He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1606 Gym Monitoring


A full blown double-edged head hammer went out, but the War Hammer Dragon retreated back.

Huayan Monster's move of sharing pain made Zhanmailong seem to hit a thick iron wall with all his strength, but he was knocked dizzy by himself.

Even the counter-injury damage caused by the double-edged head hammer, only the War Hammer Dragon alone bears...

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

But the successive setbacks also made the Hammer Dragon's aura increase instead, and it roared violently again and again.

The blood-red eyes seem to have really returned to the ancient bloodthirsty Pokémon.

"Didn't you expect to be so lively now...?"

Xiao Zhi secretly marveled, his flower rock monster is oppressive.

As long as it has an advantage in level, any Pokémon that fights against Huayan Monster will consume far more physical strength in battle than usual, and it will be easier to enter the fatigue period.

Therefore, in the face of low-level opponents, or even opponents of the same level, Huayan Monster has already begun to establish an advantage as soon as it appeared on the stage.

And as time goes on, the advantages will continue to add up...

But the Warhammer Dragon in front of him doesn't seem to have changed much from fatigue?

"Unconventional characteristics, even the sense of oppression can be ignored."

Xiaozhi changed his mind and realized that the characteristic of this hammer dragon is breaking the rules, and it could have forcibly broken the effect of ignoring the opponent's characteristics.

It can be said that it is very restrained against opponents who use special characteristics to fight.

"Show them the strength of the rock we have tempered, War Hammer Dragon, use the double-edged head mallet!!"

The seemingly gentle Piaotai also hit the head completely, and suddenly shouted loudly.

The Hammer Dragon even stomped on the ground repeatedly, causing dust to fly up, and the surroundings of its body were once again covered with violent gray energy light clusters, as if it was about to rush forward.

"Huayan monster, use the immobilization method!!"

However, Xiaozhi commanded suddenly.

From the vortex ghost of Huayan Monster, two phantoms of green light flew out and landed on Zhanmailong.

This made the latter's double-edged head hammer move that was ready to go, freeze in place for a while, and even the gray-white light completely disappeared in the next second.

The double-bladed head mallet is unusable!


This made War Hammer Dragon seem like an actor who had lost the blessing of special effects, trampling and rioting on the spot again and again, but without the slightest change.

Huayan Monster's immobilization technique has been useless, since there is no Fengjianwu...

Then simply seal this rock-type ultimate move.

Xiaozhi looked directly at Piaotai, even with a bit of anticipation, wanting to see how the latter can fight now.


Piao Tai couldn't help cursing in a low voice, the double-edged head hammer he was best at was blocked, and the thought head hammer... couldn't have any effect on the evil flower rock monster.

"In this case, use the iron head!!"

No way, he could only command Warhammer Dragon to use the steel attribute head hammer, at least not inferior in power to the thought head hammer.

Whoosh! !

The Hammer Dragon stomped on the ground again and rushed out. This time, its dark blue hard head was covered with metallic light, making it look menacing.

But compared with the previous double-edged head hammer, the strength is undoubtedly much worse...

"Using misfortunes never come singly!!"

This time Xiaozhi didn't choose to resist, and simply attacked directly.

call out...!

The Huayan monster twirled its ghostly shadow, and from it flew out several ghostly black ghost fire light clusters, facing the opponent's moves and attacking.

boom boom chi...!

In the next second, the fire that never came singly collided with the iron head.

Valley rice

In the beginning, it was still evenly matched, and even the iron head of the faint Warhammer Dragon was about to break through. Misfortunes never come singly.

However, with the flames igniting on the Warhammer Dragon... Misfortunes never come singly once it is linked to the burnt state of the former.

The thunder from the sky was like a fire from the ground, which instantly doubled the power of misfortunes never come singly!

Boom chi chi...!

The crazily raging energy will-o'-the-wisp broke through the iron head of the hammer dragon in an instant, and even covered the latter's entire body.

In the end, there was a violent explosion, and the energy of the will-o'-the-wisp exploded in all directions.

And in the center, the blood-colored eyes of the Hammer Dragon, which had fully withstood the blow, had completely turned white.


Completely lost consciousness, the whole body just fell down like this.

"The Hammer Dragon loses his ability to fight, and the Huayan Monster wins... This game is really won by Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!!"

The referee immediately shouted loudly.

This game didn't have so many twists and turns.

It was a completely one-sided situation, and Zhanmailong didn't gain any advantage at all.

"I lost..."

This also made Piaotai's face darken, and in the end he had no choice but to take back the hammer dragon and lowered his head.

Totally powerless...

I feel that his Hammer Dragon has a chance in Pokémon, but once the trainer's cooperation and command are counted, it is completely controlled by the opponent.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the inspector appointed by the Pokémon Alliance, and he is convinced in terms of combat effectiveness.



Piaotai walked up to Xiaozhi slowly, with a bit of expectation and nervousness on his dignified face, even his palms were subconsciously clenched into fists, and he stared closely at Xiaozhi.

"Well, your expression is quite good... The hammer dragon's attack is powerful. If it weren't for my flower rock monster, there are probably not many people who can block the double-edged head hammer."

Xiaozhi touched his chin and gave a rigorous evaluation.

Warhammer Dragon is a Pokémon whose ability is seriously biased... For the level of the gymnasium owner, it should simply specialize in one point.

Becoming the ultimate spear is also a good choice.


This scene made Xiao Guang, who was just about to come over, turn dark and froze in place.

Um, now who is the gymnasium owner and who is the challenger? !

Mr. Piaotai has completely become a new challenger who failed the challenge and is waiting for the guidance of the gymnasium master! !

"Then, Xiaozhi... Alliance Inspector Sang, our Black Gold Gym should be considered to have passed the assessment, right?"

Poop asked too nervously.

After all, it's all over, this time Piaotai didn't ask any more riddles, and directly pointed out Xiaozhi's identity.

"Well, it passed."

Xiaozhi nodded and said with a smile, also not playing tricks.

As he spoke, he also took out a charcoal badge one size larger from his bag, and handed it to Mrs.

The trainer will get a badge after successfully challenging the gym... Similarly, if a gym passes the assessment, the gym owner will also get a badge, which can be regarded as a kind of business license or qualification.

"As for the paper review documents, they will not be distributed until I have completed the review of all the gymnasiums."

Xiaozhi said seriously.

As an official for the first time, he had carefully memorized the process of inspector given to him by Damaranch, so it was not a big problem.

Next, she only needs to submit a few hundred words of text report to completely solve the monitoring task of the Black Gold Gym.

As the alliance inspector, Xiaozhi naturally has the right to decide whether the gymnasium is approved or not.

For small essays, it is more of a formal process.

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