He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 143 Ahem! ! (Die, Baldy!!)

The ceiling glass was opened, and the sunlight immediately shone on the entire venue, and also on the fire dinosaur and Meihua.

Although Xiaozhi doesn't know whether the characteristics of the beautiful flower in front of him are related to sunlight, the power of his fire-attributed moves of the fire dinosaur will also increase under a sunny day, so he is not afraid of turning into a sunny day.

Xiaozhi waved his finger and instructed:

"Fire Dinosaur, use flame jets!"

The Fire Dinosaur didn't hesitate, its dragon's mouth swelled, and it spit out a fiery pillar, which was menacing. With the addition of sunny weather, the pillar of fire was one-third thicker than usual.

Li Jia calmly ordered:

"Beautiful Flower, use Fallen Flowers again!"

Meilihua nodded, shaking her small hands and the skirt of the leaf, and immediately flew out dozens of flying leaf red flowers, wrapping it in a spiral shape.

The extremely powerful jet of flame was blocked half a meter in front of it, unable to take a step forward, and finally could only explode and turn into small pillars of fire scattered around.

The Fallen Flowers are the skills that the beautiful flower used to resist the lawn fire.

The principle is similar to the petal dance, both of which arouse materialized plants and strange storms around the body to attack or resist attacks, but the power is a little smaller.

Maybe some readers will ask, since the power of Luoying Colorful is small, why don't I just dance with the powerful petals?

As we all know, almost all the powerful skills in the Pokémon world have side effects, such as attacking anti-injury, or having a very low hit rate, and even if European skills such as flying knee kick fail, you will be severely injured.

The side effect of the petal dance is that it will fall into a state of chaos after it is used up. One thing to say, it is not particularly suitable for the heavy and long fighting style of grass-type Pokémon.

But Fallen Flowers is different, its power is only a little smaller, but it will not fall into chaos, and it can keep grass-type Pokémon still rational.

Li Jia looked solemnly, and shouted:

"Beautiful Flower, continue to use Luoying Brilliant!!"


The beauty of Hua Wu's dancing range became larger, and finally she took a step forward, just going forward against the jet of flames, and rushed towards the fire dinosaur.

"Hoo hoo!!"

The storm balloon covered with green leaves and red flowers hit the Fire Dinosaur head-on. The petals, which turned out to be delicate and beautiful, suddenly turned into sinister plant blades, constantly cutting towards the target.

"Swoosh! Stab!"

The Fire Dinosaur hastily put its arms together and embraced its body, the petals still cut several scars on its body, and seeing more and more petal plants around it, the airflow entangled itself like a quagmire, unable to pull out its body.

Meilihua was half a meter in front of it, but it couldn't stretch out its claws to stab it, which made the fire dinosaur very aggrieved.

Xiaozhi quickly ordered:

"Fire dinosaur, jump up!"


The Fire Dinosaur nodded, stomped on the ground with its thick thighs, and forcibly broke free from the shackles of Luoying Colorful, and the whole person soared into the air.

Xiaozhi waved his thumb and shouted:

"Now, use the flame vortex on the beautiful flower!!"

"Boom boom boom!!"

Without hesitation, the fire dinosaur spit out a fiery pillar of fire. The pillar of fire escaped less than one meter away, and suddenly coiled and coiled like a long snake, enveloping the airflow created by the colorful Luoying directly below.

Immediately, a big fireball appeared on the field, and under the sunshine of the sunny day, the flames blazed.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, and he punched hard and said:

"The last blow, use the hell stab!!"

At this moment, the vortex of flames enveloped the beautiful flower, making it impossible to escape. Although it was covered by the flames, it was impossible to see where it was, but it was possible to know where it was with its feet.

The Fire Dinosaur's soaring posture suddenly shot down vertically. At this moment, the sharp black claw of its right hand was covered with dark black energy light, which was in the shape of a thorn, and a sinister expression appeared on its face.

Although the fire dinosaur does not have the evil attribute, it prefers to use the hell thrust instead of learning the flame fist of this attribute.

I saw his eyes fixed, and the hell spike went straight to the center.


