He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 148 Use the Little Lada to Clear the Dungeon

"Well built..."

As the bodyguard Chi went downstairs, he looked at the surrounding metal buildings.

His memory of this secret basement, the electronic world is still a pixel mosaic quality, it is not as real as it is now.

At the end of the stairs, when the door was pushed open, there was another vast hall and room. The floor was surrounded by solid metal walls, and there were no doors or windows.

With sharp red eyes, he saw a few strange lights shining on the floor, and immediately thought of Silver's floor space transmission device.

After all, the Rockets have also occupied it for two or three years, and Silver's skills have stolen a lot.

The hall was empty, and there was no one there. Chi waited for a long time for no one to show up, so he planned to step on a tile at will and teleport at will.

If it is just right to teleport to Boss Sakagi's room, he will be slaughtered directly.

"Warning, warning, intruder found!! Warning, warning!!!"

Flashing red lights suddenly appeared on the ceiling, and the electronic alarm sounded rapidly, echoing back and forth in this enclosed space.

Chi was taken aback by this, and wondered to himself that he had only come in less than 5 minutes, had he been discovered so quickly?

The Rockets' investigative capabilities really shouldn't be underestimated.

So Chi didn't hesitate any longer, and stepped directly on a flashing tile. Suddenly, white light lit up, enveloping it, and disappeared in place with a "whoosh".


White light flashed, and bodyguard Chi appeared in another room.

There are quite a few people here who also wear Team Rocket uniforms, squatting on the ground playing cards and smoking a cigarette. As for the alarm sound from the ceiling, they just turn a blind eye to it, as if it is a normal bgm.

"Hey, Fujita-kun, are you down so early today?"

"Going to work and paddling again, aren't you afraid that your rating will drop to the black iron rank this year?"

Several people saw the bodyguard Chi and said with a smile.

Fujita, black iron?

Chi thought for a while, and quickly understood that the current body owner's name is Fujita, and the black iron rank, does it mean that he is now a bronze rank miscellaneous soldier?

He glanced at his arm cuff, the Rockets have a strict hierarchy.

According to the tradition of the Rockets, when you reach the gold rank, you can leave a bar on it.

Platinum, diamond, and belt division are two bars, three bars, and four bars respectively.

In the entire Rockets team, there is only one boss, Sakagi, who is eligible to wear the five-stripe uniform.

Like the three core cadres I met before, they are actually just diamond-level triple bars, not even the Rockets' top combat power.

He glanced around again, and found that the arm cuffs of these people were all empty, which proved that they were all trash fish below gold, which made him lose interest, nodded and walked towards the corner of the room.

"Tsk, Fujita-kun is so cold today."

"I guess those croupiers who have been watching from above can't stand it?"

"One thing to say, I can't stand it."

The miscellaneous fish joked with laughter, and seemed very harmonious amidst the rapid sirens.

The bodyguard Chi couldn't help but shook his head. The bottom cadres of the Rockets never let people down.

Immediately, he stepped on the teleportation tile, and drew a lottery again to see if he could teleport directly to Boss Sakagi's boudoir.




After teleporting several times in a row, Chi stopped in an open hall. It looked normal and there was no one there.

Just when he was about to teleport again, a beam of white light suddenly lit up on a floor tile in front of him, and then the light flashed, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Miscellaneous soldiers: "!"

The miscellaneous soldier was also taken aback by the bodyguard Chi.

This is a skinny man who is also wearing the uniform of the Rockets' miscellaneous soldiers. He looks ordinary and has a piece of plaster on the left side of his face. drank:

"Finally caught you, intruder!"


Chi subconsciously took a look at his own facial makeup, it was no problem, it still looked like Fujita.

What the hell, can this be seen through?

"Catch it with your hands, you hateful intruder, you dare to covet the treasures of our Big Rocket team, I will hand over your dog's life to Lord Zeus, and tomorrow I will have a bar!"

Without hesitation, the miscellaneous soldier threw a poke ball without waiting for a reaction, and entered the battle state directly.

This is a blue-blue beast-type Pokémon with spots, with spikes on its body, two small claws half-raised in front of its chest, its small head is full of fighting spirit, and it growls when it raises its head.

"Ho Ho!"

The sound is not loud, but the momentum is extraordinary.


Chi became interested, this Nidona seemed to be bred well, and glanced at the cuff of this soldier's arm, there was no bar, does the Rocket team understand Pokémon now?

Hmph, since it's exposed, let's use the fire-breathing dragon to pierce through the dungeon directly.

Do you really think that the full-level boss will foolishly replay the plot of Xinshou Village?

The corner of Chizui raised, and he stretched out his hand to touch his waist, but when he stretched it in mid-air, he suddenly suffocated.


The Pokémon seem to be in Xiaozhi's place...?


Do you want to go back to Xiaozhi to get the poke ball?

Forget it, let's call foreign aid directly.

"Are you free, come and give me a hand..."

With a thought, Chi Xin secretly sent out an instruction in his heart.

As long as others are still in Yuhong City, with the terrifying telepathic ability of their Pokémon, they will naturally sense his thoughts.

Sure enough, after a while, a sentence came back in his mind, but the tone was a little lazy.

"If you're free, don't come, miscellaneous fish, don't fight."

Brief, concise and well-founded.


Why do you feel like you're talking to yourself again?


The miscellaneous soldier looked at the intruder in front of him with a gloomy expression, which was inexplicable, but the Rockets never waited for the other party to do things fairly, and he was already planning to take the initiative.

"It doesn't matter, let's use this person's Pokémon..."

Chi held the Pokéball at his waist. The bodyguard Fujita only had one Pokémon on him. The Pokéball looked a bit old, like an antique passed down from his ancestors.

So he threw it backhandedly.


A little Lada appeared in front of him, alive and well, with the big die between the teeth shining with white light.


Seeing this, the miscellaneous soldiers gave a disdainful smile and instructed:

"Little Radha, you dare to be a despicable invader, Nidona, use the missile needle."

Chi, however, was a late striker, and with a sullen gaze, he instructed unambiguously: "Little Rada, use a surprise attack."


There was a burst of black energy on Little Lada's body, but it wasn't too strong. Before Nidona shot the missile needle out of her mouth, she took a step ahead, shortened the distance in an instant, and hit the latter's belly with her head, abruptly interrupting the attack. The latter's missile needle.

A surprise attack is a skill that can be used one step earlier when the opponent uses an attack skill.

"What the hell is this aura..."

The miscellaneous soldier was taken aback by the bodyguard Chi's aura. Why did he feel that the silly-looking person in front of him seemed to have suddenly turned into a terrible beast.

"Little Lada, use gas gathering..."

Chi ignored the miscellaneous soldier's expression and looked serious.

Now that it has entered the state of battle, no matter whether the little Lada is his own Pokémon or not, he will not let it be defeated, even if it is just a bad little Lada.

Today I used this little Lada to get through this dungeon!

The bodyguard Chi had a fiery expression on his face.

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