He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1621 Team Galaxy and Partners

After some exchanges, Xiaozhi finally knew that the group of villains outside was an organization called "Galaxy Team".

At the same time, it is also the most famous organization in the Sinnoh area, and even has strong control and appeal in many cities.

In other words, it is the "Team Rocket" in the Sinnoh area.

Although the employees recruited by this organization never come out again after entering, the kind who don't even return home...but this should be a serious organization, right?

"Why did they suddenly raid our power plant today..." The headed middle-aged man was the director of the power plant, and carefully hugged his daughter Sayaka in his arms, his face gradually became dignified.

"Anyway, let's find a chance to escape... The Galaxy team is too dangerous, it's better not to fight hard, escape and let Miss Junsha handle it."

He said rationally.

The appearance of Xiaozhi coming in on tiptoe, obviously sneaked in secretly, rather than driving the villains outside before coming in.

However, Xiaozhi just waved his hand.

Now that the hostages have been successfully rescued, it will be the turn of the Galaxy team.

Xiaozhi, who has a strong sense of justice, cannot allow such a crime to happen before his eyes.

It's just that when Xiaozhi just pushed open the door, at some point, several soldiers of the Galaxy team had already gathered in the aisle outside.

His face was expressionless, and he was surrounded by a tiger, feeling full of oppression.

There was even a woman with short red hair standing on a high platform in the back.

Also wearing a silver-white striped tights and a miniskirt, and even a silver-white striped pantyhose and white boots under the skirt, the shape is very weird.

However, her expression is much richer than that of the soldiers of the Galaxy team around her, with a bit of playfulness.

"Oh~ I didn't expect a little mouse to sneak in here~"

Huo Xing said in a brisk tone, he seemed to be the boss of this group of people.

Floating on her shoulders were a few blue ancient mirrors that Xiao Zhi had seen outside.


The eyes that were opened, the light radiating outwards, faintly formed an image similar to a monitor.

"Little brother, my bronze mirror monsters can share each other's vision~!"

Huo Xing smiled and said, Xiaozhi's infiltration was completely noticed by her before.

Needless to say, the movements are quite flexible.

Well, isn't that electric mouse supposed to move very nimbly, why does it feel as if its speed is slower than that of a bronze clock?

"Is there still such a saying...?"

Xiaozhi frowned, and subconsciously tapped the illustration book in his pocket... At this time, he didn't even broadcast it automatically! ?

"Anyway... grass seedling turtle, use the flying leaf knife!!"

Now that he bumped into him, Xiaozhi didn't bother to say anything, and raised his hand to attack.

Don't look at these little soldiers with expressionless faces, they seem to be very powerful...but their movements are half a beat slower.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Before they had time to release the Pokémon, the countless green leaves flew by the tortoise had already swept across the area, and swept away several Galaxy team soldiers around them.

Bang bang...!

And a few bronze mirror monsters flew in front of Huo Xing. Their steel and hard bodies firmly resisted the flying leaf sharp knife, and it seemed that there was no harm.

"Grass Miaogui, I will leave those people to you, use your latest trick!"


The grass seedling turtle understood, waved to the employees of the wind power plant behind him, and took the lead to the room that Xiaozhi invaded at the beginning.

The few people behind also hurriedly followed, and followed the grass seedling turtle all the way to the window sill.

This place is nearly ten meters high, normal people don't have Xiaozhi's ability to come and go freely, so naturally it is impossible to jump directly.


The tortoise jumped directly to the edge of the window sill and let out a low cry.

The next moment, from the bottom of the tortoise shell, a green light vine gradually spread out... All the way down, it was a full 10 meters in length, and it was almost touching the ground.

Super absorbing!

Valley Pork

The tortoise has completely mastered this move!

This move not only has the effect of absorbing the target's physical strength, but can even be used as a vine to bind the target... Of course, the flexibility is a little worse than the vine whip.

But if it's just for one person to grab and climb down, it's not a big problem.


The grass seedling tortoise gave another low drink, signaling these unlucky ones to grab the super-absorbing vines and go down.

It is a character that will protect other Pokémon in the jungle, with a strong sense of justice.

Seeing this, these employees didn't delay any longer, and grabbed the grass seedling turtle's super-absorbing vines to escape from this position.


And in the central space of the wind power plant, Xiaozhi looked at the woman with a playful expression.

"By the way, won't you stop them...?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

"Why should I stop them? Our Galactic team forced the expropriation of this wind power plant. Logically speaking, it is our fault."

Huo Huo lightly pressed his chin, and said solemnly.

Xiaozhi: "..."

Why is this villain still talking about reason?

"Actually, if you don't come, we plan to withdraw~"

Huo Xing shrugged and said helplessly.

Anyway, all surveillance evidence here is destroyed... The only evidence that the wind power plant accuses Team Galaxy of illegal intrusion is verbal identification.

But just kidding...

Hee hee, in terms of public opinion and public relations, their Galaxy team is invincible!

Just insult and spread rumors about a big company with positive energy, and Team Galaxy will send a lawyer's letter.

In the end, there is a high probability that the wind power plant should apologize to them!

"So what is your purpose?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

"Idiot, how could I tell outsiders that our Galaxy team needs a lot of electricity~?"

"So you need a lot of power, so what do you do?"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows and asked again.

But this question made the partner's laughing expression disappear.

Did this brat really think of her as a fool?

"However, as a third-party witness, you seem to need to be silenced... So little brother, are you willing to forget what happened here today?"

Huo Xing's expression gradually became gloomy, and he looked at Xiaozhi with a bit of threat.

"Hey, woman! Don't underestimate my memory!"

But Xiaozhi just scolded sharply.

Xiaozhi was annoyed that he couldn't remember the woman's name. At this moment, he was provoking him by letting himself forget something.

Although I don't know why this guy suddenly became angry, Huo Xing's face gradually turned cold.

That being the case, let me teach you a lesson...!


Immediately afterwards, there was a sharp and sharp cry, and a huge figure suddenly descended from the sky and landed heavily in front of Xiaozhi.

Fat cat-shaped body, covered with short gray and white fur.

The wide cat face has a pair of protruding ears, lazy and fierce eyes, and the whiskers on the cheeks are curved at the ends.

"Is this Fat Ibrahimovic?"

Xiaozhi shuddered, thinking that this is the fat Ibrahimovic that Chengta said...but it doesn't look like Ibrahimovic!

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