He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1703 Xiaozhi vs Plantina!

Plantina's approach is simple.


As long as Bogaman completes the evolution, he will naturally be able to instantly increase his own strength, reaching a level comparable to that of Lucario.

Plantina could understand Bogaman's arrogance that he was obsessed with not evolving, but she didn't agree with it.

That being the case, then willingly let Pogaman choose to evolve.

Thinking of this, Platina looked at Xiaozhi, and then her eyes fell on Pikachu beside him.

"Is this the way it is...I understand!"

Xiaozhi instantly understood the meaning of the latter, and hurried to the commanding end.

This is to let Pogaman see the power of Emperor Nabo, so as to change his mind about himself.


Pikachu also obediently landed in front of him, full of fighting spirit... It can be used as a digestive exercise after a meal!

"It's alright, miss, attack at any time~!"

Ready to continue, Xiaozhi signaled loudly, his expression quite excited.

He has long wanted to try the strength of Plantina's Emperor Napoleon.

Platina nodded, commanded softly, and took the initiative to attack.

"Imperator Napoleon, use the steel wings."

The Emperor Nabo swung its huge wings, which were instantly covered with metallic luster, and slashed out with vigorous steps.

While the move was running, it was already cutting the air, making a slightly harsh and sharp sound.

"Pikachu, we also use steel tails!!"

On the other side, Pikachu jumped high in the face of the opponent's attack, his tail also turned into steel, and slashed down from the air.

Bang bang! !

The next moment, the steel wing met the steel tail, and there was a powerful and heavy metal explosion sound at the junction, like a thunderous thunderbolt, and sparks were constantly shaking and splashing.

The frontal collision of the move, the power poured out and spread, turning into violent air waves and blowing around violently.

Even the ground under Emperor Nabo's feet was shaken to pieces.

Just a touch, the scene is scary.

"What the hell, suddenly thunder?!"

"Hiss...it seems to be a very powerful force."

This also made many trainers around the elf center come over, curious about the battle between the two in the center of the training ground.



After a stalemate of this force for a while, the power of the emperor Nabo was obviously much stronger. With the second stage of force, he forcibly broke Pikachu's steel tail.

However, Pikachu is also an experienced player, and took advantage of this force to perform several backflips in a row and landed steadily.

"Is there a difference in strength...?"

Xiaozhi frowned. Pikachu, who had been hacked a second time, was no match for the opponent in terms of strength.

But even if the state is full, it may not necessarily be a sure victory.

"Sure enough, one by one, they are all real monsters..."

Looking at Xiaoguang who is so cold and outstanding in front of him, Xiaozhi restrained his mind. He must deal with such an opponent with all his strength.

As for changing Bogaman's mind...he had completely forgotten about it.

Defeat this Emperor Napoleon!

"Pikachu, use the electric ball!!"

This time, Xiaozhi took the initiative to attack.

Even though it is weakened, Pikachu's speed is still outstanding, and the electric ball that wins the speed takes shape instantly, and is thrown straight by Pikachu's tail.

But then Emperor Nabo did not choose to dodge or resist, but stood there quietly like an emperor.

Boom! !

The electric ball exploded on its body, sending out smoke and dust, but at the same moment, Plantina also spoke.

"Use Avalanche."

In the smoke and dust of the electric ball, Emperor Nabo waved his wings and let out a high and majestic cry, which shocked many passers-by and lowered their heads subconsciously.

Boom...! !

The next moment, countless huge snow blocks and rocks fell from the sky above Pikachu's side of the arena, covering them all in one fell swoop.

"So that's the idea...?"

Xiaozhi instantly understood that the avalanche is a move that can be doubled in power.

Such a smooth battle... Did this woman think about how to deal with her Pikachu early on? !


In the blink of an eye, Pikachu was completely buried by the massive avalanche, and the field in front of Xiaozhi was piled up with ruins of snow blocks about one meter high.

"Hey, hey, that electric mouse won't be crushed to death, will it?"

"Should we call Miss Joy?"

This made passers-by around a little restless... Even an avalanche with twice the power is not so powerful, right?

However, Xiaozhi's expression suddenly became fiery, and he pointed to the sky.

"Now, Pikachu, use Thunder!!"


Outside the ruins of the avalanche, there was no shadow of a mouse, but the cry of Pikachu could be heard.

And at the bottom of the avalanche stone, Pikachu, protected by the grid, dispersed the energy grid, and shot out a beam of electric light, shooting vertically into the sky.

This also caused a lot of dark clouds to gather in the sky above the center of the elves.

In the next moment, a golden lightning strike suddenly exploded! !

The terrifyingly powerful thunder fell suddenly, and it was impossible for the opponent it was targeting to dodge.

Boom boom boom! !

The thundering move landed on Emperor Nabo head-on!

Like a raging flood, the golden lightning hit Emperor Nabo completely, and even the latter's black and blue body was completely dyed golden yellow in the thunder.

Boom! !

The rising pillar of lightning soared into the sky, causing all the onlookers around to shudder.

Good guy, come out for a walk, it seems to have seen an incredible and outrageous battle.


After this terrible blow, Plantina remained motionless, her expression unchanged.

"Look, that Emperor Nabo's wings!"

It wasn't until someone reminded them that everyone reacted.

During the thunderstorm, Emperor Nabo used the steel wing move ahead of time. With his body squatting down slightly, one steel wing wing went straight into the ground, completely leading the terrifying electric current into the ground.

"Maintain this action and continue to use the steel wings."

Locked and bombarded by the lightning strike from above, the following Emperor Nabo simply stuck one wing straight into the ground, and at the same time ran towards the direction of the avalanche ruins, leaving a long scratch on the ground.

And the other steel wing wing swung upwards violently!

Whoosh whoosh...!

Along the way, he kept cutting avalanche stones, as unstoppable as cutting tofu, until he found the electric mouse that was quietly pulling lightning in the avalanche.


Surrounded by snowy ruins, suddenly saw a huge penguin, higher than the snowy ruins, sticking out its head... This made Pikachu startled.

Pikachu even recalled the meaning of fear once.

Emperor Nabo's imperial aura makes it seem that it has a "certificate of king" effect at any time, and every move has a chance to make the opponent fall into a state of shrinking.

Whoosh! !

Swinging the heavy steel wings upwards, Pikachu, who was in the center of the ruins and was unable to move for a while, was directly lifted into the air!

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