He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1676 Evolution, Emperor Nabo!

"These two people cooperate very well!"

Seeing that the two of Xiaogang had gained an advantage from the very beginning, Xiaoguang couldn't help but admire.

The cooperation between Yongjila and the bad frog is unexpectedly smooth.

This made Xiaogang's eyes fall on Mai'er next to him, and the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

Big sisters are better than big sisters, loli...Xiao Gang's face suddenly turned dark, he quickly shook his head, and frantically dismissed this thought.

Damn, I almost got off track and deviant.

"Prince Bo, use metal claws!!"

Ah Xun didn't understand this, and launched an attack in full swing.

"Bad frog, use split tiles!!"

Faced with the silver light covering Prince Bo's wings and claws, he is completely immune to the poison. This made the bad frog change his strategy, and the poisonous thorn palm was covered with white light, and he stabbed out from the front!

Bang bang! !

There was a muffled sound, and after the two stalemate for a while, Prince Bo's strength was superior in the end, and he was sent flying.

"Little flame monkey, use the flame wheel!!"

On the other side, Shinji commanded with a cold snort.

The previous loss of power also caused the momentum of the little flame monkey to drop suddenly at this moment, and even Shinji's commanding voice made its shoulders tremble, and a trace of fear appeared in his heart.


But the body still condensed with flames, turning into a flame roller and flying out.

"Yongkira, use phantom light!"

Yong Jila waved the spoon, and the invisible force of thought froze the little flame monkey in mid-air again.

But this time, Little Flame Monkey was still holding a handful of sand in his hand.


The sand was thrown out violently, which made Yong Kira, who was concentrating and gathering his thoughts with wide-eyed eyes, was directly dazzled by the sand and dust, and the power of the phantom light also became disordered and loose.

Crack! !

The little flame monkey seized the opportunity, and the flame wheel bombarded out, rushing head-on at Yongjila's chest, causing good damage.

"Now, bad frog, use poison strike!!"

But the powerful attack also created a gap for himself, which allowed the bad frog to find an opportunity to cover the poisonous arm with dangerous venom, and then stabbed the little flame monkey fiercely in the abdomen.

Whoosh! !

Amidst a muffled sound, the little flame monkey was picked out again.


When the latter got up from the ground again, his whole body had already become trembling and messy, with scars everywhere, obviously in a state of dying.

Even the eyes were half-pressed, and purple bubbles appeared on the tip of the nose...

This is entering a state of poisoning, which is even worse!

"At this time, don't you use your power?"

Shinji glanced at the little flame monkey's body, a look of anticipation flashed in his eyes, but his voice became colder and colder.


The little flame monkey straightened up its bruised body, let out a low growl, and the flames on its buttocks began to spew out, trying to fully draw out the power in its body.

This made everyone's eyes focus on the little flame monkey, waiting quietly.

Vaguely, one can indeed feel a majestic force that is constantly rising.


Just the next moment, with the emergence of purple bubbles, the poisoned state took away the last bit of the little flame monkey's physical strength.

The latter closed his eyes, and just fell heavily on the ground, losing the ability to fight.

"What, what, I thought it was some great trick! You want to pay a fine!!"

This made Ah Shun yell angrily immediately, but he didn't notice that Shinji's expression beside him had become as cold as ice.

"Then it's up to us now...Prince Bo, use metal claws!"

But the excited Ah Xun played one-on-two, still showing no signs of fear, and even took the initiative to attack.

Prince Bo waved his metal claws and rushed towards the target.

"Use split tiles!"

Bang bang! !

Then it collided with the bad frog's split tile and thrust again. Although it was still suppressing the opponent, this time there was Yong Jila's support on the opposite side.

"Use phantom light!!"

Mai'er commanded that there was no mercy in the two-for-one attack.

Buzz buzz!

The spreading radiance of thought power enveloped Prince Bo, making the latter's expression instantly painful.

The strength is weakened, and it seems that it will be suppressed by the bad outside frog and forced to retreat...

"Don't give up! Show your strength!!"

Ah Shun shouted loudly, the painting style was completely different from Shinji's command.


This also made Prince Bo's will instantly firm. When he was attacked by Piwa and phantom light, he suddenly let out a low roar, and his whole body was covered with dazzling white light.

In the light, its figure quickly grew bigger and collided.

As the white light completely dissipated, Prince Bo also showed a brand new attitude!

About the height of an adult, his thick body looks like he is wearing a neat black dress, with sharp blue claws on the edges.

The golden trident horns on the top of the head are like a crown, proud and powerful.

Emperor Napoleon!

"Hahaha! It has evolved, it seems that God is on our side!!"

This made Ah Shun ecstatic, and immediately launched an attack:

"King Nabo, use metal claws!!"

This time, Emperor Nabo's metal claw move not only improved its own strength, but even the steel attribute obtained after evolution made this move even more powerful.

Bang bang! !

The bad frog's tile-splitting moves were simply too difficult to resist, and it was directly sent flying.

Buzz buzz...! !

The phantom light that followed one after another, this time Emperor Nabo forcefully supported it.

"Now, use the water cannon!!"

Opening his mouth, the thick water blasted out violently, directly knocking Yong Jila away from him.

The latter was a crispy-skinned Pokémon, but he fell to the ground immediately after being hit by a water cannon.

And the huge advantage in level also made the next single-challenge fight less suspenseful.

Even Emperor Nabo's metal claw move evolved into a more powerful steel wing, which sent the bad frog that came forward to collide again into the air, and the winner was completely determined.

"Damn, this kid is so strong."

This made the defeated Mai'er show a sullen expression, and stomped his feet angrily. Although A Xun was a little older than her, he still called him a "boy".

And there is no reason to evolve suddenly in the process, you are the one who should be fined the most! !

"Ah Xun is so powerful, he even hit two with one!"

Seeing this, Xiao Guang, who was watching from the sidelines, also exclaimed in amazement.

Immediately, he raised Bogaman in his arms, trying to let the latter see the mighty Emperor Nabo.


However, Bogaman was still indifferent, and proudly turned his head.

This made Xiaoguang have no choice but to smile bitterly. It seems that only sister Plantina's emperor Nabo can move Bogaman...

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