He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1700 Cross scissors, instant kill with one hit!

Soon, Xiaozhi and Leisi had separated, and each took out a poke ball.

"It's up to you, Scorpio!!"

On Xiaozhi's side, he naturally sent out the Scorpio who had just been subdued.


The latter sticks out its tongue, and its spread wings take off in the wind, hovering in mid-air.

The two pincers were shaking again and again in front of him, and he looked quite excited for the first battle.


This scene made Bogaman couldn't help stuffing it into Xiaoguang's arms again.

Don't you know how to fly? Why do you keep hitting yourself on purpose? !

"Then this is my side!"

Leisi also threw a poke ball, and the red light flashed, but he saw that it was a thick and big-tailed raccoon.

The brown body is full of fat, with a brown and black tail like a big fan, the facial expression is quite natural and casual, with a pair of white big dies.

"Big-tailed raccoon..."

Xiaozhi calmed down a little. This Pokémon is the most common Pokémon in the Sinnoh area, and it is probably similar to Dara in his hometown.

However, the big-tailed raccoon can do more things than Lada, and it is often used as a partner Pokémon like a breeder who does not need a combat trainer.

"Then the rules of the game are 1v1. If one side loses the ability to fight, the winner will be decided...the battle begins!"

Xiao Gang acted as a temporary referee and said loudly.

After the words fell, the two people on the grassland shook their spirits at the same time, and their fighting spirit rose.

Even Ah Li couldn't help being attracted and turned his gaze over.

"Preemptive strike, Scorpio, use the poisonous needle!!"

With the superiority in the air, Xiaozhi attacked first.

I saw the pair of scorpion pincers stretched forward, and several dark purple poisonous needles flew out from the end.

Since he had just been subdued, and this big-tailed civet was hard to deal with because of its flesh, Xiaozhi still decided to fight more cautiously.

"Are you going to fight a war of attrition...?"

Reiss immediately understood that the power of the poisonous needle is impressive, but there is a probability that the target will enter a poisoned state.

"In that case, big-tailed raccoon, use instant amnesia!"

After the words fell, the big-tailed raccoon didn't dodge the move, but closed his eyes on the spot and let out a low cry.


The next moment, the big-tailed raccoon's body flickered several red lights that amplified its abilities one after another.


The dense poisonous needles fell on the surface of the big-tailed civet's skin, but they were completely bounced off, as if there was no harm at all.

Not to mention being poisoned, maybe the poisonous needle didn't even break through the latter's epidermis.

"How can instant amnesia have such an exaggerated increase in defense...?"

Xiaozhi frowned, he was familiar with this move, but at most it only increased his defensive power by two stages.

But the big-tailed raccoon in front of him must have been directly promoted by four ranks, right?

"Didi. Big-tailed raccoon's characteristic: simplicity, the range of change in ability will be doubled. Loto~!"

At this time, the illustration book automatically prompts.

Rounding up, it is equivalent to using instant amnesia twice at once.

"This characteristic is very strong..."

It was the first time for Xiaozhi to hear this feature, and he lost his memory for two moments, which means that special attacks are basically meaningless.

"It's our turn, big-tailed raccoon, use Surf!!"

Reiss shouted loudly, his voice quite excited.

Thinking that Xiao Zhi was the one who defeated the Age of Gods, and now he is using the Scorpio he just subdued... I can defeat it!

Leisi, who was always calm, was rarely irritable.

Hush! !

The next moment, countless streams of water suddenly gushed out from the feet of the big-tailed raccoon, rising into waves several meters high, covering and sweeping towards them.

The big-tailed raccoon's eyes glowed blue, and he stood directly at the highest point of the surf, looking menacing.

"Hurry up and fly up!!"

Scorpio was taken aback by the sudden violent current, and quickly raised the height, avoiding the surf in a very thrilling manner.

"It's not over yet...Big-tailed raccoon, use waterfall climbing!!"

Just as the two passed by, the big-tailed raccoon jumped up suddenly, using the surf under his feet as a pedal.

murmuring...! !

Thick water bubbles lingered around the outstretched fist, and Climbing Waterfall's heavy fist pointed directly at the Scorpio in the sky.

However, Xiaozhi seems to have known this set of combined punches, so he also changed his command:

"Scorpio, use acrobatics!"

Scorpio understood, his body was instantly covered with light blue light, and his flying movements suddenly became agile, swaying from side to side and flying, he actually dodged the blow and climbed the waterfall.

Xiaozhi is also familiar with the combination of surfing + climbing waterfalls, so he is naturally on guard.


The surf fell, and the field turned into a flat grassland again.

In the first fight, neither of them gained any advantage, and Scorpio also fell from the sky at this moment.

"It's now, use sand removal!!"

But Xiaozhi suddenly narrowed his eyes and said offensively.


Scorpio's pair of pincers immediately inserted into the ground in front of him, constantly stirring the sand and throwing it towards the opponent.

Phew...! !

The cumbersome big-tailed civet was hard to dodge, and was immediately hit by the sandy soil.

Although Shaping Sand is a move that does no damage at all, it can reduce the target's hit rate.

Especially the characteristic of this big-tailed raccoon - simplicity, you must know that this characteristic is not just about doubling its energy when it increases.

Even when one's ability is weakened, the effect is also doubled!

It was covered with sand, and it had a double effect, directly making the big-tailed civet blind, and everything in front of him became gray.

"Li Wu, Li Wu...?!"

Clenching his paws, he subconsciously swung his fists indiscriminately on the spot. It was obvious that the big-tailed civet was in a mess.

"Now, use the cross scissors!!"

The Scorpio was naturally recharging its energy on the other side, and then flew into the air again, with its pincers crossed in front of it, and swooped down heavily with a fierce offensive!

The big-tailed civet, who lost all vision, allowed Scorpio to accurately hit the latter's vital parts of the throat.

Whoosh! ! !

The cross scissors flashed by, and in the blink of an eye, Scorpio was half kneeling behind the big-tailed fox.

The eyes are closed, and the pair of pincers are placed in the posture of retracting the knife.

The posture is very handsome, but the little tongue is still sticking out, like a child deliberately imitating the actions of an adult, and the scene has become funny again.


Behind him, the big-tailed raccoon was first chopped up by the cross scissors, and then his heavy figure suddenly fell down.

Scorpio's strike of the cross scissors hit the nail on the head!

The victory and defeat have been divided!

"Nice job, Scorpio!!"


The scorpion flew up again, circled for a week and then landed on Xiaozhi's shoulder, clapping hands with excitement.

The two fought together for the first time, which was unexpectedly smooth.

"It seems that the physical defense of this big-tailed raccoon is very average..."

As the referee, Xiao Gang touched his chin and commented sharply, and was immediately killed by the cross scissors that hit the vital point.

It seems that as a breeder, Mr. Leisi's Pokémon fighting skills are estimated to have dropped a lot.

Speaking of which, I also wanted to be a Pokémon breeder...?

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