He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1619 Fat Ibrahimovic

Coordinator trainers appear one after another.

This time, Xiaoguang's order came first, and he made his official debut early.

She was still wearing the pink dress prepared by her mother Ayako, and her dark blue hair was tied up, like a little princess.


Xiaoguang's partner in the first round was the curl-eared rabbit. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he used frozen light to create a gorgeous and gorgeous ice bridge winding into the air, and the curl-eared rabbit happily skating and moving on it.

"And then Frozen Punch!!"

On the ice bridge filled with icy fog, the ears of the rabbit were covered with ice blue light, and they kept waving.

It collided with the surrounding ice cubes, arousing a burst of crystal clear blue light, and the scene was extremely gorgeous.

"Not bad, did that rabbit with the curled ears master the Frozen Fist so quickly?"

Xiaozhi in the audience nodded again and again. It was precisely because he couldn't effectively hit the tightness of the big rock snake last time that he specially asked the rabbit to learn the trick of freezing fist.

Looks like a great success.

"The first round shouldn't be a big problem..."

Xiao Gang also nodded.

The coordinator who participated in the gorgeous contest has many big sisters... This makes Xiaogang watch the gorgeous contest much more than ordinary people, and his eyesight is full.

After the contestants performed fancy performances one by one, it was the turn of a coordinator named Lina Musashi...

I've seen it before at the Celebration Gorgeous Contest.

Sure enough, Weng was very puzzled.

If it hadn't been for Xiao Wang, an experienced coordinator, it is estimated that the winner would be a sure thing.

"Fangtooth Cage, show me your strength!!"

This time, Musashi Lina sent a humanoid plant Pokémon with a grass-leaf body and a wide flytrap mouth. It looks like a very dangerous Pokémon.

"This Pokémon..."

It was the first time Xiaozhi saw it, so he quickly took out the illustrated book.

"Didi. Fangcage, a grass-type Pokémon, generally inhabits forests and swamps, with its mouth wide open, uses sweet saliva to attract prey, and then gnaws them. It likes to eat insect-type Pokémon."

This is quite a strange Pokémon.

It is obviously a grass-type, but likes to eat insect-type Pokémon with unfavorable attributes, which is a reverse food chain.

"Finger Cage, use the Seed Machine Gun!!"

Da da da! !

Fang Cage's performance is without fancy, with his mouth wide open, dense energy seeds are shot out like machine guns, leaving black marks on the stage, full of vigor.

"Use the rattan whip!!"

Whoosh! !

Then there was the rattan whip that was whipped out fiercely, and the crisp and strong sound made the three judges tremble, and subconsciously straightened up.

"The strength is not bad..."

Xiaozhi commented sharply below.

"Well... But it seems that the trainer and the fang cage don't seem to cooperate."

Xiao Gang couldn't help but comment too.

However, more than half of the contestants have finished their performances. If you look at it all the way, there are not many coordinators who are too strong.

It seems that it is still a small town after all, and no experts have been attracted to participate.

In this case, this Musashi Lina has a high probability of being able to advance.

"Strange, why do I find this person so familiar?"

Xiao Gang touched his chin and said with emotion.

And judging by the height of the other party, it is obvious that she is a big sister who is old enough...Why don't I feel the slightest?

valley arm


The first round of the gorgeous contest came to an end.

"Come on, hat mushroom!!"

Jian Wu's order was almost at the end, and he was assigned a nimble and swift hat mushroom.

"Use the energy ball!!"

The bamboo hat mushroom raised its hand and released an energy ball, which was large in size, but Xiao Zhi could tell that the energy contained in it was not high.

It belongs to the flashy energy ball... It's not a big problem, the hat mushroom is not a Pokémon that is good at special attacks.

call out! call out! call out!

Even this bamboo hat mushroom released several energy balls in a row, flying in all directions.

"And then Sonic Punch!!"

The next moment, the figure of the bamboo hat mushroom turned into an invisible afterimage and rushed out.

Boom! ! Boom! !

Immediately, he smashed his fist heavily on the energy ball that he flew out, smashed all the energy balls in a few breaths, aroused a burst of gorgeous green light in midair, and scattered down.

Whether it is gorgeous value or boldness, they are all displayed very well.

"It looks like this guy will be Xiaoguang's enemy..."

Xiao Gang rubbed his chin and commented.

After all the coordinators finished their performances, the eight contestants who had advanced appeared on the big screen in sequence.

The other five were faces with no impression, but Xiaoguang, Jian Wu, and Musashi Lina all successfully advanced.

"Let's go, Xiaozhi, go out to have a meal first, and watch the game in the afternoon!"

It just so happened that it was time for the lunch break, and Xiaogang and the two left the gorgeous competition venue for the time being... As for Xiaoguang, the contestants seemed to be providing meals, but they didn't act with them.


But after the lunch break, when Xiaozhi and the two returned to the venue again, they heard a six or seven-year-old boy at the entrance calling something.

When encountering the audience who came in, they leaned forward to ask, and their expressions looked very anxious.

But no one seemed to care.

This made the two of them interested, and curiously approached and asked:

"What's the matter, little brother, why don't you tell us if you have anything to do?"

Seeing that someone was finally willing to take care of him, the little boy quickly said as if he had found a life-saving straw:

"Sayaxiang was captured by a fat Ibrahimovic, hurry up and save her!!"

"Fat Eevee?"

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang looked at each other, is this a new evolution of Ibrahimovic?

It's like when he was traveling in the Kanto area, he only knew that there were water, fire, and Leib... But after arriving in the Johto area, he didn't know that there were Sun Eevee and Moon Eevee.

So this fat Ibrahimovic is the evolution of the new Ibrahimovic from the Sinnoh region?

"Didi. "Fat Eevee", there is no such Pokémon!"

However, the illustration book automatically recognized it and denied the name.

Just like that, when other people heard the little boy opened his mouth to say "Fat Ibrahimovic Kidnapped", they naturally just sneered, thinking it was just children's nonsense.

"Big brother, believe me! It was really a fat Ibrahimovic who forcibly took Sayaka away... Hurry up and save her!!"

The little boy begged with tears. Although what he said was a bit weird, his expression did not seem to be deceiving.

This made Xiaozhi look certain, maybe there is really something for the present, Xiaoguang's game can only be put on the back for the time being, he chooses to believe the words of this little boy.

"Xiao Gang, please do your best for Xiaoguang's gorgeous contest... I will be back right away!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Zhi dragged the little boy and ran outside in a hurry.

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