He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1673 Refusing to Evolve

Seeing Xiaoguang looking at this scene in a daze, in her mind, it is completely natural to evolve, and she cannot understand the scene in front of her.

"Bogaman seems unwilling to evolve..."

Xiaozhi just patted Xiaoguang on the shoulder and reminded her softly, making her recover from her stupor.

"Unwilling to evolve?"

Xiao Guang stared blankly at his Pokémon, although he didn't understand what Pogaman was thinking, but seeing the latter's exhausted appearance, he still stepped forward to pick up the tired Pogaman, and walked to Next to the rest area.

"Well, not all Pokémon are willing to evolve..."

In my mind, there was Platina's cold voice.

For example, Xiaoguang's mother's capuchin cat has already evolved at a high level.

Although it is not a very common phenomenon... But each has its own reasons, and it is not something difficult to understand.

"Yes, for example, my Pikachu shook his head when he saw Thunder Stone."

Walking to Xiaoguang's side, seeing the latter's rather disappointed appearance, Xiaozhi raised his Pikachu and comforted him.


On the arena, doubles battles were still going on one after another, with deafening explosions.

Xiaoguang also gently hugged Pogaman to the chair and rubbed the latter's head.

"Bogaman, can you tell me why you don't want to evolve?"

Speaking of which, although she and Pogaman had a good relationship, it seemed that she never knew what the latter was thinking.

"Boja, Boja!"

Bogaman patted his chest and kept speaking in an incomprehensible language, which made Xiaoguang feel dizzy for a while.

If the Rockets' meow is yelling...

"Idiot, meow, Bogaman is saying that even if it doesn't evolve, it will become your strongest partner meow, there is no need to evolve meow!"

At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind, and every sentence had an ending like a cat meowing.

Xiaoguang raised her head, looked left and right suspiciously, did she hear that Team Rocket meowing just now?

It's just that the flow of people coming and going around did not see that familiar figure.

Or did she bond with Bogaman and suddenly understand what the latter meant?

"It seems that this Pogaman is extremely proud..."

In her mind, Platina also guessed something.

Pokémon like Pogaman are inherently proud elves with strong self-esteem.

And the arrogance of this Bogaman seems to have exceeded her expectations, so arrogant that it doesn't bother to evolve and change its appearance.

"But, doesn't evolution just make you stronger?"

Xiaoguang's mind hadn't completely circled around, until he saw Pogaman's burning gaze, and then he calmed down.

After touching the latter's head, she could only comfort the stronger Bogaman.

"Since you don't want to evolve, I won't force you... Next, let's become stronger like Pogaman."

Compared to becoming stronger, she is more willing to respect Pogaman's ideas.


Realizing that the trainer finally agreed with his idea, Bogaman, whose face was still tense, patted his chest in satisfaction.

But it obviously didn't notice the disappointment on Xiao Guang's face.

Xiaoguang's temperament is not arrogant, and naturally she can't understand the source of Pogaman's ideas... In fact, she still prefers to let Pogaman complete the evolution.

But if you want to force Pogaman, then forget it.

Xiaoguang could only try his best to put on a smiling face, cheerfully hugged Pogaman in his arms, and looked at the doubles battle on the field as if nothing happened.

"How about it, do you really want Pogaman to take the initiative to evolve...?"

At this time, Platina's voice came from my mind.

"Miss Plantina, do you have a solution? But I don't want to force Pogaman to evolve..."

Xiaoguang also silently replied in his heart.

"Hehe, let my Emperor Nabo and Pogamando act together."

Plantina just answered casually.

After seeing the powerful appearance of his own evolutionary form, he will either go all the way to death and never evolve...or he will change his mind and evolve instead.

The key point is to see whether the strength of the emperor Nabo is higher than that of Pogaman's self-esteem.

Plantina is quite confident about her trump card.

Although Xiaozhi's Pikachu has not evolved, it still has extremely powerful power...

But for Pokémon like Pogaman, Platina still prefers to let the latter complete the evolution and gain new power.



On the field, the battle continues.

This time it's the doubles combination of Shinji and Ah Shun.

"Don't let me down, little flame monkey...!"

Shinji still said sternly, and sent his own little flame monkey.

"Prince Bo, please~!"

On Ah Xun's side, he sent a Prince Bo, both of whom belonged to the Yusan family.

Seeing his evolutionary appearance, Bogaman, who was watching the show off the court, also noticed and cast his gaze.

The opponents of the two were a duck-billed charmander and an iron-clad tyrannosaurus, which looked very dangerous in size.

"Duckbill fire dragon, use the flame vortex!!"

"Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, use sharp rocks to attack!!"

In the face of the incoming attack, not only did Shinji not plan to fight in doubles, but Ah Xun also didn't think about cooperating with Shinji, and they all aimed directly at their respective targets.

"Prince Bo, use the water cannon!!"

The prince Bo opened his mouth, and a thick stream of water spewed out, smashing away the sharp stone attack of the armored tyrannosaurus.

In terms of power, it is much stronger than Jian Wu's Prince Bo.

"Little flame monkey, use the flame vortex!!"

Shinji chose the same move and responded.

The little flame monkey took a deep breath, and the flames from its mouth turned into a rotating pillar of fire, bombarding with the opponent's flames.

It's just that it is less powerful, and was forced back by the flame vortex of the duck-billed fire dragon.

"Good opportunity, use the flame fist!!"

The trainer who commanded the duck-billed fire dragon immediately commanded, and the latter understood, raised his flaming fist and rushed forward, and hit the belly of the little flame monkey who was about to escape, making a muffled sound.

This also made Shinji's brows furrow even deeper.

"Use Tide Spin!!"

On the other side, Ah Xun's Prince Bo threw out a huge tidal wave, which completely engulfed the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, constantly causing outstanding damage.

"Now, use the water jet!!"

In the end, even the body was covered with water, and it turned into a swift water arrow and shot out!

First it passed through the iron-clad tyrannosaurus, then it kept going, passed by, and finally hit the duck-billed charmander hard.

The effect is outstanding!


The figure of the little flame monkey digging the hole just jumped out from the ground, and hit the chin of the duck-billed fire dragon with a fist, causing an outstanding blow!

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