He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1671 Swallowing the Energy Ball

"What a strange combination..."

This made the three of Xiaozhi speak at the same time.

On one side is the cold and aloof iceberg, on the other side is the passionate sun... The two completely opposite people form a team together, and the situation seems extremely curious.


Even Shinji looks like a volcano is about to erupt, and he talks as soon as he talks, can you stop the saliva for a while!

"Shinji heard that you are a powerful trainer? Then let's quickly specify tactics and strive to win the championship!"

But Ah Xun didn't notice the other party's anger at all, and was still talking endlessly.

Shinji couldn't bear it anymore, when he turned his head, he saw Xiaozhi and the three of them looking in his direction in the distance, and their expressions were all teasing and sniggering.

This made his eyelids twitch wildly.

"Xiaozhi~! Shinji and I will defeat you this time~!"

On the other hand, Ah Xun, who was careless, shouted loudly and declared war loudly, which attracted the attention of many contestants around him.


In the end, Shinji had no choice but to walk aside, quietly waiting for the start of the game.

As for Ah Xun chattering about the coordination tactics beside him, Shinji didn't listen at all.

It's over if they play their own games, and he doesn't have any interest in doubles.


Soon, the doubles tournament officially began.

Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang's opponents in the first round were a pair of adult men and women, with short blue hair on one side and long red ponytail hair on the other.

They all wore big sunglasses that completely covered their faces.

"Come out, my baby!"

"Get rid of them completely!!"

Musashi and Kojiro, disguised as ordinary contestants, sent out their Pokémon first.

At this moment, the Rockets, which are well-funded, no longer need to work everywhere, and can enjoy life at will.

It seemed to be fate, with nearly a hundred numbers, the two of them could just draw a group.



The red light flashed, but it was Kojiro's side with a fang cage, and when he came out, he turned around, and his open mouth covered half of Kojiro's head.

"Idiot, your opponent is over there!!"

Kojiro violently pushed the latter's head away, which allowed the fang cage to place the target in front of him.

The figure is suspended in mid-air, and the movements are ethereal... Although Fang Cage is a grass-type Pokémon, its characteristic is very strange floating.

On Musashi's side, Guo Ranweng was dispatched.


The latter squinted his eyes, making it impossible to see the depth at all.

Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang also looked at each other, and at the same time threw their pokeball... Although the other party's Pokémon looked so familiar?

boom! boom!

A red light flashed, and the grass seedling turtle and Bogaman, who belonged to one of the three royal families in the Sinnoh area, appeared on the stage at the same time, standing side by side.

The rules of the Doubles Tournament are extremely simple. Each side can only use two Pokémon. After both lose their fighting ability, the winner will be determined.

"Hmph, aim at Pogaman, use the seed machine gun!!"

As soon as he came up, Kojiro attacked Bogaman's position with restraint.

"Sure enough, Weng, you can play it yourself!"

Musashi directly chooses hosting.


Sure enough, Weng squinted his eyes and waited for the battle. The surface of the blue body was sometimes covered with red light, and sometimes covered with colorful purple light...

This is the move of double return and mirror reflection switching back and forth, so that it can perfectly resist any move that comes from the attack.

"Bogaman, use the bubble light!!"

Facing the incoming dense and seed machine guns, Bogaman also spit out countless energy bubbles, bombarding frantically in the center of the arena.

"Grass seedlings, use the ultimate suction!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly inserted into the battlefield, commanding.

The grass seedling turtle understood, and two green vines quickly extended out of the turtle shell on its back, winding and extending away, directly binding the fang cage.

He is quite familiar with Guo Ranweng, no matter what moves he hits, he will bounce back.

But the flaw is that Sure enough Weng can only endure passively, and will never be able to take the initiative to attack.

Then just don't fight, and focus the fire on the target to attack the fang cage!

"Now, Bogaman, use the freezing light!!"

Xiaoguang also commanded tacitly beside him.

While the tortoise was tying up the target, the frozen electric snake shot out of Bogaman's mouth hit Fang Cage head-on, and the icy light exploded!

The effect is outstanding!

"Damn it, it's all against me...then try this trick, use the energy ball!"

Kojiro gritted his teeth and attacked again.

Their Rockets team is rich for the time being, and he also took the time to spend a high price to buy an energy ball move skill machine, so that Fang Cage can master it.


The next moment, a green energy bomb quickly condensed in Fang Cage's open mouth.

"Attack me, sure enough!!"

However, Kojiro suddenly changed direction and commanded.

Since you guys don't attack Ruan Weng...then I will attack instead!

Fang Cage understood, and hit the energy ball in his mouth straight at Guo Ranweng.


Seeing that someone finally attacked him, Weng was also full of energy, and immediately switched the defensive move to mirror launch, perfectly withstanding the energy ball.

Boom boom boom! !

In the next moment, it turned into a terrifying green laser, and suddenly bombarded and flew out, piercing the air, with terrifying power!

This made both Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang's complexions change slightly, and they quickly directed their two elves to dodge in embarrassment.

"Haha, as expected of Guo Ranweng, he is always so trustworthy...!"

Musashi immediately laughed and said, as if the commander was himself.

"Hmph, Tooth Cage, prepare to continue using the energy ball!"

Kojiro also showed a covetous gaze, commanding.

Musashi Ruanweng's mirror launch is different from other Pokémon. He does not need to take damage and can directly rebound the attack.

This allows him to attack without distraction.


Seeing that the next burst of green light energy was about to rush in, this time the tortoise suddenly became heartbroken, and rushed towards the double energy ball on its own initiative.

In the end, he opened his mouth violently, completely swallowing the bundle of grass-attributed energy into his stomach.

This Ruanweng's mirror is different from other Pokémon. The latter converts all energy into superpower energy and releases it.

But as expected, Weng returned energy of the same attribute in the same way.

It can be said that the green energy laser that bounced off is exactly a large energy ball!


And swallowing this surging grass-attribute energy completely into its stomach, the tortoise that landed on the ground frowned tightly, trembling a little.

But the surface of the body, which was originally covered with dark green moss, began to glow with bright green light.

It seems that the double energy ball before was actually charging it.

"Energy ball, is there another way to use it...?"

In the stands on the edge, Shinji narrowed his eyes thoughtfully after watching this miraculous scene.

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