The backyard of the elf center.

"Riolu, use metal claws!!"

Xiaozhi commanded Riolu, each arm condensed a metal claw, and rushed towards Prince Bo in front of him.

"Prince Bo, we also use metal claws!!"

On the other side, Xiaoguang commanded in the same way.

Prince Bo flapped his wings and rushed up... Its metal claws did not appear to be in the form of energy-extended claws, but simply turned its wings into steel.

It looks somewhat similar to Steel Wing, but weaker in strength.

Bang bang! ! Bang bang! !

Within a few breaths, Prince Bo and Leolu collided several times in succession, making bursts of cold and crisp metal explosions.

In terms of strength, Riolu was slightly weaker, and was forced to retreat after a few collisions.

There was a lot of movement, but it attracted many passers-by around to watch.

"Hey, didn't the girl in the skirt yesterday use Emperor Nabo, why did she suddenly become Prince Bo?"

"Riolu...this is also a rare Pokémon."

"Unfortunately, there is no hi yesterday."

Many passers-by who witnessed the battle between Xiaozhi and Plantina last night were talking about it, and it was a pity that they couldn't see the big scene.

And Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang, who are in the center, are doing special training.

Riolu is preparing for the Lucario that will face Ali next.

And Prince Bo had just evolved, so he needed some fighting to adapt to his new body, so he could just serve as a training partner.

"Riolu, hit with a bone stick!"

After saying that, Leolu jumped up, waved a waveguide bone stick in his hand, and smashed it straight to Prince Bo's forehead.

"Prince Bo, use salt water!!"

Faced with this blow, Prince Bo immediately pointed his head down, and spit out a large puddle of messy water.

Whoa whoa whoa...!

The impact swept away, and the powerful water momentum turned into a fan-shaped barrier, directly forcing Riolu back, unable to get close.

But at this moment, Prince Bo's physical strength is in a healthy state, and the power of this shot of salt water is not very strong.

"As expected of Prince Bo, have you fully mastered the moves of salt water?"

"Xiaozhi, your Riolu has also fully mastered the bone stick and fight~!"

The two looked at each other from afar and praised each other.


Riolu's fighting spirit was even higher, and the waveguide bone rod in his hand did not dissipate, and he rushed to the target again brazenly.

Ah Li has now regained his confidence, and as the owner of the Curtain Gym again, there is no reason not to accept Xiaozhi's challenge.

The main reason is that this gymnasium challenges the system, and there is no protection mechanism against fish bombing at all.

Even if the champion from the next area comes to challenge the gym, you have to bite the bullet and continue.


"The day after tomorrow, the morning of the day after tomorrow, I'll wait for you here!"

When he was still at the Curtain Gym in the morning, Ah Li chose to delay the attack, and it would be a day if he could delay it.

Xiaozhi thought that the other party was going to use these two days to secretly practice some new moves with Lucario, so he was happy to accept it.


However, during the appointment, Leolu next to him jumped up and punched quite excitedly, with a high fighting spirit, as if he really wanted to rush his senior on the spot.


This gave Li a headache secretly.

At least when her Lucario was still in the Riolu stage, her strength was definitely not so strong.

"But I still have a chance, I can win!"

Soon Ali clenched her fists tightly, as long as this Riolu has not evolved and fully grown, her Riolu has a chance to win!

Obviously his side is in a state of evolutionary advantage, but now Ah Li has subconsciously placed himself on the weaker side...

"Riolu's evolution method is now considered by most people to be intimacy... As long as the intimacy is sufficient, it will naturally evolve naturally."

Before leaving, Ali did not forget to point out to Xiaozhi.

It is a great sense of accomplishment to be able to point out a person who makes Mr. Reiss willing to bow down.


Xiaozhi nodded, keeping it in mind.

It stands to reason that Riolu has joined the team from a very early age, although most of the time he was raised by Yun in the backyard of Dr. Damu.

But after hatching, the first thing I see is myself.

For other Pokémon, Xiaozhi needs to work on using the power of the bond before he can reach the metaphysical state of bond connection.

But for Riolu, the waveguides of the two are completely homologous, and the intimacy at birth is already extremely high.


As if sensing Xiaozhi's thoughts, Riolu nodded towards Xiaozhi.

Now it can completely evolve.

Even with a thought, he can evolve into Lucario on the spot.

Of course, Riolu didn't have any obsession with not evolving like Pogaman.

Its desire to become stronger is extremely keen, and evolving into Lucario is the path it will inevitably take.

It's just that the current it has not stimulated all its potential, and now is not the perfect time for evolution.


Xiaozhi watched and was silent for a while.

It seems that this Riolu is more assertive than his trainer.

"Aren't you going to evolve yet?"

After understanding what the other party meant, Ah Li was elated.

The probability of winning has increased again!


Curtain City at night.

It's not yet late at night, but the whole city has become silent. It's a big city, but there's no bright nightlife.

The whole street is also full of darkness.

"Mr. Reiss, where are we going?"

The three of Xiaozhi followed Lei Si and walked all the way to the east of Curtain City, making them unable to help asking.

"Show you the specialties of our Curtain City~!"

Reiss explained kindly.

Walking all the way to the edge of the city, I saw a building similar to a park square.

There are no green trees growing here, and there are not even many lawns, all of which are bare rock backs.

But in such a spacious park square, Xiaozhi and the others saw stones embedded in the ground.

They are of different sizes and randomly scattered in this park. The big stones are nearly one meter high, and almost half of their bodies are embedded in the ground. The naked eye can only see the upper body arched above the surface.

There is also a protective fence around the stone, and the searchlights are turned on for the internal test to light it up. .

This made the entire dark square, but on the ground, seem to be lit up with twinkling stars.

"Is it a meteorite...?"

Xiaozhi and the others walked into the nearest stone, and soon recognized it.

There are pitted arcs on the surface of the rock, and the edges are embedded in the ground, with traces of cracks that seem to have fallen from the sky and dived to the ground.

Apparently, a magnificent meteor shower once fell in this place.

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