He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1722 Determined to be by the lake

Riolu's giant wave missile swept down, completely engulfing Lucario's figure.

The downward-sloping wave missile finally fell to the ground completely.

Violently shaken, the entire wooden floor bent visibly until it cracked as soon as it touched the edge of the wave missile.


In the end, there was a violent explosion, and at this moment, the dojo room of the Curtain Gymnasium completely shattered on Ah Li's side of the ground!

The violent shaking even made several people wonder if the room was about to collapse.

Facing this move recently, Ah Li's face changed even more, his eyes were fixed on the front, and he was extremely worried.


When the smoke dissipated, the entire dojo directly burst into a seven or eight-meter-wide collapsed pit, and the cracks in the wooden boards were still spreading towards the surroundings.

This dojo is directly scrapped.

In the middle of the ruins, Lucario simply fell there, completely unconscious.

The gigantic wave missile is even an attribute restraint move, defeating it at once!


Ah Li quickly and carefully jumped up. With such an exaggerated posture, her Lucario won't go straight to heaven, right?

But the referee uncle next to him looked at the messy ruins in front of him, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

He casually glanced at the camera in the corner of the ceiling, and quickly declared in a loud and clear voice:

"The victory and defeat have already been decided, this Gym Challenge is won by Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!"

Fortunately, it was said before the game that this is the Gym Challenge.

If it's just Ah Li's private fight, he can't ask the higher ups for reimbursement...

There are cameras in the gymnasium to record the normal process of the game. Next, as long as the footage that was clearly stated before the game as the gymnasium challenge and the scene was indeed destroyed during the battle is uploaded as evidence, then the maintenance of the gymnasium will not be a big problem.


On the other hand, Riolu, who had released the huge wave missile, was not feeling well.


It let out a long breath, and the blue pupils in its eyes returned to the brownish red of the past.

It seems that every time Riolu incorporates the power of waveguide into his moves, the color of his eyes will change.

This made Xiaozhi secretly curious, when he rubbed out a wave missile in the future, would the pupils of his eyes also change color?

Then Riolu just half-kneeled on the ground, panting violently.

It was the first time to release such a huge wave missile, which almost exhausted all its stamina.

"It's okay, Riolu...!"

Xiaozhi hurriedly followed and helped him up carefully.

This force is really powerful, even if this Lucario is full of blood, it is estimated that it can be killed instantly with full blood.

But obviously the current Riolu still can't precisely control this move.

At least it is impossible to add the effect of wave missile "sure hit" to this move, and it can be dodged by the opponent.

It's just that Lucario, who also has arrogance and self-esteem, chose to block this move head-on, which made him lose so easily.

"The next important thing is to master this power well, Riolu!"

So Xiaozhi rubbed the latter's head and said seriously.


Although his body was empty, Riolu still struggled to stand upright, and responded solemnly.

Its relationship with Xiaozhi is different from other Pokémon, more like the relationship between Lucario and Aaron.

Even if the subordinates are apprentices, they are also partners and friends.

Feeling the feeling of evolution in his body, he was already ready to move, but Riolu still kept his eyes fixed, and did not choose to complete the evolution at this moment.


Afterwards, Ah Li gave Xiao Zhi the paving stone badge.

Although Xiaozhi didn't hold the idea of ​​collecting all eight badges and participating in the alliance meeting...but he still accepted the badges.

It's also pretty at home.

Speaking of which, he now owns the three badges of the Sinnoh region without knowing it.

"Speaking of Xiaozhi... Well, the power of waveguide, can you teach my Lucario?"

When they were about to part, Ah Li poked his fingers and begged coyly.

But for this request, Xiaozhi could only shrug his shoulders helplessly, expressing his rejection.

He didn't mind handing over the cultivation method of waveguide power to Ah Li.

In Orudoran back then, Queen Lynn also said that anyone with a good heart can teach the cultivation method of waveguide power.

But he really has no time!

The cultivation of the power of waveguide is not a quick process. At the beginning, it was the teacher Lucario who taught by example and took a very short time to complete the study.

He hasn't fully cultivated yet, let alone teach Ah Li, and he doesn't have time to stay in Veil City.

"Uh...I suggest you go to Iron Island, it is said that there is a waveguide envoy there."

Xiaozhi backhandedly relayed the information he got from the Heavenly King Wusong.

He will also go to that place in the future, to see what kind of painting style the other waveguide envoys have.

"I see...!"

Knowing the information, Ah Li was very grateful.

She knew about Iron Island, it seemed to be an overseas island in the west of the Sinnoh continent, but it was the first time she had heard of a waveguide envoy on it.

In exchange, Ah Li also told Xiaozhi what he knew.

"Do you know the magical phenomenon of mega evolution? As far as I know, Lucario has the possibility of mega evolution."

"Mega evolution?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment after hearing this, and his eyes fell on the black bracelet on his wrist, which was inlaid with a strange round bead.

He always wears the keystone bracelet needed for mega evolution.

He is naturally familiar with this evolution, but Ah Li has only heard the rumors, and he doesn't even know what is on Xiaozhi's wrist.

"Didn't expect that Lucario could also mega evolve... Next, I can look for mega stones."

Xiaozhi secretly kept this information in his heart.

At that time, Riolu will complete the evolution, and then mega-evolve, coupled with the surging and powerful waveguide power... This power is estimated to be very terrifying!



After finishing the gymnasium battle in Veil City, the three of Xiaozhi embarked on the journey again.

Going all the way down Curtain City, you will arrive at Lizhi Lake, one of the three famous lakes in the Sinnoh area.

Although all three lakes are famous, Lizhi Lake is arguably the most commercially successful lake.

Compared with the other two lakes, it is only famous, but in fact, few people go there for sightseeing. There will be an endless stream of tourists visiting the lakeside of Lizhi Lake all year round.

Even near the lake, a tourist resort comparable to the size of a town was built accordingly.

And this resort is about to hold a gorgeous contest... This is also the destination of Xiaozhi and his party.

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