He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 152: Art comes from Zhenghuo

In the lobby of the game city, Xiaozhi and his party, who were abandoned outside the dungeon, were still wandering around in the feasting hall.

"Damn!! Can you give me a 7!! Climb Pikachu!!"

A growl of complaints next to him attracted Xiaozhi's attention, and the content made him smart. If his Pikachu was not still cultivating in the elf center, he would probably be twitching on the ground now.

Xiao Zhi leaned over to look, and found that this man was operating a slot machine, his bloodshot eyes were fixed on the screen, his face was ruddy, and his breathing was short.

The slot machines here are all in three-column mode, and the operation is simple, just scroll the screen, as long as three identical patterns appear in the middle row at the same time, you can win the prize.

Depending on the pattern, the amount of rewards will vary.

The pattern of three grapefruits is the lowest, which belongs to 1:1, no loss, no profit.

Then there are three cute head patterns of Jenny Jenny, belonging to 1:10, 10 times the return.

Further up is the head of three Pikachu, 1:100, 100 times the return.

And the highest amount is the three numbers, 777, 1:1000, a thousand times return, take off directly.

Of course, there are also some weird patterns, such as three purple letters R, rewarding you to leave this casino today and be robbed by Team Rocket once.

And at this moment, on the man's screen, two numbers 7 have been erected on the left and in the middle, and it is about to take off directly, and then after the third pattern shakes for a while, it finally freezes on the pattern of Pikachu.

"Damn!! Damn electric mouse!!"

The man looked distraught, obviously this wasn't the first time this had happened.

You can be given two 7s, but it is impossible to give you three 7s in this life. This is not only the unspoken rule of the game city, but also the ultimate law of nature.

There is a will of 7 in the dark, and all causes and effects cannot escape the will of 7.

Xiaozhi shook his head, then walked to the area where the croupier dealt cards, and saw a few people gathered around a green leather table, taking the cards from the hand of the beautiful croupier. He rubbed his hand gestures wildly for a while, then flipped violently, and then began to slam the table violently, howling heart-piercingly.

Obviously, he died suddenly on the spot again, and the dealer took all.

Xiaozhi couldn't help but kindly reminded:

"Dude, one minute on the table, ten years off the court."

I saw the old man rolled his eyes bitterly, and looked at the table again, with a bad tone.

"You're a young boy who knows how to hammer. If you've worked part-time for ten years, you're still a part-time job. I'm studded and live in the palace."

The gambling dog next to him also retorted:

"That's right, how can a child cry every day, how can a gambler lose every day?"

"Did you come from Dunhuang, kid? There are so many murals."

Xiaozhi: "..."

He shook his head, no longer showing sympathy to these people.

Gambling dog must die.


"Make trouble."

These two words suddenly appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind who was doing nothing.

Brother Chi said before leaving that he was asked to make troubles outside, and Xiao Zhi had a direction with his fists clenched, saying that he couldn't just watch outside like he is now.

Even if he died, he would be blacklisted and thrown out of the game, which made him suddenly confident.

Art comes from life, and life comes from work.

Xiaozhi rolled his eyes, got a strategy, and then walked towards the counter in the lobby.


He came to the counter, picked a kind-faced woman, patted the table, and said in an irresistible tone:

"Let's find the biggest one here, I have a big deal to find him."

The woman at the counter saw that Xiaozhi was just an ordinary boy, playing with his nails, and said perfunctorily:

"Little brother, turn left when you go out to see the playground."

Xiaozhi was not annoyed, and lifted half of his clothes slightly, revealing the big baby inside, which made the corner of the counter lady's mouth bulge into an "O", looking at Xiaozhi in disbelief, who did not expect the latter to be so young Lightness has grown to such an extent.

After hesitating for a while, she hurriedly walked backstage.

"Brother Hu, there is a trainer outside looking for a manager."

This man named Brother Hu has a hulking back and a hunchback. At first glance, he looks like a small head of bodyguards. He is squatting on the ground to smoke, and he shakes his hands impatiently.

How can there be a reason why a trainer can meet their boss casually?

"Brother Hu, that trainer has five badges..." The woman at the counter explained.

You must know that in this world, it is not easy to carry five badges with you at this age.

Hearing this, the bodyguard named Brother Hu's expression also turned slightly serious, not daring to be careless, after hearing that the other party had a big deal, he hesitated for a while and walked towards the inner door.

After opening two doors in succession, he entered an office, which was very luxuriously furnished, and it looked like a place for high-class people.

There is a huge floor-to-ceiling window in the corner of the office wall. From the inside, you can see the outside, but you can’t see the inside from the outside. It faces the playground below, and you can have a panoramic view.

"Boss, there is a trainer with five badges outside, and he wants to talk to you about a big deal."

"Oh, big deal?"

There was a person sitting behind the desk. Hearing Brother Hu's words, he turned the chair to the front with great interest, and slowly got up.

With purple curly hair, a purple goatee, a half-hunched figure, and a sinister and shrewd appearance, he is one of the four core cadres of the Rockets that he hasn't seen for many days.


Due to repeated defeats, he has a bad impression in Boss Sakagi's mind recently. In the past few days, rumors have arisen within the Rockets that he will be assigned to the Rockets' overseas branch and Indian regional branch next year.

It is better to believe in what is there than to believe in what is not.

Therefore, Lambda, who has always been cautious, did not go to Changpan City to report to Boss Sakagi, but simply stayed in Yuhong City and became the king of the mountain.

"Five badges..."

A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Lambda's mouth. Maybe five badges are a very powerful level for normal people, but they are nothing special for him.

He is more interested in the big business that the latter said, maybe he can earn some performance and make a good impression on Boss Sakagi again.

If it doesn't work, he can finally make a fortune and run away. He is ready to sell the information of the Rockets at any time, and he is ready to switch to the next-door Galaxy Group.

Lambda walked towards the floor-to-ceiling windows with great interest, looked out of the window, and saw a familiar face following the direction of the little boss Brother Hu's fingers.

"Tsk, it's this kid again..."

Lambda recognized Xiaozhi, and his voice gradually became sullen.

The Elf Tower incident had become blurred because he was casted by a woman named Uchiha Granny. However, in Silver Tower, he was defeated by this boy's companion, which made him a little annoyed.

So now Lambda doesn't have the memory of meeting Xiaozhi head-on, but he thinks it's just a stunned young trainer.

"I remember being a friend of that boy Apollo...?"

Lambda remembered that Xiaozhi was very close to another core cadre of their Rockets, which made him smile even more sinisterly.

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