He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1620 Wind Power Plant

After a while, led by the little boy, Xiaozhi came to the suburban road east of Huayuan Town.

Hoo hoo hoo...!

This is an open area, but the surrounding wind is strong, so it can naturally whistling strong wind, even Xiao Zhi needs to hold down the hat so as not to fly away.

At the end is a building that looks like a power plant, surrounded by more than a dozen rotating giant windmills, constantly rotating under the blowing of natural wind.

"This is our Huayuan Town's wind power plant, which provides electricity for our town... When I was playing with Sayaka in the morning, a fat Eevee suddenly rushed out."

The two were squatting behind a rock, the little boy named Seita explained to Ash.

"Then Fat Ibrahimovic dragged Sayaka into the power plant very forcefully..."

Speaking of this, he still has lingering fears.

That fat Ibrahimovic is like a tank, with a very thick and huge body, and the sharp claws extending from its forelimbs are even more radiant with a cold light.

"Sayaka's father is the director of the power plant, so he should be inside at this time..."

Makoto looked at the quiet power plant, logically speaking, the staff inside should come out to eat at noon...

It's just that he stared at it for most of the day, and no one came out of it, it was eerily quiet.

He didn't even dare to get close, so he had to go back to Huayuan Town to rescue the soldiers.

"It's really weird..."

Xiaozhi stared at this building surrounded by countless giant windmills. The height of two or three floors, on the surface, seemed nothing worth noting, but it gave off an ominous feeling.

"Then try this!"

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi simply raised his palm, closed his eyes, and began to release his waveguide power.

It was almost two hundred meters away from the power plant, and it was still within his casting range.

"Big brother, what are you doing...?"

Seita next to him looked at Xiaozhi's actions with a bewildered expression.

I am super, how can people still shine?

Xiaozhi, on the other hand, has no other distractions, and strives to maximize his waveguide perception ability.

This allows him to sense the presence of everything around him...

However, it is only limited to surface objects.

For example, on the surface walls of the entire wind power plant, Xiao Zhi can even see the spider webs covered by the external air conditioner at the rear.

But for the wind power plant inside the building, due to the natural wall barrier, this makes the effect of Xiaozhi's waveguide power instantly become cramped.

I can only perceive the position of the target... As for the specifics, it is just a blur.

Most of the individuals with waveguides are concentrated in a certain room on the second floor, completely clustered together.

"If there are hostages, it should be this group of people..."

Xiaozhi secretly guessed that in this factory he can still feel a few waveguides that can move around, maybe they are the wings of the "Fat Ibrahimovic"?

Is it an evil organization like Team Rocket?

Or the Hunter J I met last time?

But since it happened, there's no reason to ignore it.

"Anyway, Makoto, wait for me here, I will be responsible for rescuing Sayaka and the others."

Comforting the little boy in this safe place, Xiao Zhi made a big circle and approached from the back door of the wind power plant.

Walking so covertly, no one should have noticed, right?

Although Yigao is bold, but after all, the opponent's gang has hostages in their hands, so Xiaozhi did not choose to walk in forcefully through the door.

Instead, he turned around and came to the side wall of the factory.

Valley concubine

It just so happened that there was a water pipe connecting straight up to the wall here... Seeing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, he grabbed the water pipe directly, stepped on the wall with both feet, and climbed to the second floor nimbly with a few movements like a monkey.

"By the way, what kind of decoration is that? It looks quite old."

Xiaozhi even saw a few indigo oval ancient mirrors on the wall of the power plant, with a few spots covering the edges... but it didn't look like it was anything important.

There was an open window sill next to it, and Xiao Zhi simply stepped up and formally entered the building very easily.

Instead, Pikachu followed, climbing up slowly and clumsily.

"Pickup, pickup..."

In the end, the whole body fell on the window sill, with the belly sticking out, panting heavily...

Well, I was 130% full from lunch just now, and now that I move a little bit, my intestines start to hurt.

Xiaozhi: "..."

This electric mouse seems to be getting more and more indulgent recently? !

"So this is the inside of the power plant?"

There was no way, Xiaozhi could only hold Pikachu between his arms, and tiptoe around the room like a thief.

It looks like an office here, and there is no one there.

According to the previous waveguide image, this allowed Xiaozhi to confirm the direction, and the group of hostages should be in the next room.

chug chug! !

There was a continuous vibration outside the door, as if some engine machine in the factory was running.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi gently pushed open the door and poked his head out carefully.

But in the aisle, there are several people patrolling back and forth.

They are all wearing silver-white striped tights and white boots, and their hair is very curious blue-blue pot head short hair.

"What a strange look..."

Both men and women have bangs with straight bangs, expressionless eyes, and a cold expression like a robot.

This made Xiaozhi even wonder if they had been brainwashed?


Taking advantage of these patrolling soldiers walking past, Xiaozhi seized the opportunity and slipped into the next room.

This is still an office, but unlike the next door, there are indeed seven or eight humans gathered here.

Most of them are dressed in employee uniforms, only one of them is a little girl with a shofar braid.

They were all tightly bound with ropes, and even their mouths were bandaged.

"Uh, uh...!"

After suddenly seeing Xiao Zhi barging in, a gentle middle-aged man in the lead yelled again and again, but his mouth was covered with tape, so he couldn't make any meaningful sounds.

But judging by Xiaozhi's attire, it is obvious that he is not a nearly brainwashed robot like Team Galaxy.

"Don't worry, I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, I'm here to save you guys!"

Xiaozhi stepped forward and gently tore off the tape on the little girl's mouth.

"Your name is Sayaka, right? I'm Makoto's helper."

The little girl who was still panicking at first became quiet after hearing Seita's name.

During the day, when he was captured by that scary fat Ibrahimovic, Seita said that he was going to find a helper.

"Come out, tortoise!"

Then Xiaozhi released the grass seedling turtle, and the very precise flying leaf knife cut off the ropes tied to everyone's bodies in a short while.

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