He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1670 Family Fate Doubles Tournament!

After the grand grand contest of the previous day, the crowd flow in Jiayuan City did not disappear, but became even more enthusiastic the next day.

Behind the indoor venue of the Gorgeous Contest, there is a huge sports field, surrounded by rows of auditoriums, which are already full of spectators at this moment.

On the sports field, dozens of trainers were also scattered among them, discussing in whispers.

The Doubles Tournament in Jiayuan City is very famous, and it is highly praised by the local citizens and the locals in the entire Sinnoh area.

"Hello everyone, I am Yuansi, the mayor of Jiayuan City, and I am also the host of this doubles tournament!!"

I saw an old man in a suit and leather shoes and a bowler hat, standing on a high platform and shouting something.

His face was flushed and his expression was full of enthusiasm. He didn't look like an old man in his fifties or sixties at all. He was more like a hot-blooded young man who was about to step off the stage and punch himself in the next second.

"Have you got the numbers that were sent to you before? Now let's make random combinations~!"

The mayor, Yuansi, didn't hesitate. With a lift of his finger, countless numbers began to flash on the electronic screen behind him, and then they were paired and combined to form a competition order of elimination layer by layer.

"Is my teammate number 27...! Let me see where my teammate is?"

Holding the number "70" in his hand, Xiaozhi became very interested. He raised his hand high and began to look around the crowded stadium.

This random combination method, let alone, is quite interesting.

Matched to the thigh teammate, take off directly, if matched with the pit...

Probability is always exciting.

"Hey, why didn't you see...?"


Just looking around, Xiaozhi and the Pikachu who was looking for on his shoulders showed distressed expressions.

At this moment, everyone held up the numbers, and they should be able to find them...

"Because I'm right next to you!!"

At this time, there was a loud voice next to him, and Xiao Zhi subconsciously turned his head, only to see Xiao Guang looking at him helplessly.

The latter was still shaking a hand card in his hand, which was marked with "27".

"Oh, so the teammate is Xiaoguang...!"

Only then did Xiaozhi touch the back of his head and laughed dryly. The two stood together, but he didn't pay attention to the people around him.

The two teamed up, which made Xiaoguang look around energetically, there are many acquaintances here.

However, after she successfully won the championship of the Jiayuan Gorgeous Contest yesterday, the second gorgeous ribbon was put into storage... Xiao Wang left in a hurry, and did not plan to continue participating in the next doubles match.

Unknowingly, she was overtaken by Xiaoguang who was originally behind, which made her feel a strong sense of tension.

"Hehe...It's really a pity~"

At this time, a gloomy voice suddenly came from behind Xiaoguang.

With a sneer like resentment, Xiaoguang suddenly shivered, and subconsciously hid behind Xiaozhi.

Taking a closer look, he saw a science man wearing black-framed glasses, wearing a green short sleeve and a small vest, with short green hair hanging down, looking very shrewd.

"Um, who are you...?"

Xiaoguang frowned, and couldn't help asking questions.

The latter stared straight at him, as if he wanted to see through her completely, which made her somewhat uncomfortable.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Coppin... It's really strange to say that, according to my prediction, I should form a team with you~"

Kaoping pushed his glasses, and stared at Xiao Guang with bright eyes, like some kind of idiot.

"Wow, isn't this the Dumb King?"

However, compared to the trainer, Xiaozhi is more interested in the Dumb King behind Kaoping.

The body of a pink upright hippopotamus, the head is covered with a huge spiked carapace, and the hands are behind the back, with the calm appearance of the old god.

Compared to the dumb looks of the dumb beast and the dumb hippo... the eyes of the dumb king revealed extremely powerful wisdom.

This kind of Pokémon is extremely rare. It seems that this boy with glasses who is about the same age as them is not a simple trainer.

"Idiot No. 57, so you are here! If you don't come to Miss Ben, what are you talking to other idlers!"

But the next moment, a burst of angry reprimands came from behind Coping, and this time it was the latter's turn to be startled, as if frightened.

Xiaozhi and the two subconsciously cast their gazes, only to see a pink-haired girl behind Kaoping, her twin ponytails tied up into curly ponytails, wearing a princess dress, looking very proud.

"I seem to have a little impression that you seem to be called pants Lala..."

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes and recalled, this seems to be some of Xiaoguang's opponent in yesterday's gorgeous contest...

"Stupid, my name is Ulala!!"

Ulala cursed in a low voice, then looked directly at Xiaoguang with sharp eyes, and declared war mercilessly:

"Hmph, anyway, I won't admit yesterday's defeat... Next time, I will completely defeat you!"

After finishing speaking, Ulala couldn't help but dragged Kauping away.

"Wait a minute, I want to quit the game..."

Coping's expression turned black and blue, he didn't want to team up with such a fierce woman!

"Uh, that's weird..."

Until watching the two leave, Xiaoguang shook his head.

It was the first time for her to see Kaoping, so why did she suddenly seem to know her very well.

Ulala is also, inexplicably, she has so much hostility towards her.

"In short, let's discuss tactics first!"


Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang looked at each other, ignoring the mess around them. This was their first doubles match, and they needed to prepare in advance.

But soon, Xiao Gang came back with a sad face... Beside him, there was a little red-haired loli.

The age is about 8 or 9 years old, a little younger than several others.

However, there is no age limit for the Jiayuan Doubles Tournament, even kindergarten children can participate.

"You guys are Xiaogang's friends, right? My name is Maier~!"

Maier greeted the two of them energetically.

I saw her pretty and lovely face, her long red hair was tied up into a ponytail on one side, and rolled up to form a ring on the other side.

Dressed in white puffed short sleeves and red shorts, the slender legs are surrounded by white silk, she looks like a well-known vitality loli.


Xiao Gang accepted the ending with a bitter face.

Compared with the cute little loli, he wants to team up with the mature big sister to fight!

"Shinji, is he teaming up with Ashu...?"

In the crowded crowd, Xiaozhi also noticed Shinji with a cold and silent face, standing beside him was A Xun whom he just met yesterday.

The latter was looking very excited at the moment, talking to Shinji eloquently without stopping at all.

Some of the saliva was sprayed on Shinji's face, making the latter's closed eyes keep beating.

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