He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1718 Prince Bo is going to train his head first!

The smoke and dust dispersed, and Prince Bo's whole body was scorched black, standing there with a messy expression.


Opening its beak, it also spit out a cloud of black smoke.

Its physical strength has been improved, but it did not directly fall to the ground under the wave of the dragon attack, and it still stood there unyielding.

"Are you all right, Prince Bo...?"

Xiaoguang quickly ran up while carefully looking around.

Who is it that unexpectedly attacked her Prince Bo.

And this move is not only a precise lock, it even moves by itself! ?

It's hard not to do it on purpose!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we don't know why we fell on your side... By the way, didn't we hit anyone?"

After a while, Xiaozhi ran over with Yuan Lusha in his arms, and apologized repeatedly.

There are a few green trees between the two training grounds, but he didn't see if the wave of the dragon that missed hit something.

But after looking around, Xiaozhi was secretly surprised.

This wave of the dragon did fall on this training ground, why can't there be any traces on the ground?

Is it a squib?

It looks powerful, but is it actually not powerful?


However, Prince Bo, whose whole body was blown black, looked at Xiaozhi sadly, and let out a low cry to signal his existence.

"Hey, Prince Bo, why did you suddenly become dyed?"

Seeing Prince Bo standing there in pitch black, Xiaozhi asked curiously.

It seems that there are indeed some coordinating trainers in the Gorgeous Contest, who will bring beautiful accessories to their Pokémon, and even dye them... To a certain extent, it can somewhat increase the gorgeousness.

But if you dye it black, it shouldn't enhance the beauty, right?


Although Yuan Lusha couldn't understand what Xiaozhi was saying, he still nodded beside him to express his approval of Xiaozhi's words.

"Bogu Bogoo!!"

The innocent appearance of one person and one dragon also made Prince Bo completely angry, and immediately rushed to the two of them and began to reason loudly.

Xiaozhi couldn't understand the other party's language, so he could only watch in a daze.

Although the round land shark can understand...

But it also opened its mouth, looking in a daze, quietly watching the angry Prince Bo riot.

Seeing that Prince Bo was about to fight, Xiaoguang quickly grabbed the latter to comfort him.

Well, it looks like at least it wasn't intentional...

It is the precise aiming + automatic positioning, which is somewhat outrageous.

And with Xiaoguang's explanation, Xiaozhi finally understood the reason, but he still looked puzzled.

It doesn't matter if you accidentally hit it, but the Dragon Wave will turn halfway, move to dodge and intercept...?

To change the trajectory of the moves that you have already attacked, this requires Pokémon to have a very high grasp of your own moves, right?

Even among his Pokémon, there are only a few that can do this.

With the practice of the round land shark, it is completely impossible to...

The wave of the dragon, on the contrary, was due to lack of proficiency, and the aim was not completely fixed, which led to the miss.

"Speaking of which, it was the same time when Scorpio hit Prince Bo's head precisely..."

At this time, Xiao Gang next to him also came over, stroked his chin and began to analyze.

"If only Scorpio is alone, it can still be said to be Scorpio's problem... But now this situation has happened to both Scorpio and the round land shark."

Xiaogang paused, looked at Prince Bo, and finally came to a conclusion:

"Is it possible that it is actually Prince Bo's problem?"

For example, Pokémon with magnetic properties will firmly attract steel-type Pokémon and cannot let it leave the field.

And Prince Bo may also have a special power, which can passively draw the opponent's moves.

Prince Bo: "?"

It was so proud that it sprayed out a stream of water immediately, helping Xiao Gang take a hot bath.

What kind of troublemaker dares to frame the prince like this!

Seeing the hot white mist rising from the surface of the water splash, Xiaozhi nodded.

"This move is the ultimate hot water move. It has the effect of putting the opponent into a burning state. It is a good move."

It seems that after the evolution, Prince Bo is in a stage where his strength is rapidly normalizing, and new moves are popping out one after another.

But it doesn't look very hot, and there is still a long way to go from "boiling water".


But after the farce ended, Prince Bo angrily drove everyone away, leaving Xiaoguang alone.

"Bogu Bogoo!!"

Then it pointed to its own head again and again, as if it wanted to express something.


Xiaoguang has a ignorant expression. The bond between the two is still a little bit worse, and it is still too difficult to understand each other's meaning directly.

Seeing this, Prince Bo jumped directly to a nearby tree, leaned over, and began to push his head against the tree trunk continuously.

boom! boom!

Several times of impacts in a row made the whole tree tremble again and again, shaking off countless leaves and broken branches.


The violent shaking caused even a wild weed to fall from the tree, and the sticky leaves on its body were scattered all over the ground.


Realizing that he was deeply surrounded, Jie Cao'er panicked and gathered the leaves again, wrapped his body, and then hurriedly fled into the nearby bushes.

boom! ! boom! !

Prince Bo's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to use the hammer to hit the tree trunk hard.

This action made Xiao Guang finally understand.

Prince Bo is going to train his brain first!

Since they are often attacked by foreign objects in the air for no reason, and they are completely locked + unable to intercept, the target is directly aimed at Prince Bo's head...

Then as long as you train your brain to be extremely hard, wouldn't all problems be solved!

"Let me see, which trick is this...?"

Xiaoguang quickly took out the illustration book, checked the related moves of the head hammer, and quickly locked on a move.

iron head!

Attacking with a steel-hard head is more powerful than steel wings, and sometimes even makes the opponent into a state of cowering and unable to move.

If you can cultivate your own head into a steel head, then no matter the strange moves aimed at by the lock, you can break it open directly, right?

"Okay, Prince Bo, use the iron head trick on that tree!!"

Xiaoguang was also full of fighting spirit, and immediately commanded loudly.

Prince Bo understands that it is so proud that it will never allow itself to be attacked by foreign objects again and again, which makes it completely reduced to the status of a comedian and clown in the team.


With his head sideways, he slammed into the tree trunk again.

This time, Prince Bo hammered down a wild three-bee, and soon fluttered its wings in panic and flew away.

boom! !

boom! !

The next morning, Prince Bo did nothing but slam his head against the tree trunk.

The waist of the entire thick and tall tree was sunken into an arc by it.

However, the successive blows to the head did not change anything other than making Prince Bo's head red and swollen...

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