were faint pink and purple ripples faintly shining around it.

Buzz buzz...! !

The impact of the constantly trembling thoughts completely shattered countless bubbles of light.

Boom! !

In the end, a hammer slammed into Bogaman's chest, directly flying the latter into mid-air.

"Bogaman, use the white mist!!"

This blow almost knocked Bogaman unconscious, but it still gritted its teeth in mid-air to keep its mind, and suddenly spewed out a large cloud of hazy white mist.

thump thump! !

However, this cranium dragon's movements were quick, and it rushed out of the range of the white mist one step ahead of time, without any other impact.

The whole body has come to the area below Bogaman.

"Use the Mind Hammer!!"

thump! !

The next moment, the Skull Dragon's sprinting action did not stop at all. When it sprinted directly under Bogaman, it immediately kicked the ground and changed its trajectory.

Buzz buzz...! !

With the head hammer of the impact of the mind, it rushed straight into the air.

Boom! !

It hit Bogaman's chest without hindrance again, and then he swung his head down, directly knocking the latter down to the ground.

Boom...! !

The strength of these two head hammers was not light. After the smoke cleared, Bogaman was already half-supported on the ground with bruises all over his body. His whole body was trembling, and he had obviously entered the state of dying candles in the wind.



Before Xiaoguang could say his worried words, Pogaman stood up resolutely again, patting his chest, his expression full of reluctance to admit defeat.


The next moment, an inexplicable flow of water suddenly surged up from his petite body, which instantly covered the surface of Bogaman's body with a layer of dark blue light, and his momentum surged.

"This is... the torrent feature?!"

Xiaozhi in the stands recognized this phenomenon immediately, but he didn't expect that this was the first gymnastics battle, and this characteristic of the Yusanjia was triggered.

This Pogaman's is really proud!

After listening to Platina's explanation in his mind, Xiaoguang understood Bogaman's state at the moment, and his gaze became firm.

"In this case, Bogaman, use the most powerful bubble light!!"

She waved her finger forward, and commanded Jiaoyue.


Bogaman took a deep breath, and then denser than before, huge bubbles of light flew out in unison, passing through the air, and their power was several times stronger.

"Skull Dragon, block it!!"

But the scoop on the other side didn't seem to choose to dodge?

The skull dragon stood on the spot, bent down, and pushed its hard-shelled head forward.

Da da da...! !

The foam light in the torrent state continuously exploded and exploded at the position of its sky cap, causing the cranium dragon's figure to continuously retreat, and a long mark was drawn on the ground with its lower limbs...but in the end it was carried down abruptly.

With a flick of its head, the skull dragon burst open countless bubbles of light!

"How is it possible?! It is obviously such a powerful bubble light, but it is still a move with outstanding effects!?"

Xiaoguang was shocked, completely unaware of what happened.

"Probably... is it an exceptional characteristic?"

Gu Feng

Platina spoke uncertainly in her mind.

However, the breaking characteristic of the cranium dragon is generally aimed at the target because the characteristic is turned on, and the direct invalid state is used to strike... It should have no effect on the ability-enhancing characteristic of the torrent, right?

Maybe it's the breaking mechanism of this world, which is different from what she knows?

"Get rid of it, use the double-bladed head mallet!!"

Seeing that the Bogaman's previous blow was the final limit, Kayata immediately waved his thumb and called out the rock-type big move that the skull dragon had only recently mastered.

Boom boom boom...!!

In the next moment, as the skull dragon sprinted, its whole body was instantly wrapped in gray impact energy, turning into a blurry phantom, and rushed towards the target brazenly.

Although the size is much smaller than the double-edged head hammer of the previous Warhammer Dragon, it is equally terrifying in terms of power.

Boom boom boom! !

It was hard to resist at all, and Bogaman was slammed into the air by the double-edged head hammer the moment he made contact, making a huge explosion.

It flew all the way and hit the wall on the edge of the gymnasium before slowly falling down.


The result was naturally that there was no suspense in the outcome, and Pogaman could not fight.


As for Piaotai's cranial dragon, there was also an electric current of anti-injury on his body, and his hind legs were still digging the soil on the ground, with a look of sprinting full of energy.


"I lost..."

The two Pokémon were defeated, which made Xiaoguang's face darken.

"It's a good performance. If it's 2v2, you've already won."

Platina was just so comforting, and then said softly:

"Then replace me next..."

As Xiao Guang reopened his eyes and raised his face again, his aura changed abruptly.

Potato: "?!"

Obviously the little girl on the opposite side has not changed in any way, but why do you feel that the other party seems to be a different person?

That glamorous and noble temperament, also has a feeling similar to Dr. Pokémon's unique academic skills...

There is even a feeling of being in a position of high authority all year round...

This made Gou Tai not knowing why, and instinctively lowered his head a little.

"Oh oh oh! Are you out, Miss~!"

Xiaozhi in the auditorium has bright eyes, he is a great master!

"Is this an existence similar to Brother Chi? It's really unusual..."

Xiao Gang on the other side also looked solemnly, not daring to be careless.

Last night, he had already heard that Xiao Guang also had a big boss on his body... Unexpectedly, this phenomenon has spread from person to person to the Sinnoh area.

Then is there a possibility that one day in the future, a powerful "Xiao Gang" will appear on his body?



The last Pokémon sent by Plantina is a large "Bogaman" - Emperor Nabo!

This is obviously no longer a Pokémon that novice trainers can control. The aura exuded by the majestic emperor penguin is even stronger than Shinji's tortoise yesterday, and he is self-indignant.

Pyota looked at Xiaozhi sitting in the stands, and then at Emperor Nabo in front of him, completely unaware of what happened.

"It doesn't matter, Skull Dragon, use the Mind Hammer!!"

But he still took a deep breath and took the initiative to attack.

Buzz buzz! !

This cranium dragon is also a newborn calf not afraid of tigers, and immediately rushed out, with a light of thought power hitting its head, and used the head hammer of thought.

However, this emperor Nabo didn't even block the blow with its steel wings, but directly blocked the blow with its body.


As a result, the skull dragon was directly bounced out.

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