He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1701 Sharp Fang and Power Amplifier

"Did you lose...?"

At the end of the battle, Lei Si was stunned, he hadn't recovered from this momentary reversal of the situation.

Then he couldn't help but smile wryly.

"My combat level has indeed dropped..."

If it were the old self, the moment the big-tailed raccoon was hit by the sand, he should have instructed the latter to use surfing, right?

The surfing of the full-field attack does not require aiming at all.

Big-tailed civets can also use this trick to dive directly into the surf, using the current to clean the sand from their eyes...

In the end he shook his head and took back the big-tailed raccoon. These are meaningless afterthoughts.

Seeing Xiaozhi and Scorpio walking towards him, Leisi suddenly reached into his pocket and held something in front of Xiaozhi.

"This is...?"

Xiao Zhi took a closer look, but saw that it was a sharp and slender tooth.

Reiss said before that he would give him something related to Scorpio... But does this tooth have anything to do with Scorpio?

"This is a sharp tooth. If you bring it to a Pokémon, it may have an effect that makes your opponent cower..."

Seeing that Scorpio stretched out its pliers and was about to pinch it, Lei Si quickly retracted the tooth.

"But if you give the sharp teeth to Scorpio, you can complete the evolution and evolve into the Scorpio King."

Although it is different from the fire stone and water stone, the one-touch evolution is a bit different, and the sharp teeth still need to stay on the body for a while...

However, there have also been cases where it evolved directly as soon as it came into contact with the sharp teeth. It is better not to touch the scorpion yet.

"So the Scorpio King evolved like this...?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he quickly took the sharp tooth. Sure enough, this hometown Pokémon didn't evolve simply by level.

"Gra, Gra~!"

Seeing that Scorpio was curious and wanted to take a closer look, Xiaozhi quickly put it away carefully, not letting the latter touch it directly.

Scorpio has just been subdued, let's wait for a while to evolve, there is no rush now.

But how does Mr. Reis happen to have the sharp tooth he needs?

"Hehe, it's actually not for you..."

Seemingly understanding Xiaozhi's question, Lei Si smiled and touched the back of his head.

This sharp tooth is actually a prop that Shinji asked him to find before.

As a result, Shinji directly subdued a Scorpio King in the end, and the props used for Scorpio evolution were meaningless.

"But I can't take it directly..."

Accepting the other party's gift for no reason, Xiaozhi thought for a while, and still felt that it was weird.

When putting Sharp Fang into the backpack, I happened to see a yellow square box with a hole in the surface.


Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, he quickly took it out, and handed it to Lei Si.

"In exchange for the sharp teeth, I will give you this power booster!"

This is the prop he got at the wind power station in Huayuan Town, which can allow the Electric Shock Beast to obtain powerful electricity and complete its evolution.

But this prop is completely useless to him.

"I remember that guy Shinji had a Dashbeast, right?"

Naturally, Xiaozhi didn't want to give it to Leisi, but to Shinji.

Since this sharp tooth was originally intended to be used by Shinji, it is just right to exchange it for the power amplifier.


Leisi stared blankly at the generator box, hesitating a little.

"You know, this means that Shinji will become even stronger..."

But after hearing these words, Xiaozhi was happy, and immediately stuffed it into Lei Si's hands without any hesitation.

To get better and better, he needs a worthy opponent.

At least the current Shinji is still a little bit worse...

"In that case, I will accept it!"

In the end, Leisi accepted it and carefully put away the power booster.

Shinji did ask him to collect a power amplifier before, to prepare for the future evolution of his electric beast.

Similarly, a lava booster is also needed to provide his duck-billed Charmander with a more powerful firepower boost to complete the evolution.

The Lava Amplifier Reiss has been found, but the Electric Amplifier has not been found...

Now it's smooth sailing.

"It seems necessary to remind Shinji..."

Seeing the indifferent expression of the young man in front of him, Lei Si also secretly trembled in his heart.

Let's check Xiaozhi's information later, it seems that he is really an amazing person...


On the other side, Xiao Guang and Ah Li, who watched the whole game, were also amazed.


The proud Bogaman tilted his head, temporarily recognizing Scorpio as one of their partners.

Ah Li silently looked at Lucario beside him, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"Luka, Luca!!"

Lucario is still cheering for Ali, hoping that the latter will fight again.

Judging by the appearance of the latter, it was only one last fire before it could be re-ignited.

It was getting late, and the few people did not stay in Leisi's cabin, but walked together towards the elf center in Veil City.

I have accepted Xiaoguang's informal challenge, but the battle location is still chosen in the Curtain Gym, and the time is tomorrow morning.

On the way into the town, when he was free, Xiaozhi finally couldn't help but walked between Ali and Lucario, and asked:

"By the way, Ms. Li, you are also a bird envoy, right?"


However, in the face of Xiaozhi's question, Ah Li just put on a bewildered expression.

"I have heard of waveguide messengers, they are a very special type of human beings... But I don't know the power of waveguides."

Ali shook his head, and Lucario next to him also had the same expression.

"But you can blow up Lucario's wave missile with one punch, and the power of waveguide is used!"

Xiaozhi asked in the same doubt.

The power of waveguide is added to Ah Li's fighting movements, so that he can easily smash wave missiles, instead of purely natural divine power.

"Did I use the power of waveguide...?"

Ah Li waved his fist, and looked at his fist hesitantly, not knowing that he still had such ability.

This made Xiaozhi fully understand that the other party used the power of waveguide completely unconsciously.

And it didn't feel like Lucario facing Orudolan.

"Well, it's not the waveguide envoy who can grasp the power of waveguide..."

It seems more like staying with Lucario for a long time, and the fighting techniques also bring similar power?

Even though this Lucario can use the move of the wave missile, other skills of the power of the wave guide cannot be used.

In the end, Xiaozhi could only shake his head and stop exploring.

Maybe people are really born with supernatural powers...

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