He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1648 Hiring Theft

"I almost came in with the three of them."

When Ms. Junsha interrogated the tourists in the museum, Zhulan showed her identity and kept Xiaozhi and the three together.

"Miss Zhulan...I didn't expect you to be here!"

Looking at this league champion who is often seen on TV, even Miss Junsha couldn't help straightening her back and bowing.

The status of the league champion is extremely high.

Afterwards, she asked her subordinates to check the rest of the people, and Ms. Jun Sha brought a few people to the back door of the museum and explained the whole story to them.

"The Vajra Orb is not just a precious historical relic, it is even related to the entire Sinnoh region. We will send it to a special research institute for research tomorrow..."

"As a result, when the staff opened the safe just before the exhibition, they found that the vajra orb was missing..."

Miss Junsha brought several people to the backstage of the museum.

This is a room similar to a large safe, and there is a reinforced iron door that opens outwards at the door, which looks unbreakable.

At this moment, the curator of the museum here is pacing back and forth, wiping his sweat from his head.

Damn it, it is the most sophisticated anti-theft door, and there is no trace of damage... It proves that the prisoner's unlocking method is extremely terrifying!

The diamond orb was only lent to them for temporary exhibition in the museum, but it was lost in his hands.

"Miss Zhulan!"

When the curator saw a group of people coming in, especially the leader Zhulan, his eyes brightened immediately, as if he had seen a savior.

The latter often come to their EMI Museum, but they know each other.

And Zhulan also entered the detective mode, scanning all the layout of this room, walking around.

This made the three of Xiaozhi follow behind, looking around curiously.

"It seems that it is unlikely to be a tourist from outside..."

After a while, Zhulan spoke.

After thinking about it for a while, there are always guards guarding the passage between the museum's main exhibition hall and the backstage, and visitors outside will naturally be noticed once they enter or leave.

It didn't cause much trouble at all, but the Vajra Orb disappeared, and it wasn't discovered that it had been stolen until it was about to be put on display...

Looking at it, it looks more like there is an inside ghost?

Or an outsider masquerading as an insider?

"Huh, this is...?"

Zhulan suddenly squatted down, and caught something very precisely on a ground as smooth as a mirror.

Near the bottom of the collection table where the Vajra Orbs are stored, Zhulan held it in her hands and put it in front of her eyes to observe carefully.

This is a thin and short yellow hair, closing her eyes, Zhulan put it between her fingers and gently rubbed it...

"It looks like it should be a cat hair?"

This move made the three of Xiaozhi stunned.

Can this be seen too? !

"Curator, does anyone in your museum keep cat-shaped Pokémon?"

So Zhulan turned her head and asked.

When it came time to get down to business, Zhulan's originally easy-going and natural expression became dignified and serious, as if she had completely changed herself.

"Our museum prohibits the release of any animal-type Pokémon."

The curator shook his head and denied it.

Generally, beast-type Pokémon like cats and dogs have lively and active habits.

And the museum is full of fine and fragile cultural relics, which are extremely dangerous... Staff are absolutely forbidden to release animal-type Pokémon.

There are quite a few strong and stable monsters.

Then he glanced at Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder, and Bogaman in Xiaoguang's arms...

Gu Shao

These two Pokémon also seem to belong to lively and active masters.

"Yellow cat fur..."

Hearing this, Zhulan looked at the yellow cat fur in her hand, her eyes flickering.

The cat-type Pokémon of the general public in the Sinnoh area, whether it is the kitten monster family or the curly-tailed cat family, it is impossible to have such yellow cat fur...

Then you can target the cat-type Pokémon in other regions. These Pokémon are very rare in the Sinnoh region, and the range has narrowed down a lot...

Miss Junsha next to her knew it, and immediately spread her men around to look for the rare yellow cat-shaped Pokémon.

There is a high probability that it is related to the theft this time, and the trainer of the latter may even be a criminal!



On the other side, in a wild grove east of the EMI Museum.

This is already the edge of EMI City.

In the dense jungle, there was a gray-black helicopter standing in a certain open space.

There is also a yellow "G" symbol engraved on the shell of the aircraft, with a black floating shadow on the edge.

This is the logo of Team Galaxy!

At this moment, a man in the characteristic tight uniform of the Galaxy team was leaning on the side of the plane.

He folded his arms and closed his eyes, as if he was waiting for something.

With a cold and aloof face, and short blue hair with bangs, compared to the previous group of Galactic team soldiers, the hair is curled up on both sides, like a pair of horns.

The shape is still too advanced, and it is not understandable by ordinary people.

Next to the man stood a large dark blue poisonous frog.

It looks similar to Xiao Gang's Bad Frog, but much more vicious.

The poisonous air sacs on both sides of the cheeks had moved to the chin, and this time they bulged on a larger scale, almost at the same level as the entire head.

In addition to the fingers at the end of the arm, there is also a red sharp venomous thorn on the back position than the bad frog.

Poison Skeleton Frog, the evolution of bad frogs!

After waiting for a while, three figures came slowly from one direction of the jungle, a man, a woman and a cat...it was the Rockets trio!

"Oh, Master Zhenxing has been waiting for a long time~"

"Sorry, we're late~"

Musashi Kojiro and the two were unusually good-tempered today, and they greeted cheerfully.

"Stop talking nonsense, have you got something?"

However, Zhen Xing just glanced at the three of them, and interrupted coldly.

With cold eyes, it was like looking at three piles of garbage.

"It's here, meow~"

Miaomiao was not annoyed either, she flipped the cat's paw, and pulled out a giant diamond from nowhere.

About the size of a football, it is a crystal clear diamond ball, and the surface is cut into irregular cross-sections.

Under the sunlight, it shone brightly and brilliantly.

"Is this the Diamond Orb?"

Zhen Xing's gaze became hot all of a sudden.

This is the task assigned to him by the boss of the Galaxy team, to steal it from the EMI Museum that is currently on display.

The Vajra Orb has a great relationship with the god of time, Dialga... This big diamond is the strategic goal of their Galaxy team!

Zhen Xing backhandedly threw this task to the Rockets trio who just happened to meet.

These three people look unreliable on the outside, but their movements are surprisingly smooth...

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