He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1709 What a disappointment!

"Hehe, it's rare to come to our Curtain City, the meteorites here must be seen~!"

Lei Si said with a smile, the appearance of a kind big brother is completely two extremes with Shinji.

"The best viewing time is at night. This park will completely turn off the lights, and only keep the lights on the fence."

Looking around, there are more than the four of them in this spacious square, and many tourists are also staying in twos and threes around a meteorite.

Or wandering around, it is really as if you are traveling through the universe and the sea of ​​stars, very romantic.

"Nature is so great...!"

Looking at the meteorite in front of them, it was already unknown that there was an extraterrestrial visitor thousands of years ago, and Xiaozhi and the three of them all showed a look of admiration.

"In my hometown, there have also been meteorites falling..."

Xiao Gang couldn't help sighing, in the night light, he recalled Nibi City.

Yuejian Mountain next to Nibi City, legend has it that a meteor shower fell in ancient times... Until now, if someone passes through Yuejian Mountain, it is possible to pick up meteorite fragments.

However, like Curtain City, each meteorite basically retains its original shape, and even more than half of the meteorites have a diameter of more than one meter, which is extremely rare.

"A meteorite...?"

Xiaozhi moved his body a little closer, jumped his head over the protective fence, and observed the meteorite embedded in the ground closely.

His impression of meteorites still stays in the Fangyuan area.

The giant dragon in the sky that shuttles and lives in the outer ozone layer, the Rift Seat, feeds on the meteorites floating on the surface of the planet.

He can even absorb and store the special energy in the meteorite in his own body, so that he can complete the unparalleled mega evolution by himself without the need for fetters and mega stones.

"I don't know if there is that kind of energy in these meteorites?"

Xiaozhi looked at it carefully and muttered in a low voice.

Is this energy exclusive to the Rifting Seat?

It's like Pokémon's own specific mega stones, such as the big bird mega, other birds can't use it.

Or in fact, as long as other people eat meteorites, they can also absorb this energy?

"By the way, the empty seat here seems to be lacking in this kind of energy...?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but recall his experience in the Fangyuan area.

Seeing that Xiaoguang and Leisi were interested, the four simply sat around the meteorite and listened to Xiaozhi tell the story.

Of course Xiao Gang knew about it...but he hadn't experienced it himself, and he had only heard it from Xiao Zhi at the time.

"In the ozone layer above our heads, there exists a legendary Pokémon named Rikuza, whose power is extremely terrifying... Well, it's the green one."

Xiaozhi said it seriously, and finally added a word of color.

This made Leisi and the others hear question marks above their heads.

Aren't all the rift seats green?

But in their world, the Rift Seat doesn't have meteorite energy, so it can't support it to complete the mega evolution.

When fighting the black cracked empty seat back then, he was naturally at an absolute disadvantage.

"I don't know if the beasts from the Fangyuan area will come to the Sinnoh area...?"

Xiaozhi thought to himself.

The Sinnoh region also has its own mythical beasts, such as the space-time twin dragons, the Pluto dragon Giratina, and Arceus, the creator god who forced Graman.

If the meteorite here contains the energy to support the evolution of the mega, if the cracked seat comes to snatch it, will these gods join forces to get a shot.

"I don't know who is stronger, the gods in our Sinnoh region, or the gods in other regions...?"

Leisi also became interested, touched his chin and said.

Guan Gong fought Qin Qiong, everyone said that this kind of comparison is meaningless...

But as long as one person starts to compare, others will naturally have a lively discussion.

"I don't know anything else. I only know that Rogia in our Kanto region was beaten once by the god of the earth next door, Gulardo."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but opened his mouth and said, he couldn't help but think of Rogia flying in the air, and then being shot down by Gulardo and dragged down from the air.

Then he was directly broken by the cliff sword protruding from below.

"Well, I remembered that too."

Xiao Gang patted Xiao Zhi on the shoulder, and his expression also began to change. ,

At the beginning, he was also a witness of the old and new Seagod Alternation Ceremony.

Just thinking about that scene made his back hurt.


Xiaoguang and Leisi looked at each other.

Sure enough, Xiaozhi has already experienced a lot of incredible things. Just talking about a piece of experience is an extremely exaggerated description.


The next few people sat on the flat ground in front of the meteorite as if they were on vacation.

Blowing the evening wind, chatting casually, looking around at the ancient meteorites flickering around from time to time.

"Good evening, Shinji~!"

Interested, Lei Si couldn't help but initiate a video call to his younger brother.

"Guess who I'm with now...I didn't expect it, I'm admiring meteorites with Xiao Zhi and the others~!"

When the video was connected, Leisi said excitedly, then turned the phone around, and turned the screen to the three of Xiaozhi.


But when they saw Shinji with a gloomy and cold face at the other end of the video, the expressions of Xiaozhi and the others collapsed as if they had eaten durian.

What a disappointment to see this face at night!

"Hmph...Brother will really get along with them."

Shinji snorted coldly, with an expected expression.

Facing Lei Si, he put away his usual sarcasm.

But when they saw the phone, the three of Xiaozhi waved their hands again and again, signaling to Leisi to turn the phone over quickly, not to be a disappointment, which made Shinji's brows frowned even deeper.

"Xiaozhi is going to challenge the Curtain Gym the day after tomorrow. Last time you were too aggressive and almost closed the Curtain Gym. I forgot to mention you."

So Leisi coughed, trying to put on a tough stance of his brother.

"It doesn't matter what happens to a gym like that."

However, Shinji didn't have any idea at all. After nodding his head, he made a gesture to close the communication.

"By the way, Shinji, I have already found the power booster you asked me to find last time, and it was given to me by Xiaozhi~! He just needs your sharp tooth to evolve his Scorpio."

Lei Si talked about the exchange of props between the two.

"Well, I see."

Shinji nodded, but he didn't show any rebellious psychology.

Reasonable exchange, no problem.

"By the way, brother, I still need a prop to protect the armor, and I need your help to find it... so good night."

After speaking, Shinji hung up the phone.

"This kid is still so cold."

Putting down the phone, Lei Si couldn't help but cursed with a smile, but he still kept the keyword of armor protection in his heart.

It's like Dr. Oki is Xiaozhi's solid backing.

Shinji doesn't have any Dr. Pokémon, as his elder brother, Reis is his most solid backing support!

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