He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1662 Melissa is a Repeat Offender

Leaving aside the matter of the doubles match, the focus is on the Family Margin Competition to be held here tomorrow.

Wandering around in this large venue, Xiaoguang also found many acquaintances.

"Hi, Hikari, we meet again~!"

Xiao Wang, who was dressed in neutral and had short red hair, waved his hand and greeted several people.

"Xiao Wang! Are you coming to this conference too!?"

Xiaoguang was beaming with joy, and immediately ran up cheerfully to join hands and communicate.

Although the two have only met once, they have a good relationship.

"I've seen your performance in the gorgeous competition in Huayuan Town, Xiaoguang, you have become very powerful..."

Xiao Wang's expression turned hot.

"But this time, I will not show mercy."

"I wish I could!"

Xiaoguang also showed the same expression.

The last time she was in Xiaowang's hands, it can be said that she has no strength left to fight back... This time, she will have a good revenge.

"Has it become a relationship between a close friend and a strong enemy? It's really good."

Xiao Gang and Xiao Zhi next to him nodded their heads repeatedly.

Treat each other as friends and competitors, and the speed of progress of the two will also increase a lot.

Not only Xiaowang, but Xiaoguang even saw Shangzhi dressed as a troubadour, followed by a speaker cricket.

Wearing a green robe and holding a harp in his hand, he was much older than the average person, and his handsome and mature appearance immediately attracted the attention of many people around him.

Shangzhi, like Xiaoguang, also belongs to the type of dual cultivation in the gorgeous contest and the challenge of the gymnasium.

At this time, a boy with short brown hair walked towards Xiao Guang. He was wearing a green striped short-sleeved suit, with a somewhat haughty expression on his face...

It was Xiao Guang's former kindergarten classmate Jian Wu.

He coughed, adjusted his clothes a little, then walked behind Xiaoguang, pretending to meet by chance, and said:

"Long time no see, Xiao Guang, you also want to participate in the Family Margin Contest..."

"Long time no see, Mr. Shangzhi!"

However, before Jian Wu finished speaking, Xiao Guang ran towards Shang Zhi's direction in surprise.


Shang Zhi responded with a chuckle, and even lightly played a crisp melody on the strings for Xiao Guang.


This action made Jian Wu freeze in place, not knowing whether to advance or retreat for a while.

The other party is the charm of a mature man again, and the way of teasing girls by playing the piano casually makes Jian Wu feel a sense of frustration that he can't fight against...


At the moment, the venue of the Gorgeous Contest is full of coordinators and trainers. After the registration, Xiaozhi followed Ah Xun out.

As for Xiao Gang, he has already proficiently started hunting for tomorrow's support target inside.

"How about it, Xiaozhi, mine is a relic badge!"

Ah Xun showed off to Xiaozhi the badge of the Family Fate Gym that he just got.

This is a badge composed of four purple spheres, which looks quite weird.

It was only then that Xiaozhi discovered that the names of the gymnasium badges of the Sinnoh Alliance were also quite interesting.

They are not named after the attributes of the gymnasium or the local city, but after the signature terrain buildings near the city.

For example, the "Carbon Badge" of the Black Gold Gym refers to the Black Gold Mine.

The "Forest Badge" of EMI Gymnasium refers to EMI Forest next to EMI City.

As well as the "relic badge" in Ah Xun's hand, it refers to the random ruins near Jiayuan City. Legend has it that it is closely related to special ancient Pokémon.

Gu Gu

"Are you good at gyms with ghost attributes..."

Hearing A Xun's voice, Xiao Zhi stroked his chin, thinking secretly.

Then my Huayan monster can deal with it perfectly.

You can also try to exercise the Rotom that you have conquered before.

It's a bit strange to stay in the illustrated book all the time, shouting business with the CPU of the illustrated book.

"I'm going to prepare for the special training for the doubles match... Hehe Xiaozhi, whether it's a doubles match or a future league meeting, I won't lose to you~!"

Ah Xun declared war with high spirits, and ran out in a hurry after finishing speaking.

Xiaozhi didn't even have time to explain that he was not a contestant.

"Anyway, let's go to the Jiayuan gymnasium first."

While Xiaoguang is concentrating on preparing for the gorgeous competition, Xiaozhi is going to finish the inspection and assessment of Jiayuan gymnasium directly while there is still some time today.

It's just that when he came to the outside of this small Western-style gymnasium, the whole building was silent.

On the roof, there is also a huge wind-following balloon, floating in mid-air as a symbolic image.

This seems to be the signature Pokémon of the owner of the Jiayuan Gym.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Melissa just left the Gym recently, and now she's going to Lizhi Lake to help with the preparations for this year's grand Sinnoh grand celebration."

A big sister dressed as a model pushed open the door from the inside and apologized.

Melissa is not only a gym trainer, but also a famous coordination trainer.

And this time, after collecting five ribbons, Xiaoguang will step onto the large-scale celebration stage, which is the conference that Melissa is in charge of organizing.

Although there is still some time before the event, Melissa is quite concerned about it, and ran out in a hurry after accepting challenges from several gymnasiums.

"A part-time job again...?"

Xiaozhi tilted his head, his eyes showing displeasure.

It's outrageous, Lizhi Lake is no longer near this city, right?

Did the part-time job of the gymnasium owner go directly to other regions this time?

Don't pay attention to the work of your own gymnasium owner at all!


And the model staff looked at Xiaozhi with a confused look on his face as he took out the illustrated book, with a displeased expression on his face, as if he was recording something quickly.

Does this trainer have the habit of writing a diary?

It's pretty rare these days.

"By the way, he shouldn't be...?"

The big sister model looked at Xiaozhi, secretly suspicious.

Before Melissa left, she reminded her that an inspector who would inspect the gymnasium might come next.

When the time comes, remember to entertain well, and then find a perfect excuse to prevaricate...

She went to help prepare for the large-scale celebration this time, but it was entirely of her own will, and she didn't write an application to the alliance, which was considered sneaking away.

Melissa is a repeat offender.

Don't wait for her to come back at that time, the gymnasium will be seized directly.

"Inspector, it should be a man in his twenties and thirties... he should not be."

This beautiful big sister shook her head and came to a very reasonable conclusion.

Then he let Xiao Zhi record something on the spot, turned his head and closed the door.

Now that even the owner of his gymnasium is away from the city to work part-time.

Then it shouldn't be too much for her to work part-time in the same city and participate in tomorrow's gorgeous competition! ?

Thinking of this, the big sister staff also took action, sneaked out of the gymnasium through the back door, and went to the venue to register...

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