He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1631 Rotom Illustrated Book

In the end, Plantina didn't have any answers either.

However, there is a high probability that it should be a certain important person in the Sinnoh region in this world, right?

Look at how old the news is... probably from 30 or 40 years ago, the other party may still be alive.

Probably go ask the ghost of the old butler, maybe you can get some information.

But the strangest thing is... In the news, there were obviously three people living in the mansion, but only two died in the end.

"The elder brother of the twins should still be alive now, right?"

Knowing that the other party was a tragic death, and there was even a six or seven-year-old girl among them, this aroused Xiaozhi's sense of justice, and he made a gesture to go to the second floor of the mansion to ask the old housekeeper.

Maybe he can help them avenge and bring down this big man who covered up the news.

"Come out, Huayan Monster!!"

Xiaozhi released the Huayan Monster with his backhand.

There are only two ghosts here... This flower rock monster has 108 souls.

Resentment is even more exaggerated!

With the protection of Huayan Monster, it is impossible for any monsters to make troubles.

It's just that he took the flower rock monster and searched in this mansion villa, but didn't see any strange traces.

Neither the old housekeeper nor the little girl I saw before existed, and the whole house was completely empty.

Xiaozhi even yelled a few times at the top of his voice, as if they were completely hidden, only his own echo.

This made Xiaozhi walk back helplessly, and spread his hands to several people.

Unable to know the specific inside story, he can only feel that he seems to be unable to help.

Then Xiaozhi set his eyes on the Rotom that flew out of the TV again, and the latter was jumping briskly in mid-air.

It seemed that after telling this secret to outsiders, Rotom's mood improved a lot.

"How about Rotom, would you like to travel with me?"

So Xiaozhi asked.

It seems that this Rotom is a ghost Pokémon inhabiting here. If it has something to do with the ghosts here, it should be called out now, right?


Rotom could understand human language, shaking his body in mid-air, hesitating for something.

It loves excitement by nature, and has been tired of staying in this place where few living people come.

Going outside seems like a good thing?


After making up his mind, Rotom's body began to burst out with electric current, and the light blue edge ion current spread outward, as if he was looking for some new electrical equipment.

"Oh, do you need new appliances?"

Seeing that there was no hope at all, Xiaozhi quickly took out his backpack and groped around inside.

The power booster I just got is something suitable for electric-type Pokémon... Should it be considered an electrical appliance?

Xiaozhi raised the power booster in the shape of a small box to Rotom.


However, this Rotom just shook his head with a disgusted expression.

Power boosters, dogs don't even need it.

"Don't you like it... I don't seem to have anything on me anymore."

But at this time, Rotom stretched out his semi-solid lightning arm and poked Xiaozhi's pocket.

Xiaozhi took out the contents in a daze. This is a full-screen illustration book, with a size of 7.9, which is just the size that one hand can hold.


Different from Xiaoguang's illustrated book, this is the latest illustrated book modified and upgraded by Dr. Oki on the basis of his original illustrated book.

"Do you like illustrated books...?"

Xiaozhi is a little hesitant. After all, this illustrated book is his "partner" who has been with him since the first episode. Although it was somewhat unreliable before, it is gradually on the right track now.

It won't be a problem, will it?


But in the next second, a faint electric current burst out from this Rotom's body, and with a "whoosh", it just flowed into the illustrated book.

This also made the appearance of this illustrated book begin to change.

The screen, which was originally a full screen, gradually began to extend to the outside with a thick orange border, which is the color of Rotom's body.

It seems that like those washing machines and ovens, it will become another Rotom form of fusion appliances...

However, after changing for half a minute, the illustrated book has returned to its original appearance, with the orange frame put away, and it still looks like a brand new full-screen mobile phone.

As for Rotom, just like being trapped in the TV before, his face and body also appeared on the screen at this moment, looking around from left to right, looking very novel.

"No change..."

"Did the fusion fail?"

A few people next to him gathered together, discussing one after another.

Just like the TV, there is no change...but just now the illustration book has clearly begun to transform towards the "Rotom Illustration Book".

"Your illustration book doesn't seem to be suitable for Rotom."

Plantina is well-informed and reminded.

"Not suitable?"

Xiaozhi blinked and replied in a daze.

"Well, I heard that there are some illustrated books that can be integrated with Rotom to become a very special "Rotom illustrated book."

Platina telepathically said.

In her world, this technology was newly invented in the remote Alola region, and the Sinnoh region, where wild Rotom lived, also introduced this technology later.

Combining Rotom with the illustrated book... can directly give the illustrated book vitality, making it completely a machine that can communicate with the trainer in real time, move freely, and have independent consciousness.

To some extent, it even realizes the communication dialogue between humans and Pokémon.

"Is there still such a saying?"

Xiaozhi was startled, looking at the illustration book in his hand, he was a little surprised.

Xiaoguang also took out his own pink illustrated book, the appearance and shape of which seemed to be a century behind Xiao Zhi's illustrated book, and still had a thick border.

However, seeing that Rotom can flexibly move around in the illustrated book, and even freely enter and exit the illustrated book, there is no sign of mess in the illustrated book...

Xiaozhi felt relieved for the time being, and didn't take out the elf ball.

"Then Rotom, you can live here temporarily."

Putting away the illustration book, I have tamed a new Pokémon.

It seems that in the future, I will find a high-tech boss to upgrade my illustration book to become an illustration book that can adapt to Rotom's fusion.

It was late at night, and after a night of farce, everyone's sleepiness came to their hearts.

But it was impossible to sleep in this room... The four simply returned to Xiaozhi's room.

Xiaogang and Xiaozhi were squeezed together on one bed, while Yami and Xiaoguang slept on the other.

"Jie Jie~"

The stone pier keystone of the Huayan monster fell on the door, and a vortex ghost image rose upward, scanning the surroundings like a door god.

With a strong aura, no ghosts dare to approach...

This allowed Xiaozhi and the others to sleep peacefully for a while.

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