The flame vortex and the falling flowers were destroyed by the fire dinosaur's hell spike at the same time, and the things that blocked the view were scattered, revealing the beautiful flower in the center.

The fire dinosaur's arm exerted strength and continued to stab.



"What's wrong what's wrong?"

"Did the Fire Dinosaur stop?"

The crowd around the audience suddenly felt a little puzzled.

On the field, the hell spur was about to stab Meilihua's bald head with a knife, but the fire dinosaur stopped in place as if possessed by a demon, and the unicorn arm filled with terrifying black energy also hovered in front of Meilihua.


Meilihua danced again, this time the dancing posture was changed to another Asan style, and her small body began to sway in place.

And the fire dinosaur swayed along with it like a puppet, its movements were blunt and funny, its two feet stomped on the ground indiscriminately, a little staggering, and its expression was blurred.

"Xiaozhi, that move is called Shake Dance, which can make the enemy sway and fall into chaos."

Xiao Gang in the rear hastily reminded.

Xiaozhi nodded, first took out the illustration book and took a picture of the silly appearance of the fire dinosaur, then frowned, secretly thinking that this beautiful flower should not be underestimated.

The shaking dance stopped, and the Fire Dinosaur shook its head to wake itself up a bit, and then stabbed the hell spike that hadn't disappeared.

I don't know why, but its hands and feet seem to be disobedient. The Hell Spike successfully turned and stabbed its own throat, causing minor serious injuries, and at the same time sealed its own throat, unable to make a sound. When it opened its mouth, it could only make a hoarse sound. The coughing sound is like that of a Koda duck.

"Cough cough cough..."

The fire dinosaur wanted to open its mouth to spit out flames, but after holding it in for a long time, it only spit out a few flames and black smoke.


"I made Grandpa laugh again..."

There was a lot of discussion around, and the skin of the fire dinosaur was flushed with anger.


Xiaozhi also looked at his Fire Dinosaur with a face that couldn't bear to look directly, and took a few more photos of the black history, so that he can take them out to have fun when he is depressed in the future.


After half a second of doubting his life, the fire dinosaur looked fiercely at the culprit, then flicked his arm, and a burst of terrifying black light energy covered it again, this time it appeared on the two unicorn arms at the same time, The energy soared into the sky, and it was extraordinarily rich like a villain.

Evil attribute skills are born from the heart, the more fierce and fierce the heart is, the more powerful the skills will be.

But at this moment, the Fire Dinosaur, who has always paid special attention to dignity and face, is obviously furious to the extreme!

Li Jia was also frightened by this evil aura, and quickly ordered:

"Beautiful flowers, colorful with falling flowers!"

Luoying Colorful hadn't danced for a long time, and saw the fire dinosaur with a livid face, and with a sideways swing of its two pitch-black arms, it chopped countless green leaves and flowers, and walked towards the beautiful flowers again, without stopping at all.

"In this case, Meihua, use magic to shine!!"

Li Jia also has a hidden trick, which is a fairy-type skill, and most Pokémon with a cute appearance can learn it.

Meilihua understood, and a terrifying pink air burst out of her petite body, which turned into a dazzling white light, blinding the eyes of many onlookers.

It's just that the fire dinosaur's pace was still not stopped by the magic flash, and its face was ashen, as if the strong light had no effect on it at all.


Meilihua took a closer look, but saw that the fire dinosaur had its eyes tightly closed.

After all, the trigger condition for the shake dance is to see you dancing, and the fire dinosaur is furious. At the very least, there is still reason. Since you can't stop it, then simply close your eyes and don't watch.

After all, Meilihua has an internal smell, and she can lock the target with her nose.

It happened to block the skill of the magic flash, and it was not blinded by the flash.

But at this moment, it has come to Meihua, the aura of rage is as strong as a volcanic eruption, and the evil black air is gushing out, and the dark aura is even more rocket team than Boss Sakagi.

"Ahem!! (Die, bald man!!)"

The Fire Dinosaur coughed angrily, and stabbed the target with two Hell Spikes at the same time! !

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