He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1663 imitating Mikri's performance

The next day, the gorgeous contest was held as usual.

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang sat in the front row early, waiting for the start of the game.

Even when they entered the venue, they saw Shinji among them.


But he just sat in the back seat, closed his eyes and rested his mind, cold and scary.

This time, there are quite a few masters coming from the Family Destiny Competition. Although it is just a competition, the second stage still involves combat elements...

Might get some inspiration.

After a battle with league champion Chikuran, Shinji is eager to take his power to the next level.

"too long..."

Like Xiaozhi, he has participated in many alliance conferences, and even challenged the frontier zone.

It's just that the strength has been fixed at a certain stage since the very beginning, and it is difficult to continue to improve.

Going back to the original point this time and starting again from his hometown also represents Shinji's determination to break his shackles.

"Queer guy."

Xiaozhi shook his head, this person is really awkward.

"Don't pay attention to him, the game is starting~!"

Xiao Gang licked his lips, half-opened his narrowed eyes, staring at the changes on the stage.

The Family Destiny Contest can be said to be the largest ordinary-level deluxe competition, and this competition venue is the last large-scale celebration...

The number and scale of the audience this time is more than ten times that of the previous Huayuan Town Gorgeous Competition.

Similarly, the contestants are also five or six times the same.

But the coordination trainers who can enter the second round are still only eight people... The difficulty has soared!

"here we go!"

Seeing the introduction of the host and the guests, and the first contestant performing on stage, Xiao Zhi completely focused on the stage.


Compared to the pitch-black viewing seats below, the stage is much brighter.

Each of the glamorous coordinators, dressed exquisitely and gorgeously, commanded their own Pokémon and performed all kinds of dazzling performances.

boom boom...!

Bang bang...!

The collision and rotation of the moves caused bursts of explosions, and sprinkled brilliant energy light clusters.

"Well, this little girl's performance is so-so... I guess she won't make it to the second round."

"This kid's sea rabbit beast, the turbidity current is very exciting, maybe it can advance."

"Big sister is so beautiful!! Xiaosheng will always be your supporter!!"

Xiao Zhi didn't quite understand the gaudy and gorgeous competition, and he kept listening to Xiao Gang next to him making sharp comments.

From time to time, he would shout and frantically wave the light sticks in his hand to support the beautiful big sister, almost jumping directly onto the stage.

"Calm down, Mr. Gang...!"

Xiaozhi quickly pressed down Xiaogang's gun, and comforted him.

In this regard, his thoughts are the same as Shinji's.

Compared with the first-round review, Xiaozhi is looking forward to the second round of assessment involving combat.


"It's Xiaoguang's turn to appear!"

When they saw Xiaoguang in a pink dress, Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi's eyes lit up at the same time.

Xiaoguang took off his hat and tied his ponytail. He looked more capable than usual, and he became more confident standing in the center of the stage.

Gu Yang

"Come out~!"

Flipping his palm, Xiaoguang sent out the queen bee.

And her performance is also a different way, and she didn't choose to blow up all kinds of fancy energy lights and fireworks.

"Queen Bee, use the attack command!"

After saying those words, Queen Bee's eyes glowed red, as if densely packed larval bees flew out from the bottom of the hive under the lower body of her long skirt.

Under the command of the queen's special pheromone, the group of larval bees began to dance neatly in mid-air, dancing a uniform bee dance.

The bee larvae are constantly changing their shapes in the air, arranged and stacked into various lively and interesting patterns.

"Use the power gem!!"

Even the queen bee is still behind, controlling the energy stones that also rotate and fly, forming a background board pattern for these larvae.

This kind of performance immediately attracted the judges and audience deeply.

It is not only the explosion of special effects that can show the magnificence of Pokémon...

Such a coordinated dance between the Queen of Bugs and the larvae can also fully demonstrate the beauty of the Queen Bee.

"It turns out that the queen bee can also control the larvae?"

Xiaozhi looked in amazement, it was the first time he saw such a command.

In this way, the Pokémon Queen Bee is a bit like a marsupial. Although it is only one Pokémon, it contains multiple individuals.

"Now, Xiaoguang should be able to get a high score."

Xiao Gang next to him also heaved a sigh of relief.

You can tell by the expressions of the judges in the stands. They are obviously very satisfied, so there is no big problem.


Next, Xiaoguang's rivals also began to appear one after another.

Shangzhi used the speaker cricket, pulled the strings of his arm, and the sound of the grass flute floated out, combined with the magic leaf cast, and depicted a green musical score that was actually visible in the sky.

Whether it is visual or auditory, it is a top-level enjoyment.

"As expected of Mr. Hisashi...!"

Xiaozhi nodded in praise and said, this dual cultivation trainer is really not a simple person.

The next performer was Xiao Wang, who commanded a small and exquisite fish, suspended in the air.

The head is taupe, the belly is light blue, and there is a pink dividing line in the middle.

The tail of the fish at the back spreads out like the wings of a butterfly, quite gorgeous.

"This is..."

It was the first time for Xiaozhi to see this kind of Pokémon, so he quickly took out the illustration book.

"Didi, fluorescent fish, water-type, deep-sea Pokémon that inhabits the bottom of the sea, the pattern of the tail fin is fully bathed in the sun, and when it is dark, it will emit brightly colored light, and the two open tail fins swim. It got the nickname of Hunting Butterfly in the Sea. Loto~!"

After listening, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang both nodded in agreement.

On the stage at the moment, the tail of this fluorescent fish is really as beautiful as a hunting swallowtail.

"Fluorescent fish, use the water flow ring! Then the mysterious guardian!"

There is no other mystery in the performance of this fluorescent fish... just a kind of extreme beauty.

The whole body was covered with a water-blue halo of water flow, and then a faint mysterious white light appeared, which obscured the body and jumped up in mid-air.

"And then the silver whirlwind!"

In the end, the butterfly-shaped tail flapped gently, blowing out a silvery air current and breeze, which fascinated the judges and the audience.

"Xiaowang's performance... so familiar."

"Well, it's very similar to...Master Mikri's performance?"

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang looked at each other, and the image of the enchanting man in Fangyuan area appeared in their minds.

The performance of the fluorescent fish can be said to be completely imitating the performance of Mikri's Menus, even to a very high degree of restoration!

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