He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1630 Murder Case

After some messy firefighting, the flames in the entire room were finally extinguished.

It's just that this time, the whole room was completely turned into ruins, and the faces and clothes of the four of Xiaozhi were also stained with all kinds of black ash.

On the walls and floors, there are scorched black marks everywhere, cracks from blown by the storm, and countless furniture decorations are completely scattered all over the place, which is very messy.

"Calm down Rotom, you don't move anymore!"

Xiaozhi hurriedly comforted the ionized Rotom, looking at his posture, this guy must have gone somewhere and merged with the electric appliance.


Seeing this, this Rotom wasn't running around and making trouble, but got out of the washing machine and returned to the appearance of an orange-red floating ghost.

Having experienced adventures in so many regions, Xiaozhi also has some understanding of the habits of ghost-type Pokémon.

Although it is the most eerie and mysterious attribute, generally ghost-type Pokémon are unwilling to be lonely. They like to show their sense of existence and find other creatures to interact with.

The Rotom in front of him probably saw them moving in and wanted to play with them.

"In short, don't use your skills yet, we can play with you."

So Xiaozhi spoke softly.

This made him feel as if he was facing his Geng Ghost for the first time...


Sure enough, these words made this Rotom smile. Its light and agile body danced in the air, flying around several people, making a faint sound of electric current flowing.

Xiaozhi and the others looked at each other, so is this Rotom the owner's Pokémon?

"It's strange that no one has come here yet...?"

Xiao Gang was puzzled and looked towards the door.

It stands to reason that it was a blizzard just now, and it was overheated... This floor seemed to explode, and the ceiling of the entire room was about to be lifted.

But until now, neither the owner of the mansion nor the old housekeeper came to check.

It was so quiet and scary, it seemed that there were only four of them in this whole mansion.

"Rotom, is your trainer here too?"

So Xiaozhi asked.

This Rotom seems to be very smart and can communicate completely.

"Loto, Loto~!"

Rotom shook his head, then nodded again, looking uncertain.

The appearance of this riddle makes people completely unable to understand what it is trying to express.


This made the Rotom look anxious, and immediately flew up, and the whole body was integrated into the original TV.

It seems that the TV is not a certain form of Rotom, and there is no fusion phenomenon, but simply entered into the electrical appliances.


The next moment, the TV screen flickered.

It was still a Rotom, appearing on the screen as if it had been locked in a cage.


It's just that as Rotom kept changing channels, the screen finally froze on a program.

It seems that it is a news?

The four of them stared at the content on the screen with wide eyes.

Generally speaking, it seems to be a news from decades ago. Even the screen is black and white, with pixel grids visible to the naked eye, which looks very old.


On a dark night after a rain, a murder occurred in a mansion villa surrounded by jungle.

Nuoda's mansion is only inhabited by an old housekeeper and a pair of twin brothers and sisters.

But in that dark night, both the old housekeeper and the twin sister were brutally murdered...

After that, both the vicious murderer and the elder brother of the twins disappeared completely, leaving only an empty and spacious mansion.

"Wait a minute, the mansion mentioned in the news is not here, is it?!"

Xiaozhi shuddered and couldn't help but speak.

The expressions of the other three also changed from cloudy to sunny, killing people or something was too far away from them, and they had never even thought about it.

"Eh... That's the old butler we saw before, it can't be..."

Before Yami finished speaking, the four of them looked at the black and white photo of the victim displayed on the TV screen, their eyes were horrified, their faces turned pale, and they backed away subconsciously.

The appearance of the old butler shown on the screen at this moment is exactly the old butler they saw in the evening!

Even on the side, I can see a cute and playful little girl, who is only about six or seven years old.

"That is to say, what we see is not human beings at all, but... ghosts?"

Ya Misers trembled, and even the lucky egg next to him was completely dumbfounded, and his chubby ball body kept shaking.

"Being brutally murdered...is it a vengeful spirit?"

Xiao Gang couldn't help but speak, his tone was also trembling.

Not ghost-type Pokémon, but real ghosts... This kind of existence does not exist in this world.

To a certain extent, Brother Chi or Plantina are all like this, right?

This made several people look towards the door from time to time, for fear that the old housekeeper would suddenly appear there.

"But that's weird...how come I haven't heard the news at all?"

After calming down, Yami said doubtfully.

The news clearly highlighted the place where the crime happened—a western-style villa in the EMI Forest.

But when she was looking for information about Mori yokan, she specifically looked up the words "Emi Dai Forest" and "Western House".

There is absolutely no trace of any news, and there is not even the slightest connection with this appalling murder case.

"Either the news is fake...or, there is some big person who covered up this matter."

At this time, Plantina's cold voice suddenly appeared in the minds of Xiaoguang and Xiaozhi.

In her world, Platina also came to this villa mansion in the EMI forest, but apart from encountering wild ghost-type Pokémon inhabiting the mansion, there was nothing unusual.

It seems to be a simple abandoned building.

The news on TV is so old, it's obviously impossible to be "fake news" created by Rotom himself...

For the dignitaries standing behind the scenes, it is very easy to cover up such a shocking piece of news.

So the only thing preserved may be the old news video that was short-lived at that time.

"Miss, do you know this big man?"

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoguang and couldn't help asking.

Yami: "?"

What an inexplicable name this is.

Wasn't everyone called Xiaoguang before, why did she suddenly become a young lady?

"Don't you know...I always feel like a dangerous person."

Especially the appearance of Xiaoguang not answering at all, but Xiaozhi muttering to himself, made Yami even more excited.

Wait a minute, the three people in front of you are also ghosts wandering in the EMI Forest, right? !

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