He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 153: Gambling Monster

"Boss, should we report to Master Zeus?"

Brother Hu, the little boss, couldn't help asking.

Now the actual owner of the Yuhong game field is not Lambda, but Zeus.

The last of the Rockets' four core cadres!

Divided by tier, Lambda, Apollo, and Athena are all members of the diamond tier, and all of them are just a Pokémon that is barely enough to compete with the king of the alliance, but if you really want to face the king of the alliance, you will I was educated badly.

Of course, the Rockets will not be so stupid as to confront the king head-on. How can a Pokémon battle be quick to hit the trainer's sap behind the back?

But Zeus is different. His strength is far stronger than the other three, and there are four stripes on his cuffs. Even if he faces the four active kings of the Kanto Alliance, he is not inferior!

He even challenged the king of heaven Shiba in his early years. According to Kona who watched the battle at the time, Zeus's strength was about 1.5 times that of Shiba.

He is definitely an extremely vigorous man, who is loved by the boss of Sakamu, and even gave him the right to manage the Yuhong game field.

"Don't bother with it."

But there was not much respect for Zeus in Lambda's tone.

No matter how strong it is, in front of a wise general like him, he is just a reckless man.

"Let's go, I'll go down and meet him."

Lambda walked slowly towards the hall, wanting to see what work Xiaozhi was going to do.


In the hall, seeing two figures walking towards him, Xiao Zhi smiled predictably.

It's just that the leading man was beyond his expectation. He didn't expect to run into this lambda again.

The first time he was knocked out by his own physical body, and the second time he was defeated by Xiaolan, but Xiaozhi knew that this old poet was not weak, even if he was matched up now, he might not be able to securely win .

"Student Xiaozhi, it's been a long time."

Lambda greeted with a smile, as if he saw a friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

"It's been a long time indeed."

Xiaozhi also replied with a smile on his face, the spring breeze is warm.

At this moment, the two of them were smiling on the surface, but they were actually holding a dagger in their backs, wishing to stab each other in the waist as soon as they had the chance.

Without too much chatting, Lambda asked with a smile:

"I heard that you have a big business deal. I don't know what it is?"

"Hehe, this is a casino, so I naturally want to play a game with you."

When Xiaozhi saw the topic, his eyes lit up, and there was a hint of maturity and high-spiritedness in his immature face. He slapped his chest suddenly, and said with pride:

"Come directly to the biggest gamble here, let's gamble!"

The louder the commotion outside, the safer inside, presumably at this moment, Brother Chi is very safe inside, right?

"Oh... the largest scale? The largest scale here is 25 million rounds."

Lambda showed a surprised look.

25 million, which is the largest casino in the Kanto region, will only come to a game every other year. 25 million is already an extremely exaggerated number.

Can't tell, this rustic-dressed trainer is still a rich second generation?


It has long been heard that Zhenxin Town is rich in rich second-generation big fat sheep.

A few days ago, a trainer named Xiaomao was tricked into buying a carload of perfume when he passed by Yuhong City. They want to deceive Xiaomao's ancestral half of the real estate certificate of the Damu Research Institute together.

Now there is another Kaizi?

"Okay, let's have a round of 2500W!"

Xiaozhi just waved his hand indifferently.

For a poor person, once the amount reaches a certain height, it is just a series of numbers, nothing special.

Boys only need to protect themselves outside, don't hand over their ID cards casually, and sign randomly, then any way will work!

Hearing that Lambda stretched out a hand towards him.

Xiaozhi slapped him subconsciously, signaling to start betting quickly.

Lambda: "?"

What are you betting on?

Want to whore for nothing?

Xiaozhi: "?"

He took out 5 badges with his backhand, and the guarantee of 5 badges is still afraid that he will go whoring for nothing?

"If I really went whoring for nothing, you can go to these five gymnasiums to claim compensation." Xiaozhi said with confidence and vowed.

Seeing this, Lambda's interest immediately dropped, and he secretly thought that he was really a young man who wanted to whore for nothing.

5 badges?

Even 50 badges are not of much value. The trophies of your league conference are all gold-plated, you poor old man.

Lambda's disdainful eyes made Xiaozhi a little annoyed, and shouted:

"Hey, are you looking down on the poor?"

"What do you say?"

Lambda asked back, pretending to go back to the office to be lazy, Xiaozhi quickly blocked him.

Now that the lambda is dragged outside, it will be more convenient for the old brother Chi inside. Xiaozhi quickly changed his plan and said again:

"If that's the case, then I'll use my current betting capital to bet until 25 million!"

Lambda raised his eyebrows, looked Xiaozhi up and down, and laughed:

"Want to win 25 million? You made me laugh, your money is less than 100 now, right?"

"You said two extra zeros."

Xiaozhi said it with confidence.

Lambda: "..."

Poor ghost, get angry!

He hurriedly distanced himself from Xiaozhi, afraid of being infected by Xiaozhi's back energy.

"Wait a minute, you just need to lend me 10 million casually now, and I promise to win 25 million within half an hour!" Xiaozhi shouted, full of confidence.

Hearing that, instead, Lambda let out a "poof" laugh, thinking to himself why this stupefied young man spoke so thoughtlessly today.

"Hehe, don't say that I bully the small with the big, I have 20 yuan here, so I can lend it to you."

Lambda suddenly thought of something, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he took out two crumpled 10-yuan notes from his pocket, and was about to hand them to Xiaozhi.

But halfway through the delivery, he loosened his fingers and let the two banknotes fall to the ground.

"Oh, I didn't hold it steady, but I have a bad waist and can't bend over. You can pick it up yourself."

Xiaozhi: "..."

Lambda was standing in front of the banknotes at the moment, and if he wanted to bend down to pick up the money, he would have to bow to Lambda and be inferior to others.

"Old fox, give me this hand..."

Xiaozhi cursed secretly, for a stunned young man, dignity is definitely the most important thing, it is impossible to bend the waist, and it is impossible to bend in this life.

But it didn't bother him, Xiaozhi took a step forward, put his feet together and pinched the banknotes to his toes, then exerted force from his lower back and thighs at the same time, his legs lifted off the ground, and his body rolled in the air on the spot.

When the thigh was facing upwards, a hand shot out with lightning, and then the body followed the force and fell back to the ground again.


The action is quick and crisp, without splashes.

At this moment, he was already holding two banknotes in his palm.

The whirling wind even blurred Lambda's face.


The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, he walked to the counter and threw out the two banknotes.

"For four 5 yuan game coins."

The lowest scale here is the slot machine, and the lowest limit of a slot machine is 5 yuan of game currency.

Xiaozhi weighed the four freshly baked game coins in his hands, and walked to find four slot machines in a row.

That's right, there is another unspoken rule of the slot machine, that is, four machines can be connected at the same time, and when the 12 rows of patterns on the four machines are all the same, the bonus multiplier will reach a terrifying 1 million!

"Hmph, today I'm going to win 25 million with 20 yuan in 10 minutes!"

Xiaozhi suddenly put four game coins into the slot machine at the same time, full of vigor.

"In our Zhenxin Town, they all call me Gambling Monster!"

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