
"It's really lucky~!"

After taking a pleasant shower, Xiaozhi dried his hair, lay on the big bed very comfortably, and couldn't help but say happily.


Pikachu next to him had already fallen asleep, lying on the bed as if unable to fight, still snoring lightly.

This made Xiao Gang who was sleeping in the next bed couldn't help sighing:

"Right, if Xiaozhi and you are Miss Yami now, it would be perfect..."

Xiaozhi: "..."

Then what you think seems to be a bit too perfect.


It's just that after the two of them were lying on the bed for a while, there was a sudden sound of electric current rushing in the room.


This made Pikachu vigilantly shaking his ears...but he didn't wake up.

This is simply the instinct of its body, but the instinct to sleep peacefully is stronger.


Then there was another sound of electric current rushing, this time Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang couldn't pretend they didn't hear it, they quickly turned on the desk lamp and looked around carefully.

Where is the plug not plugged in? Is there a leakage?

Just checked for a long time, and found nothing unusual.


However, the next moment, a female scream suddenly came from outside the door, which was very harsh in the silent night.

"It's Miss Yami!"

Xiao Gang's expression immediately became serious, and he rushed to the door, pushed the door open, and then forcibly opened the door of the opposite room without even thinking about it.

It's just that both Yami and Xiaoguang are wearing tight sleepy clothes, which makes Xiaogang frown.


"Miss Yami, don't worry, Xiaosheng is here, and there will be absolutely no villains here to get close to you!"

Xiaogang immediately came to Yami's side, carefully protecting him behind his back, not even forgetting to wipe the oil, and tightly holding Yami's palm.

Xiaozhi: "..."

The villain seems to be you.

"What's the matter, Xiaoguang?"

Xiaozhi came in and looked left and right, but didn't see anything strange.

"It's TV! Watch TV quickly!!"

Xiaoguang said in a panic, because the scene was too weird, he subconsciously hid behind Xiaozhi.


Xiaozhi looked at the TV in the room, but it was turned on... He thought it was Xiaoguang and the two of them watching some evening program, but he didn't pay attention.

At this moment on the screen, it seems that some cartoon is playing.

The main character is an orange-red Pokémon with pointed horns on top of its round head.

There are no limbs, just a single head with a pair of oval blue eyes and a small mouth.

"Loto, Loto~!"

And the head of this Pokémon kept approaching the TV screen, and its eyes looked around through the screen, making strange noises.

Not at all like a character from an animated show...more like a Pokémon trapped in a TV box?

"We didn't turn on the TV at all...then the TV suddenly turned on, and at first it kept flickering and making strange electrical noises."

Yami's face turned blue, and his shoulders trembled slightly.

Then this orange-red creature suddenly appeared on the TV, swinging all kinds of strange movements.

"Is it a Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi quickly took out the illustration book and pointed it at the TV.

"Didi. Rotom, electricity and ghost attributes, the body is composed of electric plasma, can walk in the form of electric ions in the cable, and sneak into different home appliances to transform into different forms."

The illustrated book reminded that this is really a Pokémon.

Valley minus

As if to confirm the statement in the illustrated book, Rotom suddenly disappeared from the TV screen.


As the current flowed, one could faintly see a ball of electric light running along the wires behind the TV, and finally landed on a fan placed on the table.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, the small fan started to spin.

The general structure has not changed, but the color of the fan has directly changed to orange, revealing Rotom's eye organs at the base.

On both sides of the fan, there are two translucent yellow arms made of electric ions.

"Beep. Rotating Rotom, electricity and flight attributes, the state of Rotom combined with an electric fan, can release a strong whirlwind."

This made the eyes of several people become amazed.

It turns out that there are Pokémon that can change their forms at will, and even their attributes have changed.

Hush! !

It even rotated Rotom at a high speed, blowing a violent gust of wind, causing everything in the entire room to be blown upside down.

storm! !

This is a big move of the flying attribute, and it is very powerful.

It seemed that it finally saw outsiders coming, and this Rotom was very excited. When the current was rushing, it actually broke away from the fan and started to shuttle through the wires again.

This also changed the fan back to its original plain appearance.


The next moment, the ion current fell on the refrigerator next to it, which turned the entire white refrigerator into orange red, and Rotom's eyes even appeared on the surface.

The surrounding area is covered with a layer of lavender ionized layer, which turns into a pair of arms.

"Didi. Frozen Rotom, electricity and ice attributes, the state of Rotom combined with an electrical refrigerator, can release a powerful blizzard."

Hush! !

After the words fell, the refrigerator door opened from both sides, and a cold storm was blown from it, mixed with countless ice and snow.


This caused the temperature of the whole room to drop sharply, and even the walls were covered with frost, making Xiaozhi and the others shiver with their arms and teeth shivering.


Seeing that several humans seemed to have suffered some huge damage, this Rotom was in a hurry, interrupted the blizzard, and got out of the refrigerator.

It's just that the temperature in the room was still extremely cold, which made Rotom choose to fly into an oven placed on the table.

"Beep. Heating Rotom, with the attributes of electricity and fire, the state of Rotom combined with an electric oven can release powerful flames."

And hearing these words, Xiaozhi's heart suddenly trembled.

This guy, isn't going to...

"Wait for Rotom, don't breathe fire yet!!"

Hell, how come there are all kinds of electrical appliances in this room? !

However, the next moment, the oven heating Rotom's abdomen was fully turned on, and hot flames gushed out of it.

Boom chi chi! !

The high-temperature flames spread to the surroundings, dispelling the chill in an instant...but it also directly turned the room into a melting pot.

overheat! !

There were even a lot of flames falling on the surrounding furniture walls.

You must know that this mansion is a wooden house, and when it encounters flames... 嗤咚...!

The next moment, flames ignited everywhere in the room, as hot as purgatory.

"Bogaman, use the bubble light!!"

"Itachi, use the water gun!!"

Xiaoguang quickly directed Bogaman to put out the fire, and Xiaozhi also sent out his swimming ring Itachi backhand.

And this Rotom is directly integrated with a washing machine next to it, and the ion arm grabs the drain pipe next to it, aiming at the surrounding flames.

Hush! !

The next moment, a huge stream of water spewed out of it, completely extinguishing the flames in a short while...

Water cannons! !

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