He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1647 Diamond Orb!

In the world of Pokémon, age is a sign of a person's maturity.

Strength is a more convincing proof than age.

A person who can defeat Master Mi Keli will naturally not talk nonsense and aimlessly.

"Pluto Dragon, Giratina actually appeared in another area."

Zhulan's expression became dignified. This kind of god is not a kind existence. Once it appears in the world, with the powerful power of the latter, it might endanger the whole world.

There is also the deed of Xiaozhi repelling Giratina, which sounds a little scary.

It seems that I can't always linger in the historical relics of the past, and I have to find time to surf the Internet and read news from other regions.

"In short, let your Rogia stop using Giratina's exclusive move for the time being. This move may have communicated with the broken world that was exiled in the legend, allowing Giratina to travel through it."

After thinking for a while, Zhulan reminded.

Although Rogia can use Shadow Sneak Attack, it's somewhat outrageous.

Generally speaking, the legendary Pokémon are not big-hearted and will hold grudges.

The legendary Giratina was directly exiled to a completely collapsed world because of her violent personality and destruction everywhere.

That world is also called the reversed world. Anyway, everything in it is broken and broken, and he can vent his violent desire to destroy as he pleases.

As for other more detailed information, Zhulan is not too clear.

"Don't use Shadow Sneak just yet..."

Xiaozhi nodded, although even if he wanted to, he couldn't do it for the time being.

Because at this moment, the dark Rogia... fell into a deep sleep again.

In the period of rapid growth, Rogia needs to constantly enter a state of deep sleep to allow his body to grow rapidly.

In order to become as powerful as the former Poseidon one day earlier, or even surpass the former, Xiao Zhi let the latter sleep soundly in the Poseidon feather pendant.

It's impossible to release it to give a few people a prestige.


After some introductions, everyone knew the name of the other party.

Although knowing Xiaozhi's strength, it is by no means comparable to ordinary trainers.

Even if he couldn't beat himself, at least he was much stronger than the general alliance kings... Zhulan's expression returned to the easy-going and calm at the beginning.

It doesn't matter, she is on vacation now, Xiaozhi's strength does not have much to do with her.

"Just that exhibition game..."

Thinking of something, Zhulan frowned slightly.

She remembered that Damaranch also invited herself to be a guest in the Sinnoh Alliance Exhibition Competition...the purpose is not to let herself fight with Xiaozhi, right?

"So Miss Zhulan, did you come to see these statues this time?"

Xiaozhi asked curiously, but the fighting spirit with the strong man had completely calmed down.

The woman in front of him seemed to be stronger than Mi Keli.

At that time, the outcome of his battle with Mi Keli was at most 64 points, and he might not be able to defeat this woman steadily.

"The ultimate realm..."

For Xiaozhi, this terrifying realm cannot be perfectly grasped...

But the woman in front of me is undoubtedly able to display it smoothly.

"It's not for them. I've been to this museum many times..."

Zhulan shook her head.

EMI City is a city with ancient charm, and it is also the place she often chooses when she is on vacation. Naturally, she has been to this museum many times, and she is familiar with it.


But the purpose of coming here this time is to...

Zhulan set her sights on a display stand in the center of the museum.

Everyone looked subconsciously, but saw that on that platform, there was a transparent glass display frame...but it was empty inside.

"Only smart people can see it?"

Xiaozhi flashed a bold guess.

But soon, Zhulan answered:

"I heard that a magical prop unearthed by the EMI Museum today - the Vajra Orb, will be on public display in the next few days, so I came here to watch it."

"Diamond Orb?"

Several people were stunned, it was the first time they heard this word.

"The Vajra Orb may sound a little strange...but this prop has a deep connection with the God of Time, Diyaluka, that I mentioned earlier."

Zhulan explained, her tone became hurried.

Dialga is also known as the "Diamond Beast" in some places in the Sinnoh region, because of the multi-faceted diamond inlaid on its chest.

Some people even speculate that the so-called Diamond Orb is a large diamond that fell out of Diya Luka's chest.

A few days ago, the museum began to exhibit, usually as the highlight, and it will be displayed in the afternoon when it is close to dusk.

Because of this, Zhulan asked for leave on purpose and came to EMI City to observe.

Since this is the last day of the exhibition period, the flow of people in the museum today is much less, not as crowded as it was a few days ago.

"The next opportunity for this vajra orb will be sent for research...so you have to see it directly in the museum, today is the last day."

Hearing that Xiaozhi and the others were also aroused.

An item related to the God of Time, this is an incredible thing.

"Wait a minute, so this thing can be regarded as a token of God in a sense?"

Xiaozhi suddenly remembered something.

Although he was acting separately from Brother Chi for the time being, he did not forget that he still had the task of helping Brother Chi find many legendary Pokémon and ask for the token of God.

That being the case, the gods of the lake, the twin gods of time and space, and Giratina mentioned by Ms. Zhulan...

Even the Creator God who created all things was an existence he had to come into contact with.

"You can't snatch it either... Let's see what it is like now."

So Xiaozhi's curiosity was also aroused, and Zhulan and Xiaoguang gathered around the central booth.

It seems that the time is up, and there are still many tourists gathered around at the same time, and it seems that they are all people who came from other places specially to witness the Vajra Orb.

After waiting for a long time, no staff member brought up the Vajra Orb.



The crowd also gradually became restless and noisy.

After waiting for a long time, what came out of the backstage of the museum was not a bright big diamond, but a Miss Junsha, followed by several younger brothers Junsha, all with serious expressions.


Next to Miss Junsha was a purple skunk Pokémon, with a slightly plump face and creamy yellow fur on the top of the head and back.

It looks like the former's partner Pokémon.

"Don't move all of them! I suspect that a thief among you stole the precious diamond orbs! Check all of them now!!"

Miss Junsha shouted in a low voice, commanding her subordinates to surround dozens of tourists including Xiaozhi.

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