He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1723 Three Fist Roll-Eared Rabbit!

"This year's gorgeous contest grand celebration will be held here!"

Along the way, Xiaoguang enthusiastically introduced to the two of them.

And the gorgeous competition that will be held here soon is a special gorgeous competition... called the Mikri Cup.

"Mikeli Cup?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback, why did this prefix sound so familiar.

"That's right, the Mikri Cup is a gorgeous competition held by Master Mikri himself... It will be held around the world, and the winners will receive ribbon medals, and even gorgeous large-scale competitions in any region Use it at the celebration!"

Xiaoguang's eyes were fiery, and his tone couldn't help but hastened a lot.

Only with the status of Master Mikri, it is possible to make the ribbon of this conference a universal ribbon.

"Sounds incredible..."

Xiaozhi was secretly amazed.

He doesn't know much about the gorgeous contest, but he understands badges.

If a Gym Badge comes out now, it can be exchanged for use at alliance conferences in any region...he will also be very interested.

It seems that compared to Mikri, who is the regional champion, this is already a top honor.

But his status in the gorgeous conference seems to be higher than the "regional champion"!

"But in this case, the difficulty of this Mikoli Cup is not easy..."

Xiao Gang did not forget to remind.

Since there is such a universal universal oil ribbon, it also means that Xiaoguang's next opponent is not just the coordination trainer in the Sinnoh region.

Coordination trainers from other regions will probably come to compete for this ribbon!

Especially Pokémon that haven't been seen in other regions... This will take the difficulty of the game up a notch.

Speaking of which, it seems that the Kanto region in my hometown is also organizing a gorgeous contest recently...

Xiaogang rubbed his chin. The competitions that originally started in the Yoshien area and became popular in the Sinnoh area have now sprung up in the Kanto area, and have been carried out one after another.

"I see, it's okay this time~!"

Xiaoguang waved her chest confidently, but there was no response from Pogaman's cry for a long time, which made her stunned for a while.

Prince Bo was still in the poke ball at this time, and was not in his arms.

Next to him, Xiaozhi also showed a rare expression of interest.

"Can you fight trainers from other regions...?"

The Mikoli Cup is a good opportunity to get to know foreign Pokémon once.

I heard that Mr. Mikri will also be on stage to host at that time, maybe we can fight against him again then!

The three of them immediately quickened their pace and headed towards the shore of Lizhi Lake.


Route 214.

Here is a flat and wet prairie road, along the way you can see a lot of lakes and small pits, even the soil is soft.

If you don't pay attention, you may step on a sunken mud puddle, splashing muddy water on your trouser legs.

But I have to say that the environment here is quite pleasant.

"Then rest here for now."

As the person in charge of marching and resting in the team, Xiaogang chose a relatively flat slope, put down his luggage, opened the portable table, and prepared food.


A bronze mirror monster was suspended on the shoulder, flying unsteadily in mid-air.

The power of thought to move things in the air can help Xiao Gang a lot.

Seeing that there was free time, Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang both chose an open space and released their Pokémon.


As soon as he appeared on the stage, Prince Bo enthusiastically ran to the side of Zhanmailong, and motioned for the latter to continue to help him cultivate the iron head.


Seeing this, Zhanmaolong did not refuse, and walked slowly to the side with heavy steps.

If you walk too fast, you will appear to be incompetent.

Since Prince Bo would take the initiative to beat his back with his bird's beak on weekdays, Zhanmailong, who had enjoyed the ultimate enjoyment, was willing to give pointers.

However, it is surrounded by flat and open grasslands, and there are no thick tree stumps or hard rocks for hitting the head...

The recent head hammer training of Prince Bo is not without results.

After the guidance of its head hammer master, even if it is difficult for the race to master the "iron head" move, Prince Bo is still a little bit of an iron head.

On the top of the head, a faint layer of metallic silver can already be seen.

It's time for some intensity!

Not only that, Prince Bo's beak is also brand new at this moment, under the sunlight, it can even reflect a flickering light.

Continuously attacking the back of the Warhammer Dragon with pecks is also grinding the hardness of Prince Bo's beak.

Even under this kind of training, Prince Bo has mastered the new move of "random attack", which can attack the back of Zhanmaolong from five directions at the same time in an instant.

"Come on, Prince Bo!!"

Xiao Guang encouraged him from a distance, but did not make a sound to stop him.

Last time, she "forcibly" changed Prince Bo's wishes and let the latter choose to evolve... This made Xiaoguang feel somewhat guilty.

No matter what Prince Bo wants to do next, she will fully support the latter to accomplish it.

But now with the guidance of a famous teacher, Xiaoguang can't do much, he can only use his kung fu to train other Pokémon.

"Curly-eared rabbit, feel the aura of Pachiris, and use Thunder Fist!!"


The curly-eared rabbit nodded, but he didn't look at Pachiris at all, but turned his head to look in the direction of Pikachu.

Well, they are all electric mice, obviously Pikachu can stimulate her potential for electric energy!


The next moment, the curled-up soft ears of the rabbit began to emit a faint electric arc.

With a punch, a gust of wind was stirred up, and the electric current was also crackling...

The moves of Thunder Fist had begun to take shape.

Since Curly-Eared Rabbit has mastered the Frozen Fist, Xiaoguang has also started to actively let the former practice Thunder Fist and Flame Fist.

"Pokemon with general attributes have the most average quality, but they can also master moves with the most attributes."

This is the principle that Xiaowang's capuchin cat taught Xiaoguang back then.

Then its curl-eared rabbit can completely learn the former way, confuse the opponent with flexible posture and movements, and then perform moves of various attributes!

As for Patch Leeds, Xiaoguang's positioning of it is more to follow Plantina's suggestion.

Use various auxiliary moves to confuse opponents, assist teammates to attack...

Simply put, be a tool electric mouse!

"Patch Liz, use the Straw Knot!!"

Thinking of this, Xiaoguang commanded loudly.

Next, she didn't insist on asking Paciliz to increase the power and train the powerful moves of "one hundred thousand volts" and "thunder", but turned in a different direction and chose the weird and versatile move of "tying straw knots".

The surrounding grass is lush and lush, which is a suitable move for practicing grass knotting.

However, Paciliz accumulated strength, but the height and flexibility of the straw knots triggered were very touching, and obviously could not be used in actual combat.


However, the wood turtle with a simple and honest personality walked over slowly, and with a flash of green light in his eyes, a tenacious grass knot more than one meter high condensed and grew in front of Patchiliz in an instant.

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