He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1712 Bad Frog vs Poisonous Skeleton Frog!

Unable to release their own Pokémon, the enthusiastic trainers were helpless for a while, and even became a burden.

But the Galaxy team had already made preparations and released all their Pokémon one step ahead of time.



Although the expressions of more than a dozen soldiers of the Galaxy team were stiff, they all sneered. Coupled with his mother's sick and pale face, the scene looked a little scary.

Above the shoulders, there are a large number of big-mouthed bats and bronze mirror monsters... These are the standard Pokémon for the Galaxy team minions.


Beside Zhen Xing, stood a dark blue muscular poison frog with a fierce face, a huge red poison sac protruding from its chin, and a sharp red claw extending from the back of its hand.

The appearance alone made many righteous passers-by around him choose to run away.

"Didi. The poisonous skeleton frog, with poison and fighting attributes, is an evolution of bad frogs. There is a poison sac in the throat. The poison secreted from the sharp thorns of the fist is enough to kill even just scratches."

Xiaozhi's illustration book automatically prompts.

"Is this the evolution of the bad frog...?"

Looking at the sharp venomous thorns on the back of the poisonous skeleton frog's hand, Xiao Gang next to him turned blue.

Now his hip muscles can barely hold the poisonous blow of the bad frog.

But if the bad frog evolves into a poisonous skeleton frog, then the poisonous attack...


The next moment, the elf ball around his waist bounced off automatically, and the figure of the bad frog fell in front of him.

The special poke ball developed by Dr. Pluto of the Galaxy team interferes with radio waves. It is locked from the inside, and the trainer cannot open it from the outside.

But if the Pokémon is actively opening it inside, it will naturally be the same as usual.

However, ordinary Pokémon will not come out on their own initiative.


As soon as he came out, the bad frog set his sights on the poisonous skeleton frog of the same family.


Likewise, the poisonous skeleton frogs only noticed bad frogs.

The two poisonous frogs were blowing their own poison sac bubbles, their eyes were wrinkled, and they put on bad expressions, walking towards each other.

In the end, they even put their heads against each other's heads, and no one would accept the other, trying to overwhelm the other.

Just like bad boys, before fighting, they must use their own momentum to defeat and overwhelm the opponent.

However, the height of a poisonous skeleton frog is an adult, and the bad frog is less than one meter. There is a big difference in size.

"What are you doing poisonous skeleton frog, quickly kill that little one for me!!"

Zhen Xing let out a low snort, just kill such miscellaneous fish and bad frogs directly, don't waste time.


The poisonous skeleton frog understood, and immediately jumped up, the tips of its fingers were covered with purple light, and stabbed fiercely.

Poison attack!

"Bad frog, we also use poison attack!!"

Xiao Gang immediately commanded without showing any weakness.

When he met the same kind, although the expression of this bad watch was still the same as before, the fighting spirit in his heart was completely aroused.

Waving the palm of the venom, he condensed the stabbing venomous blow, and stabbed it fiercely.

Bang bang! !

The poisonous blows collided with menacing momentum, and the moves of the two poisonous frogs, one big and one small, were deadlocked in midair for a while.

"What are you doing! Get rid of it!!"

However, following Zhen Xing's low curse, the Poison Skull Frog's expression became completely serious.

The advantage in size makes it undoubtedly stronger.


With a low growl, the Poisonous Skeleton Frog exerted its strength in the second stage, abruptly breaking through the poisonous blow from the bad side, and sent it flying.

"Bad frog!!"

Xiao Gang rushed up to meet him, but after landing, the bad boy struggled to get up alone, his eyes were still fixed on the opponent in front of him, bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, Badwai rushed up again, this time with his fingers together, covered with white light, he jumped up and slashed at the poisonous skeleton frog's head.

Split tiles!


However, this poisonous skeleton frog blocked it with one hand. Although it was still crushed by the bad frog's heavy chopping brick, the other one still had strength.

Whoosh! !

Similarly, the other palm of the Poisonous Skeleton Frog made a tile-split posture and slammed it out, hitting the bad frog's chest and sending it flying.

"Is there a lot of difference in strength..."

Xiao Gang frowned, it was hard to beat him now.

Even in terms of speed and flexibility, the poisonous skeleton frog has to surpass itself...


Xiao Gang and Zhen Xing are still confronting each other, and the others are targeting the soldiers of the Galaxy team around them.


At this time, Xiaoguang's elf ball also opened automatically, and Prince Bo stood by her side.

In the face of a large number of big-mouthed bats and copper mirror monsters, if they cannot break through, they will not be able to stop the plane carrying the meteorite behind.

"Snow Fairy, use Blizzard!!"

Lei Si took the lead in attacking and said that Curtain City is his hometown, especially the meteorite here, he will never allow others to destroy it.

The Snow Demon Girl opened her small mouth, and opened her palms to cooperate.

Whoosh! !

In an instant, the bone-chilling ice and snow spread out, combined with the gushing wind whistling, powerful and powerful, covering several big-mouthed bats in an instant.

The effect is outstanding!

"It's powerful..."

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he could only say that he is worthy of Shinji who only recognizes aptitude. The moves released by Pokémon are impeccable in terms of range and power.

"Pikachu, we also use one hundred thousand volts!!"

Pikachu understood, and slapped his cheek with his small hand, and the violent golden electric shock spread and flew out in an instant, hitting more than ten big-mouthed bats and bronze mirror monsters in an instant like a stream of water.

Under the electric light, the figures of these Pokémon even seemed to reveal their pale bones, and they all let out tragic wailing sounds.

As for the Poisonous Skeleton Frog, the bad frog had already chosen to single out, and it was not easy for Xiaozhi to intervene.


However, after witnessing the electric shock, Lei Si only felt his scalp tingling for a while.

Sure enough, it was the electric mouse that defeated Mr. Jindai. A random shot of 100,000 volts is not only as powerful as the "thunder" move released by other people.

Even in terms of range, it is not inferior to the large-scale AOE move "Discharge".

"Prince Bo, we also use freezing light!!"

Beside, Xiaoguang commanded not to be outdone.

But at this moment, Prince Bo's eyes fell on Snow Demon Girl.

It wasn't because of the latter's appearance that he was attracted, but because of the icy storm that the Snow Fairy was unleashing at the moment.


This made Prince Bo let out a low growl. It would be difficult to release it in the form of Pogaman, but now that it has evolved, it can consciously do more for water-attributed energy and ice-attributed energy.

Whoosh whoosh...! !

The next moment, Prince Bo opened his beak, and he also spit out a storm of ice and snow, which diffused and hit several big-mouthed bats at the same time.


"Have you mastered the blizzard move?"

Xiao Guang slapped his palm and said in surprise.

Although he is not very proficient at mastering it, and the power and range are not as powerful as the Snow Demon Girl, but it is still an unexpected surprise!

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