He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1724 Legal Inheritance

After finishing, the forest turtle gave a low cry, indicating that the grass knot is used in this way.


However, the mischievous Pachilitz doesn't seem to approve of the wood turtle's overtures, saying that you are a plant turtle, so you can naturally use grass knots as you want.

It's just an electric mouse, how can this kind of move be used so easily.

While talking, he still didn't forget to use its wide and big tail to point to Pikachu who was dozing in the distance.

That chubby foreign electric mouse will definitely not know this trick!


Pikachu turned his back to the two, and although he couldn't see what happened, his ears stood up.

Then it didn't turn around, but raised a short hand on the spot.


In the next moment, several flexible vines sprouted from the lawn under Pachiris, directly tying up Pachiris and lifting it into the air.

His limbs were bound tightly, and he couldn't break free at all.

You actually look down on the old man, let me teach you a lesson first!

Pikachu's grass knotting is very proficient. Cooperating with the terrain of the surrounding lawn plants, he even turned the "stumbling" move of grass knotting into the effect of imprisonment.


This scene made the Curly-Eared Rabbit, who had been paying attention all the time, even more elated!

As expected of the Pikachu it had taken a fancy to, it didn't even turn its head, it just showed them a lonely and fat back.


This made the electric sparks on the curl-eared rabbit's ears bigger, the electric arcs moved, and the proficiency of the Thunder Fist soared.

The Pokémon in front of Xiaoguang suddenly became chaotic.


However, the Queen Bee bent her body slightly, as if she was half-sitting in the air, and the wings behind her were still flapping slightly.

The ruby ​​eyes did not pay attention to the chaotic companions, but were completely withdrawn, calmly looking towards the distance of the lawn, revealing a cold and aloof temperament.

Obviously the queen bee should be the youngest existence in the team.

But at this moment, after completing the evolution, she is completely the big brother... the big sister in the team, and will not get involved in the children's quarrel between Pachi Liz and the others.


On the other side, Xiaozhi is also training and directing his Pokémon.

These guys are now in a period of rapid growth in strength, and their strength is completely different every day.

"Riolu, continue to practice your waveguide power!"

For Riolu, other moves are all gimmicky, and the waveguide power that comes with it is undoubtedly its biggest killer.

If you can master this power proficiently, you will instantly surpass ordinary Pokémon.

"Mikebird, do you still remember the movement of Mr. Leisi's Mookhawk? Use the brave bird to attack!!"

By pointing at his own door, Xiao Zhi commanded loudly.


The Muke bird screamed loudly, hovering in the air, and with the vibration of its wings, its body instantly flew down like a sharp arrow.

The surface of the body even faintly flickered with a faint blue energy luster, making the momentum rise instantly.

Brave Bird Attack, this is a big move of the flying attribute, it will cause violent collision damage at one time, but it will also suffer a certain amount of anti-injury effect...

Rounding off, high-voltage electric shocks of flying attributes.

When he was still in Veil City, he saw that Xiaozhi still had a Muke bird, and Leisi released his Muke eagle, showing the attacking moves of the brave bird.

It's not a big deal.


But just after putting on the blue energy coat of Brave Bird's onslaught, the Muke Bird's movements began to become messy, and its flying appearance was even more unsteady, and it was about to fall and fall in the direction of Prince Bo.

Obviously, it will take some time to fully master this flying attribute big move.

But when he spread his wings in front of the Muke bird, his figure passed over Prince Bo's head, making the latter feel chilly above his head.

"Swimming ring Itachi, keep using the water jet!"

As for the belligerent swimming ring ferret, it kept covering its body with a coat of water flow, but then it didn't just rush out, but untied the water flow on the spot.


Repeatedly, the swimming ring Itachi kept repeating this action.

This is a tactic that Xiaozhi and Swimming Ring Itachi came up with together.

The characteristic of the swimming ferret is brisk, and it can double its speed in rainy days... But in fact, as long as the body is in contact with wet water, this speed increase will work.

It's still too slow to use the rain by myself...

So Xiaozhi wanted to use the characteristics of water jets to keep that layer of water flow coat.

This means that as soon as Swimming Ring Itachi uses this preemptive move, he simultaneously activates a personal-scale "begging for rain" move, activating the brisk characteristic.

It's just an ideal idea, but it's not easy to realize it.

With the end of the water jet move, the energy water flow on the surface of the swimming ring Itachi also dissipated, making it difficult to maintain.


Swimming ring Itachi put on a stance, with a firm gaze, and continued to try to complete this combination punch.

The number of Pokémon carried by Xiaozhi is not a lot, far more than six.

Although Brother Chi is not around, it seems that the number of elves carried by the former is still legally inherited by Xiaozhi, and he can still carry the upper limit of 12 Pokémon with him for computer system storage.



Not far away, Scorpio and Yuanlu Shark were sitting next to each other, whispering, not knowing what they were talking about.

Both of them are tiger-headed and tiger-brained, with carefree personalities, and they are both ground-type Pokémon, so they became good friends as soon as they met.

And they all attacked Bogaman (Prince Bo), which is still very interesting.


This appearance made Prince Bo, who was practicing with the Warhammer Dragon in the distance, shudder.

These two guys are not discussing how to join forces to attack themselves next time, right?


Seeing that Prince Bo was distracted, Zhanmailong let out a low growl in displeasure, which made Prince Bo quickly focus on him.

That's right, as long as the iron head is practiced well, no matter what kind of attack comes next, it will not be effective.

The clown will only be the other party!


Seeing that his Pokémon were training in an orderly manner, Xiao Zhi also put his hips on his hips and looked in front of him with satisfaction.

Unknowingly, after coming to the Sinnoh area, he has tamed quite a few Pokémon.

There is also the old antique flower rock monster, which is lying quietly on the dining table at the moment, and Xiao Gang regards it as a heavy stone to press the tablecloth.

The Huayan monster doesn't like to float out in the daytime. Usually, at this time, it basically sleeps in the stone pier.

This also made Xiaozhi's eyes fall in front of him.


At this moment, the little flame monkey is looking at Xiaozhi eagerly. It has not fully adapted to the happy atmosphere in the team.

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