He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1674 vs Coping and Ulala

The battle was decided, and Ah Shun raised the corner of his mouth, put his palm on Shinji's shoulder, and said triumphantly:

"How about it, my prince Bo, the water jet used is one wears two~!"


Shinji ignored Ah Xun's hookup at all, shook his shoulders and shook off the latter's palm, and turned his head to look at the little flame monkey who happily ran up to claim credit because he had won the battle.

"Is there anything to be happy about? Your performance is still far behind, and you still need help from others."


The cold and stern words of the trainer also made the little flame monkey put away his emotions, and lowered his head in frustration.

"What, it's obviously my Prince Bo who made great contributions..."

Even the carefree Ah Xun could sense the weirdness of this curious way of communicating between the trainer and the Pokémon, but he still muttered.

It seems that this guy is very strict with his Pokémon.

"How about Bogaman, have you seen the power of that Prince Bo?"

Off the court, Xiaoguang asked while hugging his Pogaman.

According to Plantina, as long as it sees a powerful evolutionary individual, it will naturally instinctively want to evolve and become stronger.

This Prince Bo is obviously much stronger than the Prince Bo of Jian Wu.


However, Bogaman just raised his head high and didn't change his mind... At least this Bojaman is not qualified.


The battle of the doubles conference continues.

Since the conference was to be completely ended within one day, there was almost no gap time between each game, and the venue arrangement was very tight.

With the retirement of time, the number of contestants who originally had nearly a hundred people is also decreasing sharply...

"Hey~ Xiaoguang, we meet again~!"

Xiaoguang was just about to appear on the stage, when the gloomy voice came from behind her again, making Xiaoguang shiver.

Turning his head, he saw that man with glasses and a green vest came over at some point, with a sinister smile on his face.

It's just that before she got close, Ulala had already run up, grabbing Kopin's collar and walking to one side.

"Hey! They are our opponents in the next round, don't get so close!!"

Ulala's appearance as a savage princess also made Kauping's aura go away, and he wilted like a frost-beaten eggplant.

"Will they be the next opponent...?"

But this made Xiaozhi next to him interested. After all, this doubles tournament attracted many contestants, and their strengths were naturally uneven.

Most of the contestants made up the numbers, and some even used the carp king to fight.

But against Kaoping's Dull King, Xiaozhi had the urge to fight.

Soon, the two sides officially entered the arena.

"Please, Dumb King!!"

"Hmph, this time I have to teach them a good lesson... Fangtooth Land Shark!"

Coppin and Ulala's battle Pokémon are officially the Dumb King and Fangtooth Shark that they have seen before. The combination of these two Pokémon seems to be full of momentum.

"It's up to you, Swimming Ring Itachi!"

"And you, come out and fight, Queen Bee!"

On the side of Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang, the swimming ring Itachi and Queen Bee were sent respectively.

The Pokémon played in the Doubles Tournament can be changed freely, not just one Pokémon fights to the end.

"Fangtooth Shark, use Dragon's Breath!!"

"Swimming Ring Itachi, use the wave of water!!"

After the words fell, the blue energy breath and the water flow energy bomb thrown by the swimming ring ferret collided and exploded in the air.

"Stupid King, use the power gem!!"

"Queen Bee, we also use power gems!!"

On the other side, the battle between Xiaoguang and Copin was also tit for tat.

These two Pokémon, one is a king and the other is a queen, are extremely aggressive in race.

Boom boom boom...!

Similar and dense energy stones exploded in the air, causing a violent explosion in the center of the arena.

At the beginning, the smell of gunpowder on both sides was very strong.

And Coping and Ulala also launched an attack again.

"Fangtooth Land Shark, use Quicksand Hell!!"

"Stay King, use Surf!!"

The sharp-tooth land shark inserted its claws into the ground in front of it, stirring up the sand, and the swirling vortex of sand was about to cover the weasel in the swimming ring.

Hush! !

However, at the next moment, there was a vast current under his feet, and his steady body rode the waves, riding a wave more than three meters high, and he was about to rush out, with a menacing aura.

It's just the turbulent surfing trick, but it directly covered up the quicksand hell of his teammates.

"Hey, what are you doing!?"

Ulala couldn't help but turned her head and scolded angrily.

And the soft quicksand hell also completely destroyed Dull King's surfing moves and collapsed into a "little wave" only half a meter high.

This even made the dull king above almost fall off.

It can be said that the cooperation between the two is very inconsistent.

"Now, use the water jet!!"

This allowed Xiaozhi to seize the opportunity and quickly directed the attack.

The body was covered with water, and the swimming ring ferret flew out suddenly, and a fierce pre-emptive water arrow move exploded on the chest of the sharp-toothed land shark.

But Coppin is obviously not a simple role, and immediately commanded:

"Don't let it get away.. Dumb King, use mental force!"

The location was too close, which caused the mental power released by the King of Dumbness to instantly bind the swimming ring Itachi in mid-air, making it difficult to move.

"Queen Bee, use Bug Sound!!"

However, Xiaoguang's command was more decisive.

The Queen Bee vibrated her wings, and the sharp insect cry that spread out of her mouth turned into a gray-green sound wave and covered it, attacking the three people in front of her at the same time.

It's just that the Dumb King, who is obviously a super power attribute at the moment, has suffered more damage.


This made the latter make an uncomfortable sound, and the control of the mental obsession became disordered, allowing Swimming Ring Itachi to find a chance to break free.

"Thank you Xiaoguang... now, Swimming Ring Itachi, use Frozen Teeth!!"

Xiaozhi didn't stop, and continued to choose the attacking path.

Swimming ring ferret is also full of fighting spirit, this is a Pokémon that loves to fight, that's why when he saw Xiaozhi's Pokémon training on the shore, he deliberately bit the bait and took the bait.

However, the ferret in the swimming ring opened its mouth, and the fangs on both sides were instantly covered with ice blue light.

It got out of the body and turned into a blue-white frozen fang phantom in mid-air, flying straight to the sharp-toothed land shark behind.


The Frozen Tooth Phantom bit hard on the Sharptooth Shark, and then exploded, bursting with ice debris, which caused the latter's figure to retreat in a mess.

After the figure stopped, one of the lower limbs fell directly to the ground, with an uncomfortable expression.

Outstanding effect, four times restraint!

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