He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1702 Special training before the game


Curtain City, the battle training ground in the backyard of the Elf Center.

"Bogaman, use the bubble light!!"

Located at one end of the training ground, Xiaoguang directed.

Bogaman in front of him opened his beak, and dense bubble rice rays spewed out one after another.


However, the opponent Lioulu's figure was extremely fast, jumping back and forth between the arenas, dodging all the foaming rays of light.

"Now, use Fa Jin!"

Xiaozhi commanded suddenly.


After saying those words, Riolu's figure suddenly accelerated and appeared behind Bogaman in an instant.

The palm of his hand was already completely attached to Bogaman's back.

Zi bang! !

The next moment, golden lightning burst out, and the powerful shock wave directly blasted Pogaman out.


The strong impact of the electric current made Bogaman very sour, and he struggled to get up from the ground again.

"Xiao Guang, it's impossible to touch that Lucario at such a speed."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi shook his head and responded loudly.

At the moment, he is doing special pre-match training for Xiaoguang.

The latter has already made an appointment with Ah Li. The venue for the match tomorrow morning will be at the Curtain Gym. As an informal challenge, the Pokémon will also be a decisive battle.

Bogaman met Ali's Lucario.

Now Riolu is engaging in a simulated battle with Bogaman as an imaginary enemy.

"In that case, Bogaman, use the peck!!"

Xiaoguang shook his teeth, and this time he chose a move with restrained attributes.

Facing Bogaman, who was leaping forward with a sharp white beak, Xiaozhi commanded calmly:

"Use metal claws!!"

Riolu's center of gravity was lowered, and metal claws were extended from the back of his hand, making a cross defensive posture.

Bang bang! !

There was a burst of explosion when the moves collided, but with the force of Leolu's second stage, the steel claws were suddenly separated, and Pogaman was directly sent flying again.

This made Xiaozhi shake his head again.

As the evolution type of Riolu, that Lucario's physical strength is undoubtedly greater.

Although Ah Li seems to be a rookie owner, he was beaten by Shinji's blood... But that Lucario is definitely not weak.

"That guy, is he deliberately sarcastic...?"

Xiaozhi frowned secretly, while fighting, he put on a mocking expression, and uttered sarcasm in his mouth.

This is actually a tactic.

Especially when facing an opponent with a bad mentality, it can even directly disrupt the opponent's command and find an opportunity to take advantage of.

Under such circumstances, it is not particularly surprising that Shinji commanded his duck-billed fire dragon to take advantage of the situation to launch a fierce attack, and the winner was decided within three rounds.

However, in some official competitions, it is forbidden for players to talk trash, and it is also to prevent this move.

"Bogaman, use the water jet!!"

Xiaoguang can only pin his hopes on this preemptive move that he has just mastered.


Bogaman also yelled, his body circled the upper water, and rushed out at an extremely fast speed.

"It's useless, Riolu, use Quick Defense!"

Facing the preemptive move, Riolu took the first step to defend, and the light blue barrier propped up directly interrupted the jet of water, bouncing Pogaman into the air.

Quick defense is originally a move specially designed to defend against preemptive moves.

Pogaman, who was in the air, was the perfect time for Riolu to attack, and his body kicked back immediately to catch up.

"It's over, use the bone stick to fight!!"

Riolu understood, he joined his hands in front of his chest during the sprint, and then slammed them apart to the sides.

call out...!

A light blue waveguide energy bone rod, about the height and length of Moliolu, has already taken shape in its palm.

"Have you mastered this trick so quickly...?"

Xiao Gang, who was enjoying the cool air and watching the play next to him, nodded in surprise.

I just saw that Lucario use this trick during the day, and it has already been used at night.

But for Riolu, it can't be regarded as a complete mastery of this trick.

Bone stick nagging is a ground-type move, but Riolu was able to use it instantly, more because he used the power of the waveguide to take advantage of it... This is a fighting-type bone stick.

"It's not a big problem, it should be able to be used after a few more practice."

Xiaozhi is not in a hurry, after all, not all Pokémon are like his Pikachu, which can be directly copied by thieves at a glance.

Whoosh! !

The waveguide bone stick swung, making a sharp piercing sound in the air, and finally lifted Bogaman out violently.


Dizzy from being hit by a stick, Bogaman didn't get up this time, and just lay down on the spot, unable to fight.

On the other hand, Riolu landed on the ground, spun the bone stick in his hand beautifully, and gradually turned into light spots and disappeared, forcing Gramon.


Xiaoguang hurriedly stepped forward to help him up carefully, and there was a red mark of a stick on the latter's head.

Xiaogang also provided medication on the sidelines, which quickly brought Pogaman back to life.

It's just this sparring that made one person and one goose become silent.

According to the current level, the battle tomorrow morning is completely free! !

"Why don't you change to Queen Bee...?"

Xiao Gang suggested next to her that the flying queen bee should have a chance to defeat that Lucario.

"Or use a curl-eared rabbit?"

Xiaozhi also suggested that although it is an inverse attribute, saying no can have a surprising effect.


Bogaman lowered his head in distress.

It doesn't want to give away the head knowing that it can't beat it, but it is so proud that it is impossible to escape on the spot...


Just when Xiaoguang was distressed, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Leave it to me next."

Plantina's cold voice rose slowly, taking over the control of Xiaoguang's body.

This also caused Xiaoguang to open her eyes again, and the aura of the girl next door suddenly changed, giving off an elegant and cold temperament.

Deep in the deep pupils, there is hidden wisdom and insight that can penetrate everything.


This made Pogaman, who was closest to him, shiver, and realized something.

Pokémon is the most sensitive, it is also a trainer who knows itself, sometimes it will completely "change a person".

Seeing that it was a substitution, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang hurriedly took a step back and gathered around to watch, wondering how the former would train Bogaman.

And Plantina's method is very simple.


Gently throwing a poke ball, red light flashed, and the thick and huge Emperor Nabo appeared in front of everyone.

The noble aura like an emperor makes people can't help lowering their heads, not daring to look directly at the former.


The sudden appearance of Emperor Nabo made Bogaman even more envious...

Whether it's strength or that incomparably arrogant aura, it's definitely not comparable to Ah Xun's Emperor Nabo!

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