He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 144 It's a little hot, you are responsible for spraying some water


The fire dinosaur pressed the beautiful flower under its crotch, and the giant dragon covered with black energy suddenly charged, and there was a burst of roar and dust flying.

Evil and dark aura soared into the sky!

When the smoke and dust dissipated, Meilihua's small body fell to the ground in a faint, her branches trembled and she lost her ability to fight.

"What a powerful hell spike..."

Everyone exclaimed that this power is much stronger than the fire-type skills of this attribute.

"Ho...cough cough!!"

The victorious fire dinosaur raised its arms and roared, but it could only make a hoarse cough. Even the flames that spewed out were still black smoke. It looked tragic and looked more like a loser.

The Hell Spike can not only block the target's sound skills, but when it hits a vital point, it may even block the skills that are ejected from the opponent's throat.

Obviously, the chaotic hell thrust just now hit his vitals.

Old and unlucky.

"come back..."

Seeing the Fire Dinosaur's throat full of old phlegm that he couldn't cough up, Xiaozhi silently took it back, secretly thinking to feed it a few Golden Throat Candy Tablets to moisten his throat.

Li Jia also took back the defeated Meilihua.

"In the Yuhong gymnasium challenge, player Xiaozhi won."

Although the referee lady was very reluctant to say this, she still told the final result.


"Here, this is the proof of defeating the Yuhong gymnasium, the rainbow badge."

After the game, Li Jia handed Xiaozhi a badge, which looked very beautiful in rainbow colors.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi quickly and carefully pinned it on the inner lining of his coat.

Li Jia noticed the four badges on his clothes, especially the one in the shape of a gold coin. She didn't expect this stunned young man to defeat even the one from the Golden Gym next door.

"Have you obtained five badges yet? Next, you can leave Yuhong City and head westward, follow the No. 9 road until you arrive at the Light Red City where the Light Red Gym is located."

Li Jia pointed out with a chuckle, with a gentle tone and expression, like a big sister next door.

Although Xiaozhi is a bit rude and straight, but he is strong enough to defeat him, so he will naturally gain her respect.

"Here, this is an attached prize." Li Jia took out a box of green CDs from the kimono with a small hand.

"This is the skill machine for the previous trick of the grass slide, please accept it."

Yuhong Gym is not only a gym, but also a perfume shop. It is the most basic courtesy to return gifts to customers.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was overjoyed, and suggested that every gym have such a gift mechanism, and if you win a game, you will get a matching skill machine!

"By the way, Ms. Lijia, do you have the skill machine for the last magic flash? I have already copied your grass slide move."

Xiaozhi scratched his head suddenly, embarrassed.

There is one thing to say, he has memorized the essentials of the action, and the Miao Frog Seed has personally experienced it. This move is not a big problem.

But attacking with a strong light that blinds the enemy's eyes like a magic flash is simply a magical skill that can leapfrog fighting. If it weren't for the good luck of the fire dinosaur at that time, it closed its eyes, and now it is probably deaf and dumb. dragon.

After this move, he will face Brother Chi, and suddenly come up with a magic flash, which is probably enough for him to eat a pot.

Chi in the soul: "?"

Are you already thinking of dealing with me now?

Hearing this, Li Jia took back the green grass slide skill machine, and took out a pink disc.

"I don't have a skill machine that shines with magic, but I have another skill machine with fairy attributes."

This is a special skill machine that she bought when she was traveling in the Galar region. It can be copied infinitely and the price is not expensive. It is best to give it as a gift.

At that time, Li Jia bought a grass-type move and a fairy-type move, but she only mastered the grass slide, but she couldn't master the fairy-type move for a long time.

Anyway, it's tasteless, so it's better to give it away.

"This move is the latest move developed in the Galar region. It's called Mist Explosion. It is said to be a very powerful skill, and you will die if you use it."

Li Jia reminded with a bit of seriousness.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help swallowing, and carefully accepted the pink skill machine.

Fairy attribute, or the ultimate skill that the enemy must die with?

That's it, let my pink Butterfly learn when I go back!



Yuhong City, the center of elves.

