Bang bang!

The poisonous skeleton frog knocked out the bad frog again, this time the latter was completely unable to fight, struggled to get up, and finally fell down.


Xiaogang hurriedly stepped forward to help the bad frog, can't he defeat this poisonous skeleton frog now?

"Hmph, troublesome thing, waste of time."

After Zhenxing cast a cold glance, he stopped paying attention to this bad frog.

The Pokémon of the surrounding Galaxy team soldiers are obviously underdeveloped, and they can do some things in the first sneak attack, but once they are attacked, they can only be beaten in vain and it is difficult to fight back.

In less than a while, there were only a few left floating in the air.

"Is it over...then it's our turn, Pikachu, use Iron Tail!!"

The next moment, Zhen Xing only felt a yellow streamer flash in front of his eyes.

Bang bang! !

Pikachu had already leaped in front of the Poisonous Skeleton Frog, and hit the latter's abdomen with a swirling steel tail, pulling the latter back again and again, half kneeling on the ground

"How is it, my Pikachu~!"

Xiaozhi rubbed his nose and stood in front of Zhenxing.

"Tsk, is there such a mouse...?"

Zhen Xing frowned, but at the moment the focus was more on the transportation of meteorites behind.

Xiaozhi also noticed that the helicopter's claws were still operating in the rear. Seeing that the big-mouthed bats and bronze mirror monsters blocked around him were almost cleaned up by Xiaoguang and Leisi, he immediately raised his hand and pointed:

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!!"


Pikachu understood and jumped out again.

The Poison Skeleton Frog still looked ready to fight, but the flexible Pikachu stepped on the Poison Skeleton Frog's head directly, and jumped to the rear with his strength.

Immediately, the tail was covered with metallic silver light, and it slashed fiercely towards the nearest metal claw.

Bang bang! !

There was a violent metal explosion, and the connected metal pillar was directly cut off by Pikachu, making it difficult to resist.

"That's it, use Iron Tail continuously!!"

Seeing this, Pikachu moved even more, using a flash of lightning to increase his speed, turning into a stream of white light moving at high speed in the dark night.

Bang bang! !

Bang bang! !

Then the powerful steel tail swept across, cutting off and destroying all the mechanical flying claws of the six helicopters almost in the blink of an eye.


There were even a few meteorites that moved into the air, lost their tension, and fell back to the ground from the air, causing the entire park to tremble and smoke.

And when the smoke dissipated, Zhenxing found himself surrounded by Miss Junsha and Leisi.

With the vigilance of Prince Bo and the Snow Demon, it was difficult for his poisonous skeleton frog to move.

As for his subordinates, they all fell down one by one at this moment.

In addition to looking scary, these soldiers of the Galaxy team are pure miscellaneous fish, and they don't have much combat effectiveness at all.

"Give it up, Team Galactic!"

Miss Junsha took out the handcuffs, and made a gesture to arrest Zhen Xing.

However, the next moment, the familiar scene happened again.


In mid-air, a huge and thick yellow-purple figure descended from the sky, with its limbs firmly on the ground.

Before a few people could see what was coming, this Pokémon raised its tail and took a comfortable pose.


Then there was a sudden sound of farting, followed by the stench of black-purple mist that instantly became thicker.

The violent stench instantly covered everything around.

The hot gas came into contact with the eyes, causing several people's eyes to become sore and tearful on the spot. They could only hold their mouths and noses, bending over and coughing uncontrollably.

"It stinks..."

"This trick again...!"

The three of Xiaozhi couldn't help cursing in a low voice, it's this stinking tank skunk again.

"Pikachu, use your steel tail on the ground!"

"Prince Bo (Snow Fairy), use Blizzard!!"

Several people quickly commanded, and several Pokémon also resisted the stench and displayed their respective moves.

Bang bang!

Pikachu's iron tail slashed heavily to the ground, causing a violent gust of wind and waves.

Cooperating with the blizzard blown by Prince Bo and the Snow Demon Girl, the thick stench was gradually blown away.

"Prince Bo, use bubbles!"

In the end, Prince Bo also fired a powerless bubble move towards everyone, and the refreshing water bubbles burst on the faces of several people, which restored their expressions to their original state.

The surrounding scene is still extremely familiar.

There are still more than a dozen soldiers of the Galaxy team lying unconscious.

This group of brainwashed low-level personnel did not even have the value of being interrogated for intelligence.

As for Zhenxing, the poisonous skeleton frog, and the culprit, the tank skunk, they have all disappeared.

Even in mid-air, the six Galaxy Corps helicopters drifted away, rising to an untraceable altitude.

"Damn it, it's this trick again!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help cursing in a low voice, he was also teased like this last time.

It seems that next time I have to think of a way, how to break the stinky attack of the tank skunk...


On the helicopter, Zhenxing has naturally returned to the top.

It's just that both the face and the clothes look a little messy.

Suixing teased and stretched beside him:

"Ah, this time you owe me another favor~!"

Zhen Xing's expression turned cold, but he couldn't refute.

Although I don't like this rescue method very much, there is no doubt that Sui Xing's tank skunk is the perfect auxiliary partner.

"How about it, how many meteorites have you collected?"

So Zhen Xing tidied up some clothes, changed the subject, and asked seriously.

"Well, although it was interrupted at the end...But whether it is used to make chains that change the world, or meteorites used to make bombs, it is enough~!"

Sui Xing said with a smile.

Curtain City is simply a natural treasure trove, with so many meteorites with huge energy, and they are only used as exhibits...

What they mined just now was only 1/10 of the level.

"That's good... let's go directly to the Tatara Steel Works, it's time to enter the next stage!"

Zhen Xing gazed through the cabin and scanned the people below. Although the altitude was completely dark, it still made him sullen.



With the departure of the Galaxy team, the entire Meteorite Park has become calm again.

It's just that the meteorite square at this moment has completely changed.

On the ground, there are cracked ruins everywhere, and several empty meteorite craters.

There were even a lot of meteorites that exploded in situ, turning into fragments and scattered all over the place.

The metal claws of the Galaxy team are not serious. When they encounter a brittle meteorite, they will be crushed like an egg, and then they will be replaced.

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