He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1719 Headhammer Master!

At lunch, everyone was sitting together again, and their Pokémon were scattered around, enjoying their food.

"Does it still hurt, Prince Bo...?"

Xiaoguang carefully helped Prince Bo's head to cover the position of the Tianling Gai, and lightly applied plaster.

It stands to reason that after practicing for a long time, even if you can't master the iron head move, there will always be a slight metallic luster in the position of the skull, right?

No effect at all.

Is it because he has not yet evolved into Emperor Nabo and has not acquired the steel attribute?

"Even if Prince Bo has evolved, it may be very difficult."

At this time, Plantina's voice suddenly appeared in her mind.

This made Xiaoguang's eyes brighten, yes, why didn't he think of asking the magical sister Plantina first! ?

"There's no particular reason, the Pogamans had a hard time mastering the iron head move..."

However, Platina's answer was very simple and rude.

Not any Pokémon can easily master the moves of this attribute. It seems that every Pokémon has its own racial shackles.

It's like the dragon dance move that even the big rock snake can do, but the biting land shark can't.

Of course, this is not inevitable, it's just that the difficulty of biting Lu Shark and mastering the Dragon Dance will become very high.

The same is true for Prince Bo's family, that is, her emperor Nabo, metal claws, steel wings, iron hoof rays...steel attribute moves are easy to master, but it is difficult to master the iron head moves.

"Ah, there is still such a saying...?"

Xiaoguang was very surprised. As a newbie, she knew for the first time that there was such a saying.

Immediately looking at Prince Bo who was sitting on the ground, although his head was swollen, but his expression was still unyielding, Xiaoguang's expression also turned worried.

This guy, I guess he will also train his iron head moves intensively in the afternoon, right?


"Did something happen, Xiaoguang?"

Seeing what seemed to be going on here, Xiaozhi walked over curiously.

As an "old-timer" who has traveled to many regions, if Xiaoguang encounters any problems, he will still try his best to help.

I understand the whole story, although I don't know why Prince Bo suddenly wants to master the iron head move...

But in Xiaozhi's dictionary, there is no move that cannot be mastered.

His Bi Diao can be bred by Brother Chi to become a tool bird that masters a hodgepodge of all kinds of messy moves, and it is no problem for Prince Bo to master the iron head.

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi said:

"It's very easy to master the iron head trick, you can ask the head hammer master to help you with special training!"

"Master Headhammer?"


Xiaoguang and Prince Bo turned their heads at the same time, looking at Xiaozhi curiously.

Then he looked in the direction pointed by the latter's finger.

But seeing that position, the Pokémon of the three were completely released, each enjoying the food.

Among them, the tallest one is undoubtedly a gray-black dinosaur-type Pokémon.

The heavy and bulky body, especially the top of the head, protruded from a sapphire-like swollen hard shell, with unparalleled hardness.

Warhammer Dragon!

"That's right, my War Hammer Dragon has mastered all the head hammer moves, and it can definitely give your Prince Bo a special iron head training!"

Xiaozhi waved his chest and said to himself.

Whether it's the head hammer of general attributes, the unique move of the rocket head hammer... or the iron head of various attributes, the mind hammer, or even the extremely destructive double-edged head hammer, these are the special moves of the war hammer dragon.


Prince Bo understood, and immediately walked up with steady steps, ready to ask Zhanmailong for advice.


On the other side, the Warhammer Dragon, who was sitting on the smooth floor, grabbed food and kept stuffing it into its big mouth, looked at the penguin who suddenly came over inexplicably.

With a menacing and arrogant look, it thought it was going to provoke itself.

As a kid in the former team, but now he has become the big brother in the new team, Zhanmailong naturally has no interest in this little penguin, and eats food on his own.

It's just that the lower body of the Warhammer Dragon is thick and wide, but the upper body is much narrower, especially the upper limbs are surprisingly short.

This makes it have to lean forward a lot when grabbing food, so that it can touch the food smoothly.


However, at the next moment, Prince Bo took the initiative to shoot a freezing ray, creating a protruding icicle on the ground, almost completely pressing the food in front of the mouth of the Warhammer Dragon.

Only then did Zhanmailong realize that Prince Bo, who walked over like a cockfighting cock with a haughty expression, was trying to curry favor with himself?


Thinking of this, Zhanmailong grasped the food and enjoyed it smoothly, while pointing in the direction of his back, motioning for Prince Bo to give it a thump on the back.

Because the upper limbs are too short, Warmaulosaurus can't touch its back at all.

Xiaozhi often couldn't control his strength, and often scratched it and his back hurt...just in need of a little brother who beat his back for help.


Seeing the other party commanding him as if he was a younger brother, this also made the arrogant Prince Bo angry, and he was about to explode on the spot.

But when I think that if I don't master the iron head move, I might become a clown in the team in the future...

The head hammer master in front of him is the shortcut necessary for it to master the iron head moves.


Thinking of this, Prince Bo took a long breath, tried to calm himself down, and walked slowly behind Zhanmailong.

The latter also tilted his back slightly, indicating that the latter could start beating his back.

The next moment, Prince Bo's sharp beak was covered with white light, instantly extending the length by 2/3.

chug chug! !

Immediately, it pecked at the back of the Warhammer Dragon in such a continuous manner, and a low impact sound could be heard every time it was pecked.


However, with such a violent pecking move, the Hammer Dragon let out a low growl comfortably.

For flying attribute moves, Warhammer Dragon has 1/2 resistance...

Really Gua Sha!


During the process, it didn't even forget to turn its head and ask Prince Bo if he didn't eat just now, why is his strength so weak?

The Hammer Dragon used a bluff move, and Prince Bo's attack power was greatly increased.


Provoked, Prince Bo's beak extended again by a few centimeters, and the fierce beak impact crazily impacted on the back of the War Hammer Dragon.

chug chug! !

Like a woodpecker driving a pile, it made a high-frequency vibrating sound.

Such a high-intensity offensive has already begun to hurt the Hammer Dragon...


But when the body is injured, it is the most perfect critical point for massage and scraping. This makes the War Hammer Dragon let out a low growl, almost overflowing.

And the other humans and Pokémon around just stared blankly...


Afterwards, after the general health care was over, the Warhammer Dragon's face was full of red light.


He even waved his short hand to signal Prince Bo to follow its pace.

Next is it, the head hammer master, and teach it how to cultivate a steel head!


Seeing that his bird's beak was about to thump crookedly and finally paid off, Prince Bo hurriedly gathered his mind to keep up with the former's pace.

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