After a big battle, several people were resting and drinking tea in the hall. In addition to the mysterious phenomenon of the frog seed that Li Jia said, it was estimated that it would be two nights later, and everyone planned to rest here temporarily for two days.

"That guy Geng Gui didn't know where he went!"

After complaining a few words, Xiaozhi got up. He was a master who couldn't sit still. After drinking two cups of tea, he took his little friends to the backyard, planning to start practicing.

On the road of cultivation, if you don't advance, you will retreat, especially this time the Yuhong gymnasium challenge is already very difficult, and Xiaozhi doesn't think he can win this time if he fights again.

He didn't practice hard a few times along the way, and took advantage of these two days to boost Pokémon's physical fitness.

Choosing an unoccupied training place, Xiaozhi released all his Pokémon at once.

Pikachu, one bird, two worms, three royals.

As soon as she appeared on the stage, the pink Butterfly showed a shy expression, waving her wings and leaned towards Bibi Bird. The intimate scene of the two made the face of the armored chrysalis in the back turn green.

"Don't be an idiot, Ba Da Die, Bibi Bird, go and practice the rock-crushing trick on that rock. You have been procrastinating on this trick for a long time, and you must master it early."

With a wave of his thumb, Xiaozhi quickly dismantled the birds and insects, fearing that the armored pupae would not be able to restrain their evolution again.

"By calling~"

Bibi Bird's expression was not good, but he still walked towards the back, raised his wings, and kept beating the boulder, his movements were a little irritable.

"Ba Dadie, you stay with me, I will pass on a special skill to you later."


The pink Butterfly gave Xiaozhi a sad look, and then sat on the spot, admiring Bibi Bird's practice of breaking rocks from a distance.

"Pikachu, you seem to have gained weight recently. In order to prevent you from becoming fat, then you can run around this training ground. You don't need to run too much. First, run 100 laps."

Pikachu: "?"

No way, Pikachu can only take a step forward and start a turtle race...

"Fire dinosaur, you..."

Xiaozhi then looked at his Yusanjia.

"Cough cough cough..."

Just as he was about to say something to the fire dinosaur, the latter began to cough uncomfortably, raised his paw and pointed to his throat, indicating that he could not breathe fire yet.

"Then you go to the side to practice the hell thrust." Xiaozhi said distressedly.


The fire dinosaur nodded, and honestly went to the side and waved its sharp claws.

"Wonderful Frog Seed, the mysterious phenomenon that Ms. Li Jia mentioned will probably be the night after tomorrow. Do you want to rest now or do special training?"

Just after the battle, Miao Frog Seed was not in a hurry to train, so Xiaozhi gave it the right to choose.


Miao Frog Seed nodded, pulled out two rattan whips, and threw a sonic boom in the air like a long whip, with high momentum.

"OK, then you can practice the grass slide used by the giant vine just now, do you remember the essentials of the movement?"


Frog Seed nodded again, and said that he was going to slide directly on the ground.


Xiaozhi quickly stopped it from sliding. After all, the trigger condition of the grass slide is that it must stand on the grass, so that the speed will skyrocket, otherwise it is just an ordinary rush.

Then it might as well learn to sacrifice one's life to charge directly.

He glanced around, there were only some bushes and weeds, and there was no lawn, Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking about it.


He pulled up a lot of bushes and weeds one after another, then squatted down, and directly tied the limbs of the frog seed, as if wearing four straw sandals.

Why should I turn the site into a lawn?

Just turn your feet into lawns.

Maybe in the future, Miaowa Seeds will play directly in this way. The artificial private lawn will start with a green grass field!


Miao Frog Seed looked confused, but still moved tentatively, and after making sure that he would not fall, he began to slide on the training ground...

Seeing his Pokémon self-training in an orderly manner, Xiaozhi showed a satisfied smile and was full of energy. This is the style that an excellent trainer should have.

Afterwards, he took out Geng Gui's transcendent paper fan and started fanning himself.

"The weather is a bit hot, Kamigui, you are responsible for spraying everyone with water to cool down."


Kami Turtle scratched his head, some of his heads were big.

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