He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 151: Half Blind, Half Mute

"Sister Bilan, how do you raise other people's aspirations and destroy your own prestige! We tied up this hateful intruder and dedicated it to Lord Zeus. Maybe we will be promoted to the gold rank next week. Isn't it wonderful?"

Xiaolan said with dissatisfaction on her face, she already regarded Chi as a prey for her promotion and salary increase.

"Besides, this guy doesn't have any Pokémon in his hand, we're safe!"

Bilan: "..."

Why does this girl seem to be possessed again...?

By the way, the intruder is not you from the beginning to the end, the surveillance camera took your plastered face in such a high-definition infantry.

Xiaolan couldn't recognize him, but Bilan, Chi's comrade-in-arms for many years, only took a few glances at the methods used to drive Xiao Lada, Bilan could guess with her feet that this stupid bear-looking man was Chi.

It's just that she was very curious, how did this guy possess himself on passers-by?

Already upgraded to Duoshe?

In the end, Bilan thought for a long time before replying:

"Don't think about it, you can't beat this guy, even if he doesn't have Pokémon now..."

Bilan is not dangerous, she knows that Chi is definitely an unreasonable character, even if it is a situation that must be lost, or any impossible situation, this man can always find a chance to make a comeback in a desperate situation.

Not to mention the small scene now.

"Slip away quickly, that big guy is probably going to catch up angrily."

Bi Lan suddenly spoke, as if the two were dodging someone's pursuit.

Hearing this, Xiaolan no longer wanted to focus on the bodyguard's naked body, took back the defeated Froggrass, and ran towards the floor tiles behind him in a hurry.

Now she is the intruder.

"By the way, this is the benefit that my eldest sister said to give you."

Xiaolan suddenly turned her head and threw another elf ball, and the red light flashed. This is a pink Pokémon that is close to the height of a person. It has a plump body and a pair of small wings on its back. clatter.


"Oh, do you want to lend me a Pixie?"

Seeing this, the bodyguard Chi's eyes lit up. It is still too difficult to push the entire Rockets team with a very low-level little Lada. After all, this is not a game world, and he can have unlimited potions to replenish.

Although when fighting Frog Grass before, Chi could have used another method to grind it to death, the cost was only a small amount of physical strength, and it was not necessary to die.

Without him, what I want is fast.

Because he has a new choice, he can borrow a Pokémon from his former comrade-in-arms Bilan, so that even his grandma can push it horizontally when she comes to play.

This is the fifty-second floor that Chi thought of.

"No borrowing."

Bilan switched the right to use Xiaolan's body for a short time, and suddenly her momentum changed. The eldest sister, who was quite arrogant, flatly refused.

She already knew the news that the green bird was played badly by Chi, so naturally she wouldn't hand over her Pokémon to Chi Scourge.


As for why Picosi was released, Bilan snapped her fingers, Picosi understood, and with a flick of her chubby little hand, a large ball of pink light, with a greenness of life, shrouded the little Lada.


After a while, little Lada woke up leisurely, stood up, and dispelled the poisoned state at the same time.

"Come on, that's enough."

Chi refused Pixie's follow-up treatment, and this state was the most perfect for him.

"Then 886, I guess that one-eyed dragon will catch up soon~"

Bilan didn't chat with the fellow Chi, either. After taking Pi Kexi back, she hurriedly stepped on a floor tile, and disappeared on the spot with a "whoosh".

In the next second, Xiaolan, who had regained control of her body, appeared in another room, and after a few flashes, she appeared at the stairs where Chi Zui first came down.

"Hey, there is actually a set of clothes here, hehe."

Xiao Lan conveniently put on the bodyguard Chi's casually discarded coat, wrapped it in the uniform of her own Rocket team soldier, and walked towards the stairs, asking casually along the way:

"Nah, sister Bilan, it's not like we can't beat that one-eyed dragon, so why run away?"

The silly big brother she was referring to did not refer to the bodyguard Chi, but another person who had been chasing her, the intruder, from behind.

"You don't understand this. As a thief, uh, as a righteous thief, the first thing someone catches us is to turn around and run away. We run away with all our strength, just playing a thrill."

Bilan explained slowly, her eyes sparkled when she mentioned this.

"If you are finally caught, it's time to show off your muscles and beat that person hard."

Disguised as a little mouse, let the big cat think that he is the master of the cat-and-mouse game, and then recovered his real body at the moment of being caught, so that the big cat found that the mouse under his paw suddenly turned into a bloody mouse. crazy wolf.

The expression on the other side must be very interesting.

"Wow, Wuhu~"

Xiaolan's eyes suddenly brightened, and today she has a new sister Li.


Chi stayed on the spot alone, and before he could take any action, the floor tile that brought Xiao Lan into this hall before suddenly lit up with a beam of white light again.


Two figures appeared in front of Chi at the same time.

To be precise, a person and a Pokémon.

The human figure is extremely wide and strong, even two heads taller than the bodyguard of the red bodyguard at the moment. It is estimated that it can reach 2 meters. The muscles of the limbs are even thicker, but there is no force. Cammy turtles have even bigger heads.

His face also looked rough and uninhibited, with short red hair, strong and deep features, and a black eyepatch over his left eye, just standing there, a wild and violent breath rushed towards his face.

And standing next to this burly man is a Pokémon that is about the same size as him, with red and yellow skin all over his body, his shoulders and head seem to be burning with flames, and his two palms have become two bunches of seepage. The man's flaming cannon barrel raised his crooked mouth, and his expression was fierce. It was not a good thing at first glance.

The temperature in the hall suddenly rose several notches.

The big man saw Chi at first glance, and then glanced at Chi's arms without cuffs. The latter's eyes were lazy, and he looked like a rotten piece of wood. Next to him was a thin and thin Lala who might fall down at any time in a gust of wind. Da, this made him frown slightly.

It is not unreasonable that the quality of the bottom members of the Rockets needs to be strengthened.

"Boy, have you seen the man with the dog skin plaster on his face?" the big man asked.

Chi didn't reply to his words, but just looked up and down the brown bear-like man and the duck-billed Yanlong behind him, becoming a little interested, the man in front of him didn't look weak.

This appearance made the big man even more sullen, and couldn't help cursing:

"Hey, boy, are you dumb?"

There was no wave in Chi's expression, he lowered his head and thought for a while, then slowly replied:

"Like you half-blind, I'm also half-dumb..."

Big guy: "?"

The big man suddenly flew into a rage! !

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