He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1721 Riolu vs. Lucario! (Down)


Riolu's bone club hit Lucario precisely, and even when it came into contact, the bone club exploded violently, bursting out with a strong impact force.

But he saw that the two people in the arena flew upside down at the same time, presenting an evenly matched situation again.

"What about the intense battle..."

"Riolu isn't at a disadvantage at all..."

Xiaoguang and Xiaogang commented with serious eyes, not daring to look away.


Prince Bo still maintains the movement of lowering his head to hit the air, but his eyeballs are moved up to the limit. While practicing the iron head move, he is paying attention to the field.

"Tsk, what a tough Riolu."

Ah Li bit his lip, secretly having a headache.

Obviously she is already fighting with all her strength, the next script should present a one-sided situation!

With her current state, Ali is even confident that she won't lose to Shinji's duck-billed fire dragon, or tie with Xiaoguang's wave prince.

But even so, this difficult Riolu was still able to forcibly level the situation without suffering a bit of loss.

"Is it because of the trainer...?"

Ah Li turned his gaze to the rear, and Xiao Zhi's command was undoubtedly very precise, making the most of Riolu's advantages.

Pokémon with high potential, coupled with strong command...

"You haven't lost yet, Lucario, use the wave missile!!"

Ah Li punched out and shouted loudly.

Hearing this command, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and finally came to Riolu's round, and he immediately shouted equally loudly:

"Riolu, we also use wave missiles!!"

Although the other moves were forcibly leveled by his command, Riolu was still slightly inferior.

But if it was a wave missile, Riolu would not hesitate at all.

"Luka...!" "Leo...!"

The next moment, Lucario and Leolu at both ends of the field closed their palms at the same time, and began to condense their wave missiles.

Buzz buzz...!

The blue energy bullet quickly formed and expanded between the palms of the two.

Then they launched at the same time, colliding violently in the center of the arena without any fancy!

The wave missile collided with the wave missile, and the two wave missiles of the same size squeezed and pushed violently, trying to push the other side back.

Boom boom boom...! !

Until the energy could not be maintained, both of them exploded, causing a violent explosion.

The wave missiles that exploded contained powerful waveguide energy, turning into a storm of chaotic energy and blowing in all directions!

This violent attack even affected the two of them...Lucario and Leolu were actually retreated by their own offensive, and the damage was not light.

"Is it evenly matched?"

Ah Li's expression changed again. This time there was no trickery, it was just a confrontation with the power of waveguide. Even so, did he still not win?

How terrifying will this power be when the opponent evolves into Lucario? !


Lucario was also secretly surprised, this junior seems to be really amazing...


However, Riolu was not satisfied with the tie ending. He tightened his face, clenched his fists, and was imposing.

The next moment, he dropped his palm to his waist again, and condensed a second wave missile.

"Do you want to rely on wave missiles to decide the victory...Lucario, don't lose to it, use the most powerful wave missiles!!"

Now that the opponent issued a direct challenge, as an evolved Lucario, Ali had no reason to back down, and immediately issued the same command.


Lucario's fighting spirit was also fully aroused, and the second wave missile began to condense between its palms.

In the blink of an eye, the wave missiles of the two had condensed to twice the size of a basketball.

This size is okay for Lucario, but for the small Leo, the scene is somewhat scary.


However, with Riolu's growl, the wave missile inflated in its hand has not been frozen yet, and is still expanding!

This time, Riolu couldn't even lift it on his waist, but propped up his hands and raised them completely flat above his head...

Similarly, the wave missile in the palm was also lifted above the head by it.

Buzz buzz...!

There were bursts of high-frequency vibrations, and the naked eye could faintly see light blue ripples, spreading like ripples.

And Riolu's wave missiles also began to collide continuously at an alarming speed...until it turned into a giant wave missile with a diameter of about 1.5 meters!

Even at this moment, Riolu's originally brown-red pupils turned light blue, and his aura instantly became mysterious and erratic.

"How can it be...?!"


This scene completely stupefied Ah Li and Lucario on the opposite side.

Isn't the size of your wave missile a little outrageous? !

Compared with this, the wave missile in Lucario's hand suddenly turned into a small ball.

"What a surging power..."

The onlookers, Xiao Guang and Xiao Gang, also stared wide-eyed in disbelief.

Even Prince Bo was stunned there, holding his breath subconsciously, and even forgot the iron head practice.

At this moment, the size of this wave missile even far exceeds that of Riolu...

Carried on top of the head, there is a sense of horror like a child holding a big tripod.

But Xiaozhi nodded as expected.

The previous wave missiles were just ordinary wave missiles...

But Riolu is a trained waveguide messenger, who can use his own waveguide power in his own moves.

Adding it to the bone stick can even produce a "grenade" effect, throwing it out to hit people has an unexpected explosive ability.

For wave missiles, it is just a no-frills increase in size.

Large size means terrifying power... It can be said that the power of this wave missile at this moment has reached an extremely powerful and exaggerated level.

This is a move that Lucario, who has not mastered the "power of waveguide" through cultivation, can use.


The next moment, with a low shout from Riolu, the raised little hand swung forward violently.

The giant wave missile also flew towards the target following Riolu's guidance.

"Lucario, hurry up and use the wave missile!!"

Seeing his own Lucario standing there in a daze, Ah Li quickly reminded him.

The latter woke up startled, and quickly threw the energy ball in his hand as well.


However, two wave missiles, one big and one giant, collided in the center of the arena, this time it was not evenly matched.

In just an instant, Lucario's wave missile was directly shattered, turning into meaningless wave guide air waves, and scattered away.

And Riolu's giant wave missile still rushed out like a bamboo shoot.

Finally, in Lucario's widened pupils, this giant wave missile completely surrounded it.

Boom! !

There was an unusually violent blasting sound in the entire Curtain Gymnasium, and the whole room was shaking violently...!

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