He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1710 The Key to the Gun

"Protective armor?"

However, the few people who were eavesdropping were more interested in the prop mentioned by Shinji.

Xiaozhi took out the illustration book with his backhand and checked it.

"Didi. Protective armor, also known as protective gear, is very hard and heavy. If it is carried by Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, it can evolve into a super-armored mad rhino through communication and exchange. Loto~!"

The picture book suggested.

On the screen, there is a reddish-brown armor that looks like steel.

Only then did the three of them understand that the evolution method was very similar to that of the electric shock beast and the duck-billed charmander.

Xiaozhi looked at the appearance of the Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros in the illustrated book, worthy of the name, it was a Pokémon with a very rough appearance.

Speaking of which, these three Pokémon are all famous powerful existences in their hometown, but they have never heard of any evolutionary types that continue to evolve.

"Many new ways of evolution have been discovered in the Sinnoh region..."

Xiao Gang couldn't help sighing.

Self-exploding Magneto, Big Nose, Ancient Giant Fly, Scorpio King... I have met many along the way.

"Many scholars in our Sinnoh area are studying the evolution of Pokémon. Even the respected Dr. Yamanashi is also researching the evolution of Pokémon."

Reiss said with a bit of pride.

It seems that that guy Shinji has tamed another high-quality armored tyrannosaurus and is going to focus on training it.

Electric Shock Beast, Charmander, Ironclad Tyrannosaurus... Once these three Pokémon are fully evolved, Shinji's new team will basically be formed.

"But there will be a communication exchange."

"Shinji, you probably don't have any friends to help you exchange...?"

Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang couldn't help muttering.

This made Lei Si feel awkward and laugh... no friends, but a brother!



Veil City, Northern Region.

In the dark city, a tall and majestic building stands quietly.

Square and square, the exterior is covered with gray-black metal. It belongs to a private building, and outsiders without permission cannot even enter the outer fence gate.

This is Team Galaxy's base building in Veil City.

Team Galaxy is not an organization that just emerged in recent years. They have been rooted in the Sinnoh region for many years. For example, EMI City and Veil City all have the chassis base for Team Galaxy activities.

Externally, it is a normal scientific research institution, or a financial facility, but in fact it is a secret base for the convenience of members of the Galaxy team.

But at this moment, on the top floor of the base, Zhen Xing was standing on it, with the fierce-looking Poison Skeleton Frog still guarding beside him.

There is more than just Zhenxing, a senior cadre here. Last time he gave a hand, his long purple hair was tied into a ball, and the tall and graceful Suixing was also standing on the railing of the roof, looking into the distance.

"Curtain City, what a beautiful city~!"

Sui Xing leaned on the railing and couldn't help sighing leisurely.

On top of a tall building, you can see the Meteorite Park to the east of Curtain City from afar.

In the dark city, above is the night sky, below is also the meteorite starry sky, like the reflection in the water, it looks extremely magnificent in the dark night.

"Hmph... such a world is not beautiful at all."

Zhen Xing said indifferently, with an extremely serious expression.

The top management of the Galaxy team, apart from the boss Chiri, are their three young senior cadres, and a gloomy doctor who likes to engage in black technology research.

An old man, plus two women...

Zhenxing has always regarded himself as the only candidate for the future successor of the Galaxy team.

Compared with Suixing and Mars, they are so dedicated to working hard for the Galaxy team out of their incomparable respect for Chiri.

Zhenxing's hard work is more utilitarian, and he almost said "I'm just working for my future self".

"Curtain City, let's try...!"

Zhen Xing looked at the sky above Curtain City, and then snapped his fingers with an expression on his face.

The soldier next to him understood, and quickly took out a small brown-yellow cube from the box—it was the loot that was forcibly taken from the random ruins last time.

And the air in Veil City also seemed to contain some special power, causing the cube to float up, and the whole body began to emit a strange white light.

The next moment, the Meteorite Park, far to the east of Curtain City, began to vibrate.

"What happened?!"

This surprised the four of Xiaozhi who were enjoying the cool and chatting in the Meteorite Park. They all stood up from the ground and looked around in surprise.

However, the surrounding meteorites that were originally embedded in the ground and had been peaceful for ages were all covered with strange white light at this moment.



The next moment, it turned into bunches of vertical light beams, soaring into the sky, completely lighting up the meteorite park like daytime.

The three of Xiaozhi were confused, and subconsciously looked at Leisi.

Is this a common phenomenon here?

"How is it possible, I have been here for several years, and I have never seen such a sight!"

Lei Si said immediately, looking around with a serious expression.

Although he didn't know what happened, it vaguely gave him a bad idea.

"What's wrong?"

"Looks like it's going to explode?"

This strange light beam phenomenon, coupled with the trembling movement of the ground, also made the surrounding tourists panic and ran away from the square.

Call the police first!

Lei Si hurriedly pulled everyone out of the Meteorite Plaza temporarily, came to the outer Gaopo of the park to watch carefully, and dialed the phone number of Miss Junsha of Curtain City.

But then, there were no other problems.

call out...!

After the meteorite beam shot into the air for about a few minutes, the light gradually dissipated, and the vibration of the ground gradually subsided, as if nothing happened.


On the other side, the rooftop of the Galaxy team base in Curtain City.


Responding to the energy beam of the Meteorite Park, the suspended cube suddenly made a noise, and it opened from the middle!

The six planes of the cube are folded and unfolded sequentially to form a plane extension.

Not only the six planes, but they continued to be folded and extended outwards, and finally formed a plane extension diagram composed of about thirty or forty squares, before the movement stopped.

Looking from the front, the pattern of square grids looks like an ancient key protruding from the middle.

"Is this the key to the gun that can open the pillar of the gun... It's incredible."

Sui Xing watched quietly from the side, and let out a sound of surprise.

Their Galaxy team has been preparing and planning for this big operation for several years, and they have collected a lot of information secretly.

Coupled with the reckless research and experiments, Team Galaxy's understanding of the Sinnoh region actually far exceeds the information reserve of the official alliance!


(1 update today, 3 updates tomorrow.)

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