"Thank you so much!! I will definitely keep the glory of the Black Gold Gym in the future!!"

Piaotai took the large charcoal badge, and immediately promised with fiery eyes.

Gym assessment time is generally every three years...

This means that in the next three years, he can go to the black gold mine to work part-time again!

Xiaoguang: "..."

Even the awarding of badges is completely reversed, and the scene is indescribably weird.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, don't you need a badge?"

Xiaoguang couldn't help asking curiously.

Didn't the final alliance conference require eight badges to qualify?

Xiaozhi waved his hand.

Participating in the alliance conference is not just about collecting badges... Whether you are qualified or not is entirely a matter of the above sentence.

But in the end, after being given a large badge, Xiao Zhi got a small standard badge from Mrs.

Well, after all, I still want to keep a souvenir, and there are still many vacancies in the display stand at home.

"By the way, do you have a goal for the next gym you are going to... If not, I suggest that you can choose the Pathai Gym in Pathai City."

Before leaving, Mrs. Piao gave an enthusiastic introduction.

"Baidai gymnasium?"

Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang looked at each other.

Although the latter is a local, he has basically never traveled far, and he is not familiar with many cities in the Sinnoh area.

"Well, Baidai City can go up from the north of Zhuqing City, but you must first reach a place called Huayuan Town."

Scoop too explained.

The depths of the black gold mine pit is a complete dead end, so they can only return to Zhuqing City by the same road.

Although you can go directly to the center of the Sinnoh region-Tianguan Mountain by turning over the mountain range in the mine pit.

But after all, there are no man-made mountain roads in the middle, unless you directly use the flying technique to pass, otherwise it is impossible to pass.

Of course, there's one more thing...

"Taijun Piao! If the inspector comes to your gym, remember to ask him to come to our EMI gym next stop!!"

Yesterday, in the group chat of "Sinnao Gymnasium Loves Each Other", when he mentioned the three-year inspector assessment, Cai Zhong, the head of the gymnasium in EMI City, asked him to do so.

Pass or not...End early and enjoy.

I have been moaning and chirping all the time, but I have to worry every day, "What if the gymnasium is closed down?"

"Huayuan Town?! Xiaozhi, let's go this way!"

Hearing this, Xiaoguang's eyes brightened, he pulled Xiaozhi's arm and said softly.

In a few days, Huayuan Town will hold a gorgeous contest, and she is aiming for it.

She was defeated in the gorgeous competition last time... This time, try to pass the challenge of the gymnasium and see if she can achieve results!

"Okay, then go to Huayuan Town first!"

Xiaozhi knew nothing about local novelties, so naturally he quickly agreed.


An hour later, when the two had just walked out of Heijin City, Xiao Gang quietly joined the team without revealing his acquaintance with Xiao Zhi.

"Then let me formally introduce myself... My name is Xiaogang. I used to be the owner of the Nibi Gym, and I am a man with a rock will!"

Xiaogang smiled and introduced to Xiaoguang.

As for Xiaogang's dream now... even he is not completely settled.

Although at first I wanted to be a Pokémon breeder, but after seeing Ms. Joy's operation, I wanted to become a Pokémon doctor.

But it's not quite sure yet...

Anyway, there are people watching at the Nibi Gym, and the younger brothers and sisters have gradually grown up, and the burden on them has been completely relieved.

Gu Cui

This allows Xiaogang to travel around the world very willfully, see more of the outside world, and then thoroughly confirm his goals.

"Oh, I'm Xiaoguang from Futaba Town, and my dream is to become a top coordination trainer...but at the same time, I'm also practicing in the gym challenge, to become a powerful and gorgeous Pokémon like Mr. Mikri Coordinator!"

Xiaoguang also introduced himself with a smile.

After personally experiencing the challenges of the gymnasium, I feel pretty good.

"I'm Plantina."

Even Plantina in the soul space controlled Xiaoguang's body and came out to say hello.

The cold temperament that emerged from the former made Xiao Gang dare not be careless.

But after thinking about it, if it is a mature big sister who looks similar to Xiaoguang, this makes Xiaogang become a little distracted for a while...


The next moment, a magic ball on Xiaogang's waist suddenly opened automatically.

The red light is solid, but it is a dark blue upright frog with depressed and deep drooping eyes.

Like Pikachu's electric sac, there are orange-red poisonous sacs on the cheeks, which can even inflate and contract with breathing.

A white bandage is wrapped around the waist, and three long, black fingers are at the end of the limbs.


This Pokémon was expressionless, standing still and breathing on its own, not knowing what it was thinking.

This is the Pokémon that Xiaogang took in by accident when he came to the Sinnoh area. At that time, the two met on the side of the road, and there was no fighting or emotional exchange...

It was simply looking at each other, and then seeing the right eyes, they walked together.

But when it sensed Xiao Gang's distracted mind, the bad frog fixed its eyes and instinctively waved its arms.

The three-fingered palm at the end was instantly covered with dangerous purple light, and the venom permeated the air.

Whoosh! !

Then he stabbed forward violently, and the poisonous blow stabbed Xiao Gang's back court head-on! !

It even extended a few inches.


This made Xiaogang's complexion suddenly dark, and he felt a pain coming from the tailbone... There was even a strong sense of numbness, which covered up the pain.


Immediately, the whole body could no longer be controlled, so the whole body fell to the ground stiffly, and the lower limbs were still twitching.

"Oh, it's a powerful poison strike, is this your new Pokémon?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up. Poison strikes usually have an additional effect of poisoning...but this Pokémon's poison strikes seem to be able to paralyze the target?

He quickly took out the illustration book.

"Didi. Bad frogs, with poisonous and fighting attributes, will seize the opponent's openings and poke and attack with fingers soaked in poison. The venom secreted by the fingertips can sometimes be used as a material for relieving low back pain medicine. In some place, is a very popular mascot Pokémon."

The illustration book introduced.

It seems that this kind of Pokémon with no ups and downs will mostly become the mascot Pokémon in some places.

Such as dumb beasts.


When the poisonous blow fell, the bad frog was still breathing on the spot, blowing the poisonous sac on its cheek, but its eyes accidentally met the eyes of Xiaoguang who was being controlled by Plantina.


The two looked at each other for a long time, both of them were silent.

Although the bad frog was still expressionless, there was a drop of sweat on his forehead.

Obviously, this was completely suppressed by Plantina's momentum.


This caused Bad Frog to turn around quickly, put the paralyzed Xiaogang's thigh on his shoulder, and dragged him to lead the way for the two of them...

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