He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1646 What is the gold content of Giratina?

"The birth of Dialga gave us time, whether we are happy and laughing, or sad and weeping... time passes equally, and this is the blessing of Dialga."

"The birth of Palkia created multiple spaces. Whether it is life or death, everything in the world is in the same space."

Zhulan paused, then spoke slowly.

"These two avatars prayed and coordinated with each other, and the so-called matter was born. Then this original existence created three lives from itself, and gave birth to a heart for the world."

Her gaze fell leisurely on the three mushroom statues in front of her.

"These three legendary Pokémon gave the Pokémon world all life knowledge, emotion, and will, and then they respectively sneaked into the three famous lakes in the Sinnoh area and hid them, so they are also called lakes. of the gods."

Zhulan's knowledge of mythology and history is obviously far superior to that of ordinary people, and even many ancient scholars may not be able to speak so clearly and fluently.

"Little girl, one of the emotional Pokémon, Emrido, is said to live in a different space beside Xinqi Lake. Only those who are recognized by it will be able to witness it."

Zhulan looked at Xiaoguang and explained.

The latter nodded again and again, and she didn't dare to be careless in front of the league champion, her expression was tense.


Plantina, who was secretly eavesdropping in the soul world, also nodded slowly.

Generally speaking, there is not much difference from the myths and legends she knows.

There doesn't seem to be much difference between the two worlds in terms of the background of historical legends.

"By the way, what is the gold content of Giratina?"

At this time, Xiaozhi raised his hand beside him and asked.

He listened to it for a long time, but it seems that the name of Giratina has not been mentioned, right?

The last time they had a hasty fight at the Caiyou Conference, Xiaozhi understood the strength of the latter, and he was also a legendary Pokémon not inferior to Fengwang and Lugia.

At that time, he remembered that Mikri mentioned that the latter was the legendary Pokémon in the Sinnoh area?


Zhulan turned her head slightly, a little surprised why Xiaozhi suddenly asked about this.

Generally speaking, the myths and legends in the Sinnoh area are the God of Creation and the God of Time and Space, and then the three "Gods of the Lake".

The existence of Giratina is generally seldom talked about, and it is a taboo existence.

"Oh, last time when I defeated Master Mikri, I suddenly ran past a Giratina at the end, which scared people to death."

Seeing that the other party was puzzled, Xiao Zhi explained, with a bit of lingering fear on his expression.

Although in the words, he emphasized the words "defeat Mikri".

"But luckily, in the end, I barely hit Giratina, and suppressed him back to the other side of the space gate, unable to come out."


After hearing these words, Zhulan was silent for a long time.

Is this young man talking nonsense?

Defeat Master Mikri... Master Mikri, you are talking about the new champion of the alliance in the Yoshien region, right?

Although he just took office, there are rumors from the outside world that his strength is not as good as that of the previous league champion Dawu...

But at the end of the day, an officially recognized league champion.

Then he was defeated by the boy in front of him?

Judging by age, at most 12 years old...?

As for the alliance meeting in the Fangyuan area, it is even more impossible for Giratina to appear.

Pluto dragon Qi Latina seldom tears open the space, and travels from the exiled broken world to their world, which seems to be a taboo move for him...

Not to mention traveling to other regions.

valley express

And also repelled the Giratina...

"Oh, actually, it was because my Rogia accidentally used a shadow sneak attack. It is said that only Giratina can perform this move, so I accidentally attracted the other party."

Seeing the other party in a daze, as if his brain was thinking quickly, Xiaozhi continued to explain with a smile.

But this time, Zhulan showed a smile instead.

Well, Rogia was able to use Shadow Sneak Attack, which means that this boy must be talking nonsense.

What a mess of elements, all gathered together.

When she was dreaming, such dreamy and messy plots often appeared, and some dreams were even more outrageous than what Xiaozhi said.

Xiaoguang couldn't hear it clearly, mainly because she had never heard of the content and words in it.


But Platina in the soul world, her expression became serious.

Although it does sound like a fairy tale, this young man is not a deceitful character.

"So it's all true...?"

Plantina thought to herself, even though she had been prepared, Xiaozhi's experience still seemed to exceed her expectations.

"Miss Zhulan, what Xiaozhi said is true, Xiaosheng was watching from the side at that time."

Sensing Zhulan's expression of disbelief, Xiao Gang immediately said seriously.

He doesn't like people questioning Xiaozhi, even the beautiful blonde big sister.

"Xiaozhi is also the inspector specially appointed by the Pokémon Alliance... this is personally appointed by Mr. Damaranch!"

"Inspector, Damaranch...?"

These words made Zhulan stunned again.

"Wait a minute, so you are Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town?"

The next moment, Zhulan's expression became surprised, she looked straight at Xiaozhi, and couldn't help blurting out.

"Uh, Miss Zhulan...do you know me?"

The other party's sudden change of expression made Xiaozhi pat the back of his head in embarrassment.

Normally, he seldom said this to others. After all, it was a bit of a show off. He was not Xiaomao...but it was different if others helped to explain.

Well, as expected, he is still Teacher Gang, a good brother forever!

"Well, I heard from Mr. Damaranch that he has recruited a young trainer from other places to serve as the Sinnoh regional inspector this year and the guest of the exhibition game at the alliance conference."

Zhulan pressed her fingers to her chin, recalling the scene at that time.

"It is said that it is a trainer named Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town..."

"Exhibition contest guests?!"

Xiaozhi blinked suspiciously, he only promised to be a supervisor, when did he promise to be a guest in some exhibition competition?

"So it's you, the powerful trainer who defeated Mikri...?"

This time, Zhulan's originally lazy expression was restrained a lot, and she looked at Xiaozhi solemnly.

After she finished listening, the news floated out of her ears.

Although she is the champion of the league, Zhulan enjoys the heavy feeling of investigating various historical sites, as if traveling back to the ancient world.

Therefore, he didn't pay much attention to Damaranche's words.

Only now did I remember it.

Didn't expect this trainer to be so young?

Wait a minute, that is to say, what Xiaozhi said earlier was serious...? !

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