He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1714 Stealing Meteorites

"Damn it, this group of Galaxy teams dare to desecrate this place like this!"

The plane gradually moved away, which made Leisi and Miss Junsha below clenched their fists, but they had nothing to do, they could only look at the sky bitterly.

What is the purpose of this group of people to take away these meteorites? !

Everyone looked at the meteorite ruins in front of them. Although it was a mess, only about 1/10 of the meteorites inlaid under the surface had been forcibly mined out.

Don't look at the crack marks everywhere on the ground, but most of the meteorites are still standing peacefully in the soil.

"It's a blessing in misfortune..."

Miss Junsha breathed a sigh of relief, she could only say that she managed to keep the place.

Next, we need to send people, and the focus is on guarding here.

"It's just a pity that these three meteorites..."

Leisi looked at the meteorites in three of the craters with a heartbroken look.

These three meteorites, which were three to four meters wide in diameter, seemed to collapse and shatter from the inside before they were fully picked up by the Galaxy team's mechanical claws because of their brittle texture.

Then it fell in mid-air and scattered all over the place, turning into messy meteorite debris.

It's better to be robbed directly, at least there is no need to see this tragic appearance.

You must know that the well-preserved meteorite with a diameter of three or four meters is extremely precious. If it is placed elsewhere, it can be regarded as the treasure of the museum's exhibition hall!

But as the meteorite completely exploded, the value naturally dropped significantly.

Everyone looked at the scattered meteorites and didn't know what to do.

"When the time comes, notify the people from the EMI Museum to come and recycle it..."

Ms. Junsha has already taken out her walkie-talkie, and she is going to call her colleagues to come to help and protect the scene.



At this time, the sound of sand and soil moving suddenly came from a broken meteorite crater, which attracted everyone's attention.

Immediately afterwards, under the soil, a large opening and closing mouth suddenly protruded upwards, completely biting a meteorite fragment above it.

Then the big mouth contained the meteorite and dived back into the ground.

"Crack, click...!"

Although the exact body shape cannot be seen clearly, its teeth must be very good, and it can chew the meteorite like a crispy biscuit, making a crunchy sound.


Miss Junsha's flashlight shone in the past in an instant.

However, at that position, the complete main body could not be seen, but a bluish-blue shark vertical fin could be seen on the surface.

chug chug...! !

I saw that this "shark" completely regarded the land as a stream of water, and could walk freely between the sand and soil, with only one vertical fin exposed, breaking through the ground like a broken bamboo.


Realizing that he was discovered by humans, this Pokémon jumped out of the ground, and then opened and closed its mouth to the maximum.

The upper and lower oral and ear angles even reach an astonishing 120 degrees.


Immediately afterwards, he bit a meteorite fragment that was bigger than his own body, without swallowing or chewing, it just got stuck in the throat, dragging it while performing a digging move downward.

Whoa whoa whoa...!

In the blink of an eye, they dived into the undetectable underground again, and everyone could only hear the crisp sound of chewing and swallowing meteorites.

"What kind of wild Pokémon...?"

Seeing this, Miss Junsha was relieved, at least it was not the dangerous Galaxy team.

It's just that these meteorite fragments are also precious. She hurried to the middle of the ruined pit and took precautions.

"Come out, Roentgen cat!"

Immediately, Miss Junsha also released her partner Roentgen Cat.

With the departure of the Galaxy team, the radio waves that interfered with the Poké Ball disappeared, and the Poké Ball can naturally be used smoothly.

"Roentgen Cat, use your ability to see clearly what Pokémon it is!"

Miss Junsha commanded, and the blue lion cat beside her nodded. Its body was covered with a thick layer of black hair, and its sharp eyes were golden yellow, which looked full of momentum in the dark night.


Following the Roentgen cat's growl, its eyes focused, and a fan-shaped perspective light was projected outward.

Even the blocked ground, under the gaze of the Roentgen cat, there is nothing to hide and penetrate easily.

This is the unique ability of the Roentgen cat. It has eyes that can see through everything, and can find opponents hiding in the dark.

The next moment, everyone could even clearly see a round land shark sitting upside down without any image at a position about three or four meters below the crater.

"Crack, click...!"

The big mouth kept opening and closing, crushing all the meteorite fragments and swallowing them into the stomach.


While enjoying the delicious food, the round land shark suddenly trembled, feeling like someone was spying on him.

But after shaking his head, he was now in the underground enclosed on all sides, how could anyone see him?


This made it continue to swallow the meteorite with peace of mind, and within a short while, the meteorite fragments, which were larger than its entire body, disappeared completely.

"So it's a round land shark..."

Miss Junsha breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that it was just a greedy wild Pokémon that accidentally entered here.

But even so, these meteorite fragments could not be eaten indiscriminately. She quickly directed her Roentgen cat to guard the pit in the ruins and be careful.

"Strange, it's just our Curtain City, how could there be wild round land sharks?"

Reiss was secretly puzzled.

The wild round land shark is only found to inhabit near Tianguan Mountain, right?

But soon, Lei Si's expression became pleasantly surprised.

As the quasi-god's signature in the Sinnoh area, Bite Lusha has always been synonymous with power. As the quasi-god cub, Yuanlusha is a Pokémon that countless Sinnoh trainers want to tame in their dreams.

Even his younger brother Shinji tried to tame one as a powerful support.

It's just that the Yuanlu Shark is hard to find, and Shinji is busy challenging the Sinnoh Alliance, so he has no time to find and catch it.

Shinji had mentioned to him before that when this Sinnoh conference is over, he will find a special time to search and catch a round land shark for training.

As a quasi-god cub who was a late bloomer, his aptitude was naturally nothing to say.

Of course, the extremely rare number does not allow the trainer to choose at all, and it would be nice to have one.

Shinji also asked Leisi to help him find the trace information of the wild land shark when he had time, but he didn't expect to find one at the door of his house today!

"Hey, this round land shark..."

However, through the precise perspective of the roentgen cat, Xiaozhi noticed that the teeth of this round land shark were almost bare.

The deciduous teeth have not fully grown, but they still easily crush the stone minerals.

"So it's the lundi shark from Skycrown Mountain...?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up completely.

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