He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 150 Don't anal him, he can't anal

"What a powerful sword energy..."

The bodyguard Chi couldn't help blurting out.

The Frog Grass in front of me looks ordinary in appearance, and the whip it throws out is not like Xiao Zhi's Frog Seed, flexible and powerful, but inexplicably domineering.

The sharp sword aura was attached to the outer skin of one side of the cane whip visible to the naked eye, and it fluctuated back and forth in the air, spreading out in shocking ripples, with the might of cutting gold and breaking iron.


Little Lada quickly rolled to one side to avoid it, and the next second the Juhe chopping rattan whip fell heavily, splitting a big gap in the metal floor.


Metal shards burst with force.


Now how can Chi still not recognize who this miscellaneous soldier is in front of him, who can train Juhe Zhan into such a ghostly appearance, except for Xiaozhi, the fellow who was played badly, Mengmeng, there is probably no other person in the world up.

"Wait a minute, it's my own..."

Before Chi could finish speaking, he saw two more vine whips pulled out from the buds on the back of Froggrass, and the first two vine whips circled in mid-air, dancing airtightly, and the sound of cutting the air was continuously heard. Screeching sonic boom.

The Garlic Wangba family uses rattan whips with natural mathematical laws. Generally, 2 rods are used at the stage of the frog seed, and 4 rods can be used at the stage of the frog grass. When it reaches the third stage of the frog flower, it can grow exponentially He used 2 to the 3rd power, a total of 16 rattan whips.


He looked at the four rattan whips around him like long snakes, and at the eyes of that passer-by miscellaneous soldier who gradually lost the focus of his pupils, his whole body and mind focused on his little Lada, with a fierce expression, and couldn't help frowning Slightly wrinkled.

She is possessed.

The so-called drawing a sword is easy, but taking it back is difficult, let alone controlling such a fierce sword energy.

"I can only kill this Frog Grass..."

Thinking of this, things became simpler instead. Chi set his sights on the vine whip that was crazily swinging, and every side of the vine whip was swinging like a slash. Exhausted by the four rattan whips and sharp blades, he kept dodging with flashes of lightning, and the situation was very critical.

You must know that with the huge level gap between the two, even if it is just brushed to the side, it is impossible for the little Lada to bear it, let alone the poisoning state that constantly consumes its physical strength.

It must be done quickly!

Chi's eyes didn't change at all, and he was extremely calm, but the thought of going beyond the 50th floor almost instantly appeared in his mind.

He opened his mouth and instructed: "Little Lada, see the opportunity and attack the side of the rattan whip in the upper left corner with a flash of lightning."


Little Lada understood, as if he had merged with Chi's soul for a moment, and instantly understood the latter's meaning, then kicked his hind legs, and rushed towards a ferocious vine whip in the upper left corner.

How do you feel that today's host is so tasty?

"court death!!"

With Xiaolan yelling loudly, one side of the cane whip suddenly became extremely sharp, as if a blade grew out of thin air, just looking at it can't help but give a chill down the spine.


The vine whip Ihe Zhan slashed down hard, and little Lada naturally didn't dare to take this slash, and his body was once again covered with a layer of white light, barely avoiding this blow.

"Now!" Chi reminded.


At this time, the little Lada had already come directly behind the split rattan whip, and then bumped into it without hesitation.


The falling rattan whip rebounded from the ground like a spring, just hitting the face of the little Lada who was rushing forward, and the powerful force directly sent him flying several meters away.

With a whip, little Lada's physical strength almost instantly cleared, and he came to a state of a candle in the wind, but his small eyes were still open, standing upright, maintaining a state of extreme residual blood.

"How could it not be dead?"

The enchanted Xiaolan shrank her eyes and said in disbelief.

It's impossible for little Lada to stop this whip!

"Tsk, your Iai Zhan blade has only one side, so what is the back side of the blade?"

Chi suddenly and lightly asked a question.

"The back of the blade, isn't that the back of the blade... Ah, you despicable intruder!!"

Xiaolan was furious immediately, and understood Chi's meaning.

Slashing with the back of the knife, attacking the enemy with the blunt back of the blade, regardless of the opponent's physical strength, will retain a little HP in the end, and cannot be fatal.

This trick is also called point to stop, and it is one of the necessary skills for trainers who specialize in catching Pokémon.

And little Lada's previous strange and seemingly self-harming behavior can be said to have actively triggered the back slash, reducing his HP to a limit state, but this is a bit confusing.

Is this person a fool to lower his hp?

Chi Que raised the corner of his mouth and pointed out:

"It's now, use brute force."

At this moment, little Lada was whipped away by the back of the cane whip, and the direction of flying upside down was the source of the cane whip.

Chi not only took advantage of the slashing characteristics of the back of the knife, but also stole the force of the back of the knife. Little Lala galloped out with this force. I dodged with all my strength.

"Hoo hoo!!"

At this moment, little Lada's body was covered by an extremely terrifying and permeating red light, and his power was raised to the extreme. After approaching the target, the big die on the side of his mouth bit down on Frog Grass.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Immediately, the power that transcended the rule field exploded, descending on the latter without hindrance, ignoring the level difference, and directly beat the froggrass into a state of extreme residual blood.

Reckless, reduce the enemy's HP to the same level as yourself.

This is a skill that transcends the rules of the field. Unless there is such a huge gap between Lada and Gulardo, the general level gap can be ignored directly.

It can be said that all of Chi's foreshadowing is for this little Lada's ancestral brute force.

"Let's wrap it up, little Rada..."

For the next operation, Chi didn't even need to give instructions. Little Lada understood it. With a kick of his calf, his body was suddenly covered with a layer of white light, and he rushed out. He successfully wiped out the last bit of HP of Froggrass with a flash of lightning. .

"Little Garlic..."

Xiaolan recovered from the enchanted state, and looked at her ace, Froggrass, which she could no longer fight, with a look of disbelief.

To be defeated by a mediocre little Lada like this?

If it is divided according to combat power, my Nidona has a level of 1500, and Froggrass has a level of 3000, but the little Lada in front of me is only 300 when it is dead, right?

This can be worn twice?


Xiaolan shrank her eyes, and looked at Chi, the bodyguard behind Xiao Lada.

This little Lada is just an ordinary 300 little Lada, and the one who really used its 300 combat power to more than 3000 is the Rocket team in front of him!

A powerful trainer is enough to exert 100% or even 1000% of Pokémon's strength.

She didn't believe it before, thinking that the marketing account was talking nonsense, but today she finally saw the truth.

Where the hell is this person? !


Before Xiaolan could move, shortly after Froggrass fell, Xiao Lada, who had killed two generals, tilted her neck and fell unconscious on the ground.

In fact, it should have been poisoned to death after the reckless release, but with the force of the rattan whip, the flash of lightning was almost seamless, and it launched the final attack before being poisoned. This is another layer of Chi's understanding. .

Surprised and annoyed, Xiaolan wanted to take out the next Poké Ball. After all, Chi's only Pokémon had already been defeated at this moment, and she could take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

No matter how strong the command ability is, what's the use, you have no Pokémon!

"Don't even try to anal him, it's impossible."

A female voice suddenly appeared in Xiaolan's mind, as if she had seen through everything.

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