He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 149: Patient Communication


Little Lada took advantage of the gap in the opponent's skills, raised his head and let out a cry, a burst of red light suddenly lit up on his body, and he entered the Qi gathering state.

Its mental power has become highly concentrated, and the next attack is more likely to hit the vital point.

The miscellaneous soldier's eyes gradually became deeper. He thought it was just a miscellaneous fish, but he didn't expect to have some strength.

It glanced at the bodyguard's bare arm cuff again, no bar.

"In that case, Nidona, use a two-stage kick!" the miscellaneous soldiers said.


Nidona moved her limbs, rose into the air, and kicked out in the air with her two hind legs.

"Little Lada, dodge with a flash of lightning." Chi Guo said decisively.

The basic quality of this little Lada is very average, and the normal speed may not be able to avoid it, so it must rely on the speed bonus of the lightning flash.

The little Lada understood, covered his body with a layer of white light, and jumped out with a "whoosh", avoiding the extremely effective two-stage kick.

At this moment, it has come to the blind spot behind Nidona.

With a raised corner of his mouth, he instructed:

"It's now, use the killer front teeth!"


Little Lada kicked her legs and ran forward. At this moment, there was a fierce red light on the front teeth of her mouth.


The second kick was empty, and Nidona had no time to turn her head to dodge or defend, and was directly bitten on the waist by the little Lada, and there seemed to be a tragic sound of rock breaking.

hit the nail on the head!

"The killer front tooth of this department, plus the hit point, you, Nidona, can't stop it with ten lives..."

Chi said slowly, and then stopped paying attention to that Nidona. He was already thinking about the next battle in his mind.

To use a small Lada to pick the entire Rockets, every step must be calculated to the extreme...


Sure enough, a few seconds later, the little Lada jumped back in front of the bodyguard Chi to stand ready, while the Nidona wobbled a few times on the spot and fell down directly.

Fighting cannot.

"This guy, so strong..."

The miscellaneous soldier looked at the little Lada with an incredulous expression on his face.

Obviously seeing Nidona whose level is definitely lower than his own, how could he defeat him so easily?

Although his Nidona was not good at melee combat, but long-range attacks, even so, the miscellaneous soldiers were stunned.

"Hmph, but let's see how you fight next..."

A sly smile suddenly appeared on the passerby's face, and he looked at the little Lada and Chi like a big villain sizing up his prey.

He noticed that the bodyguard had only one Poké Ball on his bare waist.


A burst of purple bubbles inexplicably lit up on little Lada's body, and the latter's face suddenly turned a bit uncomfortable.

"Hahaha, your little Lada has already entered a poisoned state, let's see how you fight next!"

He laughed wildly.

Nidona's characteristic, venomous stinger, has a certain probability of being poisoned when touching the body.

Miscellaneous Fish throws the second Pokéball, and a red light flashes. It is a half-meat and half-vegetarian Pokémon. There are a few banana leaves.


He couldn't help scratching his head, it was a bit big, Nidona could say it, but what the hell is this frog weed?

Has the Rockets' miscellaneous soldiers already reached the point where there is only one second-dan Yusanjia in their hands?

Then why does this Fujita have only one little Lada?

"Quick strike, use the flying leaf quick knife!" The miscellaneous soldiers suddenly attacked.

Seeing this, Chi immediately entered the combat state, and instructed:

"Little Lada, use the lightning flash directly at Feiye Kuaidao."

Hearing this, the miscellaneous soldiers couldn't help laughing, and blurted out mockingly:

"Haha idiot, my level of Frogweed is not low, is it courting death if I come up directly?"

But the next scene almost made his eyeballs pop out.

At this moment, little Lada seems to have taken some medicine, and his strength has been greatly improved. The ordinary lightning flash even exerted a power that is not inferior to the ultimate impact, and it has completely washed away the powerful Feiye Kuaidao , bumped into the frog grass.

Suddenly, a powerful force struck, and even the froggrass with a thick base was knocked back half a meter.

Miscellaneous soldiers: "???"

Gan, are you cheating? !

Suddenly, the miscellaneous soldiers narrowed their eyes, and saw the strangeness on little Lada's body at the moment.

The purple bubbles that emerged from its body representing the poisoned state actually turned into blood-red energy and fed back into the little Lada's body. Suddenly, the little Lada's body swelled a bit visible to the naked eye, as if extra muscles had grown out of thin air.

If the miscellaneous soldiers knew that little Lada would enter a poisoned state when he came into contact with Nidona, then Chi naturally knew it too.

As a trainer who started from the Kanto region, Chi has conquered all the Pokémon in the Kanto area except Dream.

He knows every Pokémon in the Kanto area, no matter its attributes, skills, or even various characteristics. He naturally knows that Nidona's characteristic is a poisonous thorn.

Of course, he also knew the characteristics of his little Lada.

Perseverance, when in an abnormal state, the attack power will be greatly increased.

Rather than saying that little Lada was poisoned by bad luck, it is better to say that he poisoned little Lada on purpose.

After all, the opponent's first Pokémon is a Nidona-level Pokémon, and the level is much higher than Lada, so the next Pokémon will only be stronger. Even if your own command is stronger, when the gap reaches a certain level, Even he couldn't make up for this gap with his mouth.

It can be said that at this moment, the little Lada has reached the level of a normal person from the level of half-body buried in the ICU. His strength has doubled, and his own speed is not weak. The current Chi can better exert his command ability.

"Damn it, this guy actually predicted my prediction."

The miscellaneous soldier's expression became a little flustered. He was obviously the infinitely superior at the moment, but panic appeared in his heart for no reason.

He just stole a lot of stock certificates and a few stickers that seemed useless from the room of the core cadres of the Rockets, and then somehow the alarm sounded suddenly, so he escaped.

It doesn't matter, it took a week to upgrade from the bottom black iron to the bronze. He has already planned to give up this vest, and next time he will directly backstab a gold rank Rockets member who is alone, starting from gold.

Just like playing games, if you get stuck in a patient situation, even if you are not a patient, you will still assimilate yourself into an ICU patient who communicates with you.

But if you start off as a golden normal game, you may still be able to take off, which is helpful.

Then he teleported back and forth among a large number of teleportation devices, and suddenly collided with the bodyguard Chi.

"This man is weird..."

Familiar with cross-dressing skills, he noticed the strangeness of the bodyguard Chi almost instantly, because this person's appearance, clothing and face were completely different from his expression, movement and temperament.

Everyone has their own temperament, and the body will also change in the direction of temperament. Once there is a big difference between the body and temperament, it proves that there must be something weird.

Although he couldn't see through how the person in front of him changed his disguise, it was so seamless, it was like a seizure of the soul.

In short, definitely not a normal person!

Therefore, he acted preemptively and took the blame for his intruder on the bodyguard Chi.

Regardless of whether you are wrong or not, it is the best strategy to blame others for their mistakes first!

Thinking of this, passers-by miscellaneous soldiers shouted fiercely:

"Damn it, Suan, use Iai Zhan!"

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