"What a strong defense..."

The attack was completely ignored by the opponent, which made Piaotai feel a little angry, and immediately attacked again:

"Skull Dragon, use the strongest double-bladed head mallet!!"


The cranium dragon rushed out again, this time with a gray-gold energy impact all over its body, destroying the sandy soil under its feet as soon as it went on the road, with great momentum.

"King Nabo, block it with your steel wings."

Plantina said softly.

Although it should be possible to block it directly with the body...but now it is for Xiaoguang's senior, so it is safer.

This emperor Nabo understood, with its wings crossed and folded in front of its body, glowing with metallic light.

Keng Keng...! !

The next moment, the skull dragon's double-bladed head hammer attack arrived, and it collided head-on on the steel wings of Emperor Nabo, causing a burst of metal explosions.

However, in the face of such a powerful attack, the emperor Nabo remained motionless, not even retreating an inch.

But the skull dragon only felt as if he had bumped his head against a thick steel wall, without the slightest propulsion effect.

Whoosh! !

As Emperor Nabo separated his wings, the steel wings broke through the energy package of the double-bladed head hammer with overwhelming force, and then turned into a cross cutting impact and flew out, slashing at the cranium's chest.

The effect is outstanding! !

This blow also caused the skull dragon to fly backwards quickly, and fell heavily in front of Piaotai.


In the end, he fell down there quite simply, unable to fight any more, completely unable to fight.


The opponent just hit casually, but it made Piao Tai feel like a formidable enemy.

Even if his strongest Hammer Dragon came, it probably wouldn't be able to last a few rounds in the hands of the Emperor Nabo, right?

"Thank you, Emperor Napoleon."

On the other side, Plantina took back Emperor Nabo, her expression unchanged, as if she had done something insignificant.

An opponent of this level can't even make her interested.


At the end of the battle, Xiaoguang returned the right to use his body.

And in the eyes of the scoop, as if looking at some big monster, he took the charcoal badge.

Although she didn't win the gymnasium competition entirely by her own strength, she probably also knows the difficulty of the gymnasium challenge...

At least it wasn't as difficult as Shinji was yesterday.

Not a big problem!

"Bogaman, let's conquer the Gymnasium and the Gorgeous Contest together~!"


One person and one penguin slap each other, which seems to be in perfect harmony.

"It's finally me!!"

And Xiao Zhi, who watched two games in a row, was completely itchy to watch, and ran down from the back of the spectator seats excitedly, pretending to have a big fight with Piao Tai.

"Then let's start in 10 minutes..."

Piao Tai didn't say that he would fight Yun Yun again tomorrow, but directly accepted the challenge.

After all, these three Pokémon are the Pokémon he sent out to deal with the novice trainer, not his trump card.

Since the opponent is an inspector who dare not be careless even the league champion, Hyota intends to go all out.



"It's not good, it's not good, something big happened in the black gold mine!!"

However, just as the two were about to fight, a man dressed as a worker suddenly ran into the gym.

"Mr. Piaotai, it seems to be haunted again today, and a few workers have completely lost their minds and are attacking other people indiscriminately!"

Hearing this, Piaotai was shocked.


Although the black gold mine has always been haunted by legends, it hasn't happened much in the past few years...?

Why did something happen all of a sudden today?

Glancing at Xiaozhi next to him, Hyotai gritted his teeth and could only say:

"Xiaozhi, let's postpone our gym battle. As the person in charge of the black gold mine, I have to settle the matter on that side first!"

At this juncture, we can't care about the small reports of the inspectors.

"Haunted? Let me go together!"

But Xiaozhi became interested, Dang even wanted to go together.

As he said that, he took Xiao Guang, whose face had turned a little blue, to go with him. The latter was a little terrified when he heard the word haunted.

Even Xiao Gang joined the fun.

After a while, everyone came to the black gold mine on the edge of the city.

The terrain surrounded by rocks is already in a mess at this moment.

"Ahahaha, get the hell out of my way!!"

"Don't come near me! Who wants to murder me?!"

"Meow is always the invincible meow~!!"

But outside the pothole, the Rockets trio were wearing twisted and fierce expressions, and kept saying crazy things loudly.

He even held a sharp iron pick in his hand and waved it randomly... This made the surrounding workers dare not approach at all, so they could only surround themselves outside.


Only Ruan Weng was the only one, shivering in a corner.

There was even a strong Haoli ready to rush up and try to take the weapons of the three of them.

Snapped! !

Then this Haoli was directly kicked to the ground by Musashi's flying kick, and then the latter sat on Haoli's back, pulling Haoli's hind limbs and constantly bending towards the back, the painful one Gonghao thumped the ground forcefully.

"This is... the Rockets? Why are they here?"

When several people came here, Xiaozhi recognized the three people who had lost their minds in front of them.

The distorted and arrogant expression is completely beyond what a normal person can put on.

"They have been possessed by ghosts... They must be contained immediately!"

Piao Tai said with a serious face.

This kind of thing happened once a few years ago. The workers were caught by the weird ghosts in the mine, and they completely lost their minds... Then they need to be controlled for a few days, and the ghosts that caused troubles will recede on their own.

"But this expression... I always feel like I've seen it somewhere before?"

But at this time, Xiaozhi suddenly frowned and said.

The expressions of Musashi and Kojiro are very sinister, their eyes are bent like blades, and their mouths are constantly bent like cracks and lightning.

This expression, and haunted...

"It's the haunted ghost of Huayan."

At this time, Platina's voice suddenly appeared in Xiaozhi Xiaoguang's mind.

Huayan Monster is a Pokémon created by gathering 108 souls, some of which may escape from the body.

And once outsiders come into contact with them, they will easily be controlled by them.

The well-informed Plantina recognized the problem at first glance.

"By the way, it's the Huayan Monster!!"

Xiaozhi remembered that he once subdued a Huayan monster in the Fangyuan area.

At this moment, the expressions of the three members of the Rocket team are very similar to the facial expressions on the Huayan monster's vortex ghost.

He remembered that the flower rock monster was from the Sinnoh region.

It seems that when the company named "Sea Purple Cordyce" cooperated with the black gold mine in the Sinnoh area, it was accidentally brought to the Fangyuan area by the workers sent from abroad, and it was lost in the local area...

"Huh? Black Gold Mine? Isn't that right here?!"

Xiaozhi suddenly reacted.

Could it be that there is only contact with your own?

"It doesn't matter, try it first!"

Taking advantage of Piaotai's efforts to control the Rockets' trio, Xiaozhi quickly turned around and ran to the elf center, where he got his Huayan monster from the Damu Research Institute.

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