He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1720 Riolu vs. Lucario! (superior)

the next morning.

In the central dojo of the Curtain Gym, several people have already entered.

On the flat and spacious wooden floor, Ah Li was standing at one end of the arena, concentrating...

Similarly, Lucario in front of him also had the same expression.

This Lucario is the Pokémon that Ali hatched from the egg, and it is also her initial Pokémon. The intimacy is completely full and the tacit understanding is full.

On the other end, Xiaozhi has also stood at the challenger's end.


Riolu also set up his posture, ready to fight.

The two had already made an appointment to fight, and now is the agreed time.

Xiao Gang and Xiao Guang sat next to each other, watching closely.

The infighting between a pair of evolutionary types, this game is still very interesting.

Xiaoguang also deliberately released her Prince Bo, who also knelt beside him.

"Bogoo, Bogoo...!"

But at this moment, Prince Bo didn't pay attention to the arena. Instead, he tilted his head sideways, slamming forward time and time again, hitting the air in front of him.

According to the guidance of the head hammer master Warhammer Dragon, it has now fully mastered the essentials of the iron head's movements.

What's missing is proficiency.


The serious Ali on the side made weird expressions from time to time.

This penguin keeps bumping into the air, is there something serious wrong?

"Then, in the Curtain Gym Challenge, one Pokémon will win! Start now!"

In the middle of the arena, the old fighter referee shouted loudly.

Ah Li didn't know Xiaozhi's identity, he just thought he was a powerful trainer who came to fry fish.

But using only Riolu... she can win today!

"Go all out, Lucario!!"


One person and one dog gave a high-pitched shout to boost their morale.

The battle begins!

"Riolu, use Lightning Flash!!"

With a fixed gaze, Xiaozhi took the lead in attacking.

Leo Lu kicked the ground, his body turned into a stream of white light and dashed out, hitting Lucario's chest fiercely.

"Lucario, use Bullet Punch!"

However, Lucario also used a preemptive move, holding a fist in his hand, covering it with a metal cold light, and smashing out a swift iron fist.

Whoosh! !

Two muffled sounds sounded at the same time, but Lucario itself has built-in resistance to general attribute moves, and the flash of lightning hurts scraping, and it still stands there firmly.

And Lucario's bullet fist hit Leolu's chest firmly, flying it out heavily.

"It's not over yet, use the vacuum wave!!"

However, Riolu, who flew upside down, was adjusting his body shape, and at the same time as he was spinning in the air, his short blue tail twirled and shot out a light blue energy slash.


The fierce vacuum wave exploded on Lucario's body!

The two preemptive moves hit the target back and forth, and finally made the latter take a step back.

"Bullet punch...?"

But after seeing the opponent's move, Xiao Zhi secretly memorized it.

The first move is fast, but it hurts scraping...then win with numbers.

Relying on the extremely fast speed, if he can hit a combination of lightning flash, vacuum wave, and bullet punch at one time, the damage stacked together will be considerable.


"It really is amazing..."

Ah Li's brows did not relax. After this fight, this Leo Lu did not lose the wind.

But Xiaozhi raised the corner of his mouth, raised his hand and said loudly:

"We have more, Riolu, use the bone stick to fight!!"


Riolu understood, put his hands together in front of his chest, and then swiped to the sides, holding a long and slender energy bone rod in his palm.

The next moment, he rushed over with the bone stick in hand.

"Lucario, we also use bone sticks to fight!!"

Ali responded quickly.

Outrageous, this move is the one Lucario tried to use after watching her a few days ago, did he fully master it so quickly?

Even the hand movements are the same!

Lucario also condensed a slender bone stick, and also rushed out to face the opponent's attack.

Bang bang! !

Bang bang! !

In the blink of an eye, the bone sticks in the hands of two figures, one big and one small, had collided violently for several rounds, and there were continuous heavy explosions on the field.

Every time they collide, glittering sparks burst out to the surroundings, completely like the heavy impact of two iron rods.

However, Lucario's size is larger, and he has an absolute advantage in terms of strength and power point, and he can press down on Riolu to fight from top to bottom.

Swipe! !

While waving the bone stick, Lucario's pupils shrank, he caught the opponent's attack flaw, and immediately slammed down the bone stick in his hand.

This was the perfect angle of attack. If Riolu wanted to cross the bone rod to resist, he would only be cut directly by its attack.

As expected, Riolu made a gesture of crossing the bone stick.


However, Riolu suddenly tightened his face, exerted a little force on his palm, and pressed down.


Before Lucario's bone rod fell off, Riolu's waveguide bone rod had already actively broken and turned into two scattered small bone rods.

Taking advantage of the opponent's full swing, the open and close moves also exposed the main body's flaws.


Riolu let out a low snort, held two sticks, and struck Lucario's left and right waist respectively.

Bang bang! !

There was a muffled sound of collision, and Lucario was directly repelled by the attack aimed at the waist.

When he landed, he couldn't help but staggered, only feeling some pain in his kidneys.

Seeing that the blow was successful, Riolu turned the small bone stick in his hand, looking like he was playing with flowers, Ah Li also secretly marveled:

"In such a short time, is the proficiency so high...?"

Seeing that the opponent charged again with two sticks in hand, Ah Li took a deep breath to keep his mind in a state of high concentration.

The last time she played against Shinji, she was so confused that she couldn't command at all.

This time, she deliberately meditated for 2 days, and the state of herself and Lucario was raised to a perfect state.

call out! call out! !

Lucario, whose mind was also highly concentrated, had calm eyes, but his body moved instantaneously in response to his mind, dodging all of Riolu's two-stick attack.

"Use Fa Jin now!"

The next moment, Lucario's palm came out with lightning, and it was actually attached to Riolu's belly in an instant, and the latter had no time to react.

Boom! !

The powerful explosion energy burst out at once, directly blasting Riolu into the air.

"Throw the bone stick out!!"

However, Riolu, who flew upside down, simply threw the two bone sticks in his hand directly.

Bone stick nudge is originally a move of Gala Gala, the initial effect is to throw the bone stick out, causing damage.

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