He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1675 The battle between Shinji and Ashu!

"Damn it, don't lose... Fang Lusha, use the double strike!!"

Ulala commanded angrily.

Obviously, she is only a second-tier quasi-god. Although her race is excellent, she has cultivated an ability that is too biased towards the gorgeous competition, and her combat effectiveness is really mediocre.


The sharp-tooth land shark let out a low growl, its claws were covered with a blue phantom light, and it sprinted and slashed at the nearest swimming weasel.


Whoosh! !

It's just that the fierce double chop was actually dodged by the swimming ring Itachi's nimble jump.

At this moment, there was wet water all around, which made the swimming ring ferret's movements extremely sensitive.

"Is it the characteristic of Youyouzi...?"

Coppin pushed his glasses and recognized the reason why the swimming ring Itachi's movements became faster.

This feature can double the speed not only in rainy days.

Even in a wet environment, the speed can be improved... This guy used the current environment created by his previous surfing trick.

"Right now, use Air Slash!!"

However, as the swimming ring Itachi staggered its body, the Queen Bee behind her also showed her murderous intent.

The translucent wings vibrated at a high frequency, and immediately shot out several sharp air slashes, directly blasting the sharp-toothed shark that hadn't reacted yet.

Both Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang focused on each other's weak points, focusing on fire output.

This even caused the Fangtooth Shark flying upside down to hit the Silly King, and the mental shock move that the latter was about to use just now was completely interrupted.


Not only that, but the King of Silence let out a muffled grunt, and there were friction scars on the skin where it was in contact with the sharp-toothed shark.

This is the characteristic of Fangtooth Shark [rough skin]. Whenever it makes physical contact, it will cause certain damage to the opponent. At this moment, it accidentally injured a teammate.

"It's a decisive battle, use Frozen Fang!!"

"Queen Bee, let's use the Power Gem!!"

Xiaozhi's side didn't care about any accidental injuries, and immediately took the opportunity to launch a joint attack.

The next moment, the dense energy stones, as well as the phantom of frozen teeth flying from the mouth of the swimming ring ferret, all bombarded the positions of the fangtooth shark and the slow beast.

Boom boom boom! !

The move exploded, causing a violent explosion.

As the smoke dissipated, Silly King and Fangtooth Shark also went to the end very simply, completely losing their fighting ability.


This made Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang clap their hands subconsciously, and the cooperation was very smooth and tacit.

This rather intimate and familiar look also caused a change in the complexions of the two people opposite, especially U Lala, who was itchy with anger.

He lost again!

"Damn it, why do others cooperate so tacitly, but you keep interrupting my fighting thoughts!"

She couldn't help blaming Coppin beside her.

However, Kaoping only looked at Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang not far away with a somewhat envious look.

Why isn't my teammate from over there...?


After that, Kaoping didn't explain anything, took back the dull beast and ran away.

He couldn't stand such a woman, and he didn't even have the thought of arguing.

Just run away and you're done!


The time has come to two o'clock in the afternoon, and the schedule has reached the climax of the quarter-finals and semi-finals.

Along the way, Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang didn't have any big disturbances, and they almost reached the quarterfinals all the way.

The latter did not choose to let Pogaman appear for the time being.

According to Plantina, when Pokémon reaches the critical point of evolution, if the battle is a little more serious, it may trigger signs of evolution.

But relying on willpower to resist not evolving will consume a lot of Pokémon's energy.

Xiaoguang is going to install an immutable stone on Bogaman, and then let the latter continue to fight.

After the two successfully killed a tank skunk on the opposite side and licked their tongues, they officially entered the semi-finals.

The other group of semi-finalists were all Xiaozhi's acquaintances.

On one side is the ice-fire combination of Shinji and Ah Shun. Just standing together, there is a great sense of disobedience between the two.

On the other side, Xiaogang and the loli combination named Maier also reached the semi-final stage together.

Regardless of his young age, Maier's strength is quite outstanding, especially in doubles.

boom! boom!

Shinji and Ah Xun still sent the combination of Little Flame Monkey and Prince Bo, and they haven't changed much along the way.

And Xiaogang sent the bad frog that was subdued in the Sinnoh area, and Maier's Yongjila.

A little girl uses Yongjila, but she looks a bit curious.

The battle begins!

"Little Flame Monkey, use Jet Flame!!"

"Prince Bo, use the water cannon!!"

At the beginning, there was a violent impact of flames and water, gushing from afar.

"Bad frog, use poison attack!"

The bad frog raised its arm, covered the fingers at the end with purple light, and pressed forward heavily, separating the incoming jet flames from the middle, and flying over the sides of the bad body respectively.

"Yongkira, use the light wall!"

Maier on the other side chose defensive tactics.

As Yong Jila waved the spoon in his hand, the condensed wall of transparent light blocked the water cannon from the front, greatly weakening the power of this move.


It's just that part of the water still penetrated the barrier and landed on Yongjila, causing slight serious damage.

"Then try this trick, bad frog, use rocks to block!!"

This time, it was Xiaogang's turn to take the initiative to attack.

Rock blockade is a family move of his Nibi gymnasium, Xiao Gang naturally let his bad frog try to master it at the first time.

As the latter waved his arms, several huge rocks condensed in the air in an instant, and smashed down towards the position of Prince Bo and the little flame monkey.

"Use digging!"

"Prince Bo, use metal claws!!"

The responses of the two were completely different. The little flame monkey immediately dug a hole and hid in the ground, dodging the rock seal completely.

Bang bang! !

On the other hand, Prince Bo condensed his metal wings, fought head-on, and swung violently, splitting the falling rocks very forcefully.

However, the next moment, the ground in front of the bad frog suddenly began to loosen.


I saw the figure of the little flame monkey breaking through the ground, and the raised fist was about to hit the bad frog's chin.

buzz buzz...!

However, a powerful mental force suddenly spread from the side, directly freezing the figure of the little flame monkey in mid-air, making it difficult to move.

This is Yongkira's fantasy light!

"Use Poison Strike now!!"

Xiao Gang naturally did not let go of the offensive opportunity that his teammates had won for him, and attacked mercilessly.

The bad frog put its fingers together and turned into a venomous stab, and then stabbed the little flame monkey's abdomen fiercely.


With a muffled sound, the latter was slammed into the air!